Forum Post: Trolls must be Cops. Trolls hate it when you send them a private message...
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 11:25 p.m. EST by USCitizenVoter
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I sent a few of them private messages so the whole world didn't get to read their response to me. What a joke. LOL Try it out they Hate it..LOL
jenga5 (Washington, DC) 2 points 8 minutes ago
Pretty sad the Occupy peons have to sleep in vacant buildings as their leaders sleep in the lap of luxury:
Private messages to and from jenga5 USCitizenVoter said 4 minutes ago at Nov. 20, 2011, 2:49 p.m. EST (delete)
WA WA WA BAWA give me the vise grips
jenga5 said 26 minutes ago at Nov. 20, 2011, 2:27 p.m. EST (delete)
You are entitled to your opinion, loser. But to anything of mine, you will never be. Thanks for the visuals, i.e. pondscum/puke references. Since I "don't know you, Pal," I'm just going to assume you just don't have any social skills and that you are not just a generally disgusting turd of a person. Otherwise, quit wasting your time with me--go get a better job and take care of your wife.
USCitizenVoter said 1 hour ago at Nov. 20, 2011, 1:52 p.m. EST (delete)
wow pondscum having fun?
USCitizenVoter said 1 hour ago at Nov. 20, 2011, 1:50 p.m. EST (delete)
your a pile of puke
Wow, thank you! I was wondering why there has been so many threads started telling OWS to stop demonizing the police, opps, I mean Corporate Pig Bullies!
Trolls are diffinitly cops I sent a few of them private messages so the whole world didn't get to read their response to me. What a joke. LOL Try it out they Hate it..LOL
Yes, they are mostly just shallow, guilt-ridden cops who are taking a break from their S&M routine with Fat Bertha.
Trolls reply to my private message began with... How dare you send me a private message
This is great. You should share some of those responses with us so we can all share the laughs.
This website should really post the first 3 numbers of the IP address of everyone on here. I bet a ton of these people are at US Army bases, others are probably sitting at NYPD offices.
The data is there, you can only hide for so long
But obviously there is no way for me to display everyone's IP.