Forum Post: Troll Killer = Direct Democracy Voting
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 12:50 p.m. EST by UPonLocal
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Yes folks, armed with Direct Democracy and the Trivium, you can crush or make use of ANY Troll AND it's support organization.
After studying the Trivium, you will analyze the Troll's argument before responding, identifying the logical fallacy used by the can then proceed to rip the Troll a new one, as eloquently as you please...and the more eloquently, the better.
Trolls are naturally intellectually ball-less creatures, and easy to identify and zap intellectually when you have Logical Fallacy Radar and Guidance system.
The Trivium..taught to generations of scholars over centuries..Supreme Court Judges know it, and you should too!
Don't get dragged down by an idiot trolls arguments again:
- easily recognize a false argument
- learn to lead the troll on so he swallows his embarrassment and runs away to croak
- easily avoid a wide variety of just plain dumb troll arguments
get Radar and Guidance here in one easy hour long video.
Troll Killer = Direct Democracy
WARNING: The Trivium is taught in Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, and the London School of Economics. Knowing the Trivium can enable you in the best ways to mislead others. If you do not know the Trivium as well as those educated at those institutions, you can be easily mislead by those who have.
Top 10 Riddler Riddles
We shouldn't even use the word 'democracy' to describe our republican form of government. Democracy is now equated to 'socialism' by progressives, even if they don't admit it to the general public.
We need to restore the Republic and the Constitution to its rightful place in government and that can only happen if 'We The People' start supporting Republicanism and abandon phoney baloney democracy.
we agree, the word was made useless...intentionally we Verbicide...
I hate Democracy!
Quote:The Day of the immigrant is over; democracy and this Republic can't afford them any longer...DugFmJamul
Democracy refuses to bring our own natural resources to market. This is where Democracy fails us the most, by not using all of our natural resources including nuclear we are doomed to second place status in the world behind CHINA and that would be national suicide my progressive foes.
Democracy refuses to end the farce called 'Free Trade' and prevents 'Fair Trade'. Does CHINA practice FREE TRADE? If it's called 'Free Trade' are we free not to trade with dictators, tyrants and non-democratic nations?
...a return to Constitutional limits on Government is the answer to the 'Ills of Democracy', so what's stopping this return?
perversion of democracy is all you described
What's to stop the 'perversion' or the tyranny of democracy?
only a people with the intelligence and resolve...and we need a single meeting place online to count our collective thoughts....
or did you forget why they scrambled the languages..when the tower to heaven (rocket?) was scattered in ancient times, ie babylon
OWS and 1% do not want us getting organized
How about electing people who would honor their oath of office and support Republicanism, instead of advancing socialism thru democracy?
lets find them and support them
But do you really think such people could be elected by a system that has institutionalized voter fraud by not requiring proof of citizenship when people register to vote? Would non-citizens actually vote for such people?
oh , if that is any difficulty to overcome for some minds, it is not for others..
There is an easy way, others consider it fully before rejecting
it is a simple by pass with open source code...anyone's smart friend can check when it is operated transparently, if they themselves cannot.
The coder who wrote the crooked software that stole Ohio 2004 lays it out clearly in testimony, video here
i think the average US lawmaker has a higher iq than the average american. so i guess i have to support representative government until we have a minimum iq requirement for voting. had we an iq requirement for voting or something akin to this, it might be better to have direct democracy, because it would eliminate an unnecessary middleman.
that is a perfect example of higher up liberals telling me what to do. what do you mean iq that would rule out the entire obama administration obama<romney<cain<mccain<plain<limbaugh
i dunno you'd have to test them. all i can give you is my opinion which doesnt count as a passing grade.
I concur somewhat, and will certainly... likely be inclined to put up that very thing, worded differently..that a test be administered to be an active voter and participant in the issues/solutions process or it will get bogged.
Remember: Direct Democracy is the peoples Advisory..or Mandate..not instant action...
or at least that is how it is structured at this time to start
ok i could go along with the mandate idea. sounds like a nightmare to implement tho. i wouldnt want that job. but it would be nice even to get the statistics...
all you have to do is participate in a structured system that can take a vote on best issues need attention first and best solutions for more effort in ways than being on a forum...only this puts it to work...
i mean tallying votes, making sure everythings legit, getting a socially diverse population to participate. nightmare
it is mere logistics, most is simple, and should not be considered an obstacle in a society as interested in its own future, as it is in this forum
why hasnt it been done yet?
you think the captains of industry and their bought and paid for democracy want anyone taking that option?
It took us over a year getting the structured laid up you see at and it is based from 10 years of other groups working software bugs out so it could get to this stage....not to mention all the dialogue on direct democracy structure that gave the gudlines to build it around...
takes time for things to develop and the desires, motivations behind it all...
if its so easy, logistically, it should just be done. what it amounts to basically is just a poll with a larger sample. thats what i would do: put the people who run polls on the job. they already know how to sample a population scientifically. i'm just sayin i dont wanna do it.
i'll vote when it is implemented, but i am not sure i want to keep abreast of everything that i would need to know in order to make an informed decision. i would be capable of doing so, its just not that important to me; i would rather read a good novel. just remember, i dont think the majority of the american population is even as smart as herman cain. : )
think there should be test before people vote in issues/solutions....?
definitely. even if i fail, it doesnt matter. its for the common good...
can you help develop questions? we have the testing software
Stephen Crane voiced his OWS opinion, anachronistically, in 1899.
A man said to the universe: "Sir I exists!" "However," relied the universe, "The fact has not created in me a sense of obligation."
Trivium away.........,,
Public Enemy - Can't Do Nuttin' For Ya Man
relate the complaint of OWS to to wider economic and government problems
I have my doubts about direct democracy considering most states can't even keep their local elections from being corrupted
Does anyone want to expose the obvious Logical Fallacy in Beardy's statement above?
The name is: Appeal to:
seriously look at minnesota and their elections
no, show us data, or be known as a slothful Troll who uses appeals as weight, but will not get data for his fellow countryman to consider....not even a link....
saw it with my own eyes in my election precinct. the problem is that we don't have voter ID laws, which means anyone with an ID (drivers license, passport, etc) can "vouch" for someone else living in that district. not the most reliable way to determine if someone is eligible to vote there.
also, here you go bro
here is how to avoid the fraud, court testimony
Milton Friedman on Capitalism and Greed
or you could just ignore them
Or simply don't comment on their posts and they will not keep showing up at the top. Action through non-action works also, bu tif they are legitimately trying to have a civil discussion all opinions should be listened to if we are to include the 99%. But as UPonLocal points out it is pretty easy to identify a troll from someone with legitimate well thought out disagreements
AGREE STRONGLY...IGNORE......unless you see one of those clever arguments that needs to be stopped dead in its track.
Refute with clear arguments
Great post... there are a lot of antaganizers that are trying to create a name for themselves and take away from the issues. I engage in reasonable debate but I have started cutting and pasting a response for trolls.
"Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Can we talk about issues using facts not Fox as a reference or are you the 9% that believes Congress is doing a good job?"
The Trivium was developed by the Ancients....and persisted into the Medieval Cities. It is part of what is properly referred to as Classical Liberal education. It was held that all persons have the duty to know what a false argument is, and to point them out when a fellow citizen uses one. " We are our brothers keeper" was a common reference to this very thing.
The Temple, that stood for over a thousand years in Greece had a single saying over it " Know Thyself".
Plato made this in words another way: The unexamined life, is ill to live.
This teaching of deep knowledge of how to conduct ourselves socially was passed along to us by the Tellurites (those with an aim), they are that Group history refers to as Druids (those who know), and the Christians slandered as Gnostics (know-it-alls), and maintained the University of Alexandria, of which the Deans daughter Hypatia was murdered and the books of the Library burned...the 911 event of that age.
From Wikipedia: The study of grammar, logic and rhetoric was considered preparatory for the quadrivium, which was made up of arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy. The trivium was the beginning of the liberal arts. At many medieval universities this would have been the principal undergraduate course. However, the contrast between the simpler trivium and more difficult quadrivium gave rise to the word "trivial".[
I will tell you all this in addition, the group that made War on the Tellurites, (Gnostics and the Medieval Cities, beginning with the burning of the Library at Alexandria and the Murder of Hypatia) are the very same 1% you now see control the planet. As is stated above, they make sure their children learn it in their Universities, but state Universities and Colleges it is intentionally kept off the curriculum. Debate class, in the Ivy league is training on how to use the knowledge to craft lies.
All the knowledge was taken by the 1%, sliced, diced, tossed, and flambeed, then spat on and served to the masses, with the choicest portions reserved for themselves.
This is the very exact hidden meaning of "Knowledge is Power"
They know it, and you do not.
Troll Killer = Direct Democracy
Thank you for the detailed history lesson. I shed a tear when I read of the murder of Hypatia.
Now, may I ask, have you used this very method on your own movement? Do you not see the many logical fallacies posed by OWS?
BTW - I went to a University for the common man and we learned about logical fallacies. Perhaps you were sleeping during class time? It's also possible to find information on the Internet, so the idea that the elite are trying to hide this "magical ancient druid knowledge" from us is pathetic.
Of course there are some obvious false logic arguments bubbling about in OWS. Ok fine, let's deal with them....appropriately as social beings..
Your additional comments are awful, to use a loose definition......antagonistic and reckless come to mind as a definition begins to form....of the intent behind your additional vulgar writing
My writing style on this forum is a metaphor for OWS's anarchy. For other occasions, I use a tamer more posed style.
Need help making a t-shirt. We need to draw a picture of Zooccotti Park with a cage around it. Here are some ideas: Draw a hippie climbing the cage like a monkey and throwing shit.
Draw a hippie rolling in mud and shit like a pig.
Draw a hippies fucking like dogs.
Draw a picture of a hippie eating peanuts like a big fucking elephant. Draw a hippie as a lazy fucking Ape doing nothing.
Draw a short cartoon of freezing hippies using critical thinking channeled through direct democracy to decide how they are to dispose of their urine.
Let's just get to 100% taxes and be done with it.
Direct DEmocracy is an excuse for the 51% to rule over the 49%. Bad idea. Virtually all of our founding fathers, and most presidents through history were against this. I have no desire to be ruled by the uneducated masses.
not how it is need to look into it.. go to the site....
I have read it. There is nothing wrong with our republic. Period. It is the best, most stable form of government in the world. Period. We need to end corruption and that is the problem. 1 vote per citizen and that's it.
another Troll fallacy.
Direct Democracy is not Mob not be fooled by the Troll
Direct Democracy Elects people with Veto Powers. Same like we Americans always have as a Republic.
In Direct Democracy successive Presidents may Veto the Public Mandate even if 99% want to shoot the Trolls back into space....If they are American Citizens..they are protected.
Troll Killer = Direct Democracy
Pure Troll Talk Folks Ad Hominem, Ad Naseum MikeyD, the antagonistic Troll
MikeyD, you start up the crap you get it back....
Assimilate! becuase everyone ones opionions don't actually matter, just those of th 99%*
The main problem is that OWS detractors are well-versed in economics, politics, and have a generally much higher level of intellect than the OWS supporters present on these boards. How can one article make up for a general lack of education?
In any case, shouldn't your main objective be to find solutions to the problems faced in America today, and not be about silencing the voices of the people critical of your movement? Criticism should be funneled to make you stronger. The most powerful arguments are those that have seen the light of much criticism.
Good Points inside this, thank you
We should all be fluent in identifying the Logical fallacies in others..and ourselves. This one article may introduce several people to the body of knowledge known historically as the Trivium and the Quadrivium. The Ancients knew we rotated a Star, and were on the spiral arm of a Galaxy, and that there were many Galaxies. They also knew that the geometric structure of the Quantum Holographic Fractal Universe is a 64 sided Tetrahedron. They etched it in symbols and it is the Geometry of the Globe under the Lions Paw of the Chinese Guardian of Knowledge.
This is the very same geometry that you get from a settled physics, that puts a black hole at the center of each piece of matter, and acknowledges that the density of the vacuum is infinite. We can all access it and do constantly. This is the very heart and core of what is passed to us..."The Silence Tells Me Secretly, Everything" It is the field in which psychic functioning and clairvoyance occur, and you spirit lives.
This very concept, of the vacuum having infinite density, that the settled geometry is a 64 sided tetrahedron, and that it is evidenced as being known by the Ancients and intentionally hidden as it can be used to make a very very very big explosion.. and that we as humans interact with it constantly clearly, was presented by a physicist and won Physics Paper of the Year in 2010...
bet ya didn't know that!
A video by that physicist is here
Assuming as fact that one group has superior economic, politic, and level of intellect is a false proposition to begin an argument on.
As to your second statement. People are trying to figure it out here...but not everyone. This needs to be addressed by ignoring, or refuting with logical arguments.
I wasn't assuming that one group has a higher intellect, I know because I have been reading these boards for quite awhile.
As for your attempt to lay down all the knowledge your mind contains in a few paragraphs, I would recommend you read the works of real scientists instead of polluting your mind with pseudo-scientific babble acquired from too much late night Internet browsing on dubious conspiracy theory websites.
This man refers to a peer reviewed paper as not being the work of a real scientist.
Nassim Haramein’s paper on the The Schwartzschild Proton has just been approved and published in the American Institute of Physics magazine a few days ago! This means his radically different physics theories are now entering mainstream science. This marks the end of Quantum Physics and Classical Physics. We’re now entering a new realm of physics that contains it all with the Unified Field Theory.
Do some honest research and conduct honest speech, please, Thrasymague
You think physics as we know it has been overturned simply because a paper will be published in a peer reviewed journal? Are you joking? Shouldn't you wait for the analysis and criticism of the scientific community before you claim this man's work is shattering or even correct? After all, that's why peered reviewed journals exist, so that peers can review the articles that have been submitted. Many scientific ideas that have been published in such journals have been abandoned after careful analysis from the community. Don't put the cart before the bulls young man. That is a major logical fallacy. Surely, you must be aware that many scientists have claimed to have found TOE in the last decades, but that it sill remains unseen. You should stop reading about druids and magical spells, and start reading about real science.
..and b/c you did no research before flapping Troll lips...
I name you...
Thrasymaque the Slothful Troll
be it your epitaph.
Troll Killer = Direct Democracy
Are you really a middle aged American? You really write like a teenager. In any case, I researched your Nassim character and he has been debunked by more than one scientist.
Now, is that fact, or contrasting scientific claims not yet fully settled?
Claiming yourself that it "Has been debunked" is further evidence of your reliance on Logical Fallacy ..
Thrasymaque the Slothful Troll
How is claiming that something has been debunked a logical fallacy? Yes, it is fact. He has been thoroughly debunked. BTW - I think everyone knows you are a teenager. Just saying.
Please show this link to a full suite of Evidence that this is, as you say, debunked.
And folks, further evidence that Thrasymaque the Slothful Troll cannot get himself to carry on a discussion based on facts presented.
Claims absolute that a model of the Universe has been debunked, implies that the true model is known. See the Troll attempt to be a tyrant...
The Way of the Troll.............Thrasymaque the Slothful Troll
Troll Killer = Direct Democracy
I have already given you two links that show credible sources who have debunked Nassim. You know his theory has gone nowhere in more than a decade even though he keeps pushing it to the scientific community. The guy can't even get a Wikipedia page. When someone claims he has the theory that will change the world and doesn't have a Wikipedia page, you have to be honest and ask yourself where's the problem. You also have to wonder how his amazing theory that shatters science as we know it fits in an 8 page article. That is extremely dubious.
It seems to be you think it's more important to be right, than to look at the whole picture and question yourself on the strength of Nassim's claims. The fact that you think there is no way that Nassim could be right, and the fact that you claim his theory has revolutionized science before it has its own Wikipedia page or been printed in a peer reviewed journal shows your lack of judgement and logic.
If you want to spend your time being a Nassim evangelist, I suggest you post on the Wikipedia page and show why his theory should be accepted. You're wasting your time posting to me since I believe he is nothing but a conspiracy nut using junk science to create lies designed to sell books.
You have the freedom to think what you want. Use it and dedicate your life to pushing Nassim's work. You'll end up looking like a clown, but you'll be expressing your freedom to do so.
BTW - It's obvious you're a teenager.
I believe proof has been shown and his claims have been clearly and thoroughly debunked. Whether you believe this or not is fine, you can do your own research and make up your own mind. I gave you a few links to start you off. If you cannot understand that he has created a new-age feel good business around his idea of "oneness" and that his works are not scientific but pseudo-scientific spiritual babble then that is your problem alone. You are free to express your opinion and I am free to express mine, at the end of the day the scientific community will decide whether Nassim is a scientist or a crackpot and it looks like they have already chosen the latter explanation.
I don't understand why you are pushing the issue as anybody can research this on their own. It's not your word against mine. It's your word against the scientific community.
so, you admit you have not thoroughly reaserched it and are in fact, unable to point to a real credited authority stating it is debunked, you are in belief......
you are....... and remain...
Thrasymaque the Slothful Troll
According to the consensus in the scientific community who have shown in great depth and detail the problems with Nassim's paper. You have polluted your mind with conspiracy theories because you are willing to blindly believe in Nassim's claims no matter what many other scientists are saying and even after they have clearly shown why is paper his highly flawed. After more than a decade of circulating his ideas, Nassim has yet to be published in a peer reviewed journal, is not accepted on Wikipedia, and has not done any contributions that have changed the way science works. Essentially, you are willing to believe his claims even though they are worthless junk. You trust his self-published websites and books more than the review of many of his peers. That is flawed thinking and shows you are following your emotions and not the logic of the scientific method.
proof as you claim, that this is debunked is not been show. You are therefore using false claims with no actual is your pattern ...... Thrasymaque the Slothful Troll
For all practical purposes, it has been debunked absolutely. In fact, his theory was never published in a peer reviewed journal, and the vast majority of scientists have already shown the many logical fallacies he has made. His books are self published, and he makes is money as a pseudo-scientific new-age guru and not as a scientist. Nothing is ever absolute, but this is as close as it gets.
In any case, you are free to believe this is science and to keep polluting your mind with conspiracy theories. Everybody should be free to live as they please.
oh, for all practical purposes....according to what source or are once gain using poor rhetoric...
Where have I polluted my mind with conspiracy theories, as you now allude..
You just cant keep it straight can you....Thrasymaque the Slothful Troll
What are you talking about? When did I claim the true model of the Universe was known? Are you 15?
In any case, if you are genuinely interested in knowing why Nassim is not taken seriously in the science world you can start here:
There was an attempt to create a Wiki page for Nassim. It was not accepted and you can read all the comments as to why here:
You can also search for yourself. You know how to use Google. There are tons of people who have debunked him.
By infering it is debunked absolutely.... and it has not been, that is just your claim..of false reasoning and immediately claiming as absolute something you read online....typical Troll behavior
just b/c wikipedia entry on him is issued, means zero to ther argument.
It is a valid paper, and it upsets some people.
you are still poorly reasoned in your speech -
Thrasymaque the Slothful Troll
That was a copy of an old post I quickly found...the paper went on to win Paper of the Year 2010
I warned you to do some research before commenting.
You were easy to suck in Troll.
I am a middle aged American, and a Frogman, and I eat Trolls like you all the time.
If the paper went on to win in 2010, why hasn't the field of physics been shattered yet? Quantum physics and classical physics are still alive and well. TOE is still nowhere in sight. You have no idea what you are talking about. You might be a middle aged American, but you write like someone in middle school.
Absolute statements to lend weight to a false attack of Ad Hominem.
"You have no idea what you are talking about"
as exampled by: Thrasymaque the Slothful Troll
Troll Killer = Direct Democracy
No dissension allowed.