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Forum Post: Trojan Horse: Vatican calls for Central World Authority to address 'injustice', steal nations of sovereignty

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 1 p.m. EST by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

When I saw the title of this article, my jaw hit the floor!

The Vatican has come out with an 18-page document that according to the writer should be "music to OWS' ears" in calling for a global world bank and authority to right what it perceives as social, political, and financial injustice.
"It called for the establishment of "a supranational authority" with worldwide scope and "universal jurisdiction" to guide economic policies and decisions"

As well, "In fact, the crisis has revealed behaviors like selfishness, collective greed and hoarding of goods on a great scale," it said, adding that world economics needed an "ethic of solidarity" among rich and poor nations.

Yet, the statement admits that in order to execute this justice, we would have to give up national sovereignty - that means, no Constitution, no civil rights, no Congress, no vote in a supranational parliament that would run the United States. Similar to what Euro nations have to deal with now - but with even greater authority.

"Of course, this transformation will be made at the cost of a gradual, balanced transfer of a part of each nation's powers to a world authority and to regional authorities, but this is necessary at a time when the dynamism of human society and the economy and the progress of technology are transcending borders, which are in fact already very eroded in a globalized world."

My questions to you are this:

1) Could not an organization like the Vatican itself be accused of 'selfishness, collective greed and hoarding of goods on a great scale'? - okay, I'm begging the question, but you get the idea - to say nothing of the way it has handled child sexual molestation charges in recent years.
2) By what moral or professional authority does the Vatican advise every nation on Earth - well let's get real - rich, western countries - to 'right their wrongs' and to unify under a one world government? 3) Is this what OWS wants? Is this what we are protesting for? Is this what you want?

Also, make no mistake; the Vatican remains a very influential and powerful institution. If they are saying this - it isn't window dressing, if you will.

Read it for yourself and weep. Better yet - read between the lines, and see that far more powerful entities than Michael Moore are attempting to steer and co-opt OWS.




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[-] 2 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

IMF is evil enough. They manipulate "emerging" nations and support neocolonialism.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Agree. Are you familiar with Perkins' 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman'?

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

No, just did some reports on different countries and saw how the IMF gets its claws into them by dangling a big prize, then sets them up with banks that make a killing, all while pushing them to adopt rules and structure that encourage them to adopt western business practices, western business partners, and sell off their natural resources for low return without environmental or social protections. Nice group. Is that a book?

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Yes. Perkins has a website and he recently did a talk on the world financial crisis. He is pretty amazing. I don't agree with all of his ideas, but he was an insider on this predatory third-world development crap that IMF is up to its eyeballs in.

They come in to a third-world country with desirable natural resources, sell the people and government on development, buy off the government, displace the people. Once the government realizes that the companies are only out for themselves, they've already signed on to some huge loan that can never be repayed under the auspices of 'development / modernization, etc.'. Then once they predictably default (and in the process of developing the natural resources - the environment is degraded, the people are displaced, etc. the companies end up stealing all of the resources in payment for the fake 'debt'. It is a hugely profitable racket.

Video is an hour and a half but worth it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mqqtCoes50 his website: http://www.johnperkins.org/

He has since dedicated his life to exposing this predatory neo-colonialism, which is what we are doing in Africa and in the middle east right now.

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

I'll check it out...thanks! Check out ok tedi mine in Papua new guinea...it is a prime example.

[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

Here we go NWO the whore of Babylon is pushing for the one world governments soo typical. Do me a favor read Revelations and 1984 everyone.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

It's so in your face that it's scary.

[-] 1 points by MDubbs (16) 13 years ago

I believe a one world currency is inevitable, the Pope just laid out a foundation for a global agency that would control this bank for the good of all. We owe 3 trillion dollars to China, and only have 300 million dollars worth of gold in Fort Knox (estimates) Our system of fake money backed by hopes and dreams is unsustainable. It's better to have the IMF, or whatever form it manifests itself in, controlled by a limited world government then them being a private institution. On this same note the Fed is in fact a private institution, which should be changed. Interest rates and inflation should be controlled by congress. For once them not being able to decide on anything might actually help stabilize inflation.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

The currency will be ultimately worthless because it is backed by nothing. It doesn't have to be backed by gold - you can also back currencies by units of labor, commodities.

I hope you are wrong about a one-world currency being inevitable; the Euro stands out as a stellar example of the failure of imposing a supranational currency and monetary policy.

[-] 1 points by MDubbs (16) 13 years ago

The Euro is also a Fiat money. The IMF currently issues SDR's which are sort of like U.S. treasuries that are backed by all major world currencies including the Euro. They've been pumping them out as international aid. The IMF is backed by many world powers including China, which has very slowly been switching it's national reserves away from American Treasuries. What form the currency takes only time will tell Russia in particular has been trying to back SDR's with gold, and has been pushing to make it a one world currency, but no one else is on the same page. It wouldn't be so bad if it was commodity based, or governed by an institution that wasn't corrupt, but the power to print money I fear will eventual corrupt any institution. I personaly believe we live on the cusp of a new world order, my only question is whether it's a good thing. If the IMF is in control of printing money it will be the same as Fed controlling America, only worse. If it's controlled by an agency that justly regulates the world economy, It could usher in an era of economic world peace. I might be crazy, but me and the Pope are on the same page, and I'm not even Catholic.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Absolutely. Fiat currency is a ponzi scheme that is going to be collapsing some time in the not-so-distant future.

Gee, wasn't Gaddafi introducing the gold dinar? Maybe that had something to do with invading Libya.

[-] 1 points by MDubbs (16) 13 years ago

It doesn't have to be a ponzi scheme, there can be deflation. It's just the temptation to make money out of thin air is too great, and it always inevitably ends with a collapse. It's human nature that makes it bad. Libya started out as a peoples revolution, although the CIA has engineered similar uprisings in the soviet block so idk. You can always invest in gold. I don't see why they'd take em out for that. Also US has had problems with him for decades since the Reagan era.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Yes, true. But Bernanke went to the school of economics in which deflation is the cardinal sin (pardon the pun - this thread being about the Vatican and all).

Human nature predicts that our government will try to print its way out of debt, never mind that it will drag what's left of the ailing middle class down with it on its way to the bottom of history's dustbin.

[-] 1 points by wired815 (4) 13 years ago

this article should scare the beejeezus out of all of us!

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

No kidding! It did me - a chill went down my spine when I saw this open, brazen call for one world government.

[-] 1 points by genanmer (822) 13 years ago

Hmm... the leader of the Vatican sits on a golden throne, wears expensive ornaments, owns a palace, rides around outside in a bulletproof bubble, owns a private army, defend pedophiles, and oh yes is the figurehead of a highly dogmatic sect of religion.

In the past the Vatican supported religious wars, their equivalent of the war on terrorism (inquisitions), and Nazi Germany. Even more recently the church of Spain has been caught baby trafficking.

A worldwide theocratic government led with that kind of hypocrisy, no thank you.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Yes, totally agree. However it is telling that they would come out with a proposal like this.

[-] 1 points by MarkDuwe (127) 13 years ago

This, coming from the pope who wrote the book on how to cover-up messes priests make when they are caught molesting kids.

[-] 1 points by littrellb (199) from Hillsboro, OR 13 years ago

The Catholic Church (Not Catholics) has been one of the most corrupt institutions in all of history.

[-] 1 points by MarkDuwe (127) 13 years ago

What is the quote,..power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. I think thats it.

[-] 1 points by littrellb (199) from Hillsboro, OR 13 years ago

Yes, very fitting quote.

[-] 1 points by RainyFloaty (11) 13 years ago

I disagree with it entirely, vehemently, and will fight against such blatant garbage with everything I am. A world bank will only increase the amount of money and power to even fewer people as would a world government. The only thing that would do is oppress everyone to phenomenal extent. It would be the worst thing for this planet at this time. Humanity is in danger when so few people are allowed to dictate. I don't care how much they try to pretend it will help, it is a lie.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I know, that's why it's so disturbing that they spin this idea as 'music to OWS ears'. They are saying that OWS is demanding a one world government and centralized world bank.

[-] 1 points by RainyFloaty (11) 13 years ago

Right? That's another thing that's so outrageous. That they even bother toting that as what the occupiers want, when they'd just finish whining that occupiers have no reason to be protesting. They're terrible.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

They're eager to paint OWS as being leftist/socialist so they can marginalize it. But also it feeds in to the real agenda - "See, we told you OWS wanted a One World Government".

Makes OWS look bad but also makes it look like we agree with them and are going along with it.

[-] 1 points by RainyFloaty (11) 13 years ago

Oh man, I know... Well I think as long as we keep resisting their garbage, people can come out on top as a whole rather than under their heels. If they can't coerce us, they can't win.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

They can try to coerce but if we remain peaceful but refuse to comply / cooperate, ultimately we must win.

The only way the 1% can control the 99% is through force.

[-] 1 points by RedPanther (11) 13 years ago

The term 'Problem-Reaction-Solution' springs to mind.

[-] 1 points by RainyFloaty (11) 13 years ago

Yea, right? I don't even want to let it happen.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I know, perfect - right?? These events unfolding get more and more in-your-face every single day.

[-] 1 points by noalternative (43) 13 years ago

if msnbc think ows are going to support a central world bank to take away our economic sovereignty when central banking and loss of economic sovereignty are the problem, they are full of it and so are the idiots in the vatican.

The vatican has always had a contingent of fascists, and they screw themselves.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Not to be crude but, actually last time I checked, they've been screwing children.

[-] 0 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Here's an interesting article about the banks of the Vatican and other mobster-like activities


[-] 0 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Contigent of powerful fascists. Do not make the mistake that they are a bunch of blowhards who have no influence. The Pope is the ultimate of the 0.01%

[-] 1 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

What the Pope is asking for is more charity...

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Did you miss the part about 'universal jurisdiction' and 'supernational authority'?

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

The Pope is all about supranational authority... and the command of mass mind. You could even interpret that, I suppose, as a declaration of war on Islam. Whatever... because you and I both know that he expects all manner of wealth redistribution in the form of charity to flow through the church. We also know that his words only impact his followers, and they tithe.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Yes, but what about the unholy alliance between the Vatican and elites?

And I agree about the war on Islam.

Do you see us invading any all-white, christian countries??

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

I don't believe all of corporate America is Roman Catholic. If you want to speak of aristocracy, that's another thing entirely. America was born of this same Catholic aristocracy.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I agree, corporate America is definitely NOT all Roman Catholic. But neither are all criminals either Democrat or Republican.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

You lost me.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

My point is - the Roman Catholic Church is just one entity that wields a lot of power behind the scenes - similar to the political parties.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

Yes, of course it does. And I appreciate the power it wields in the hope of achieving mass mind because of the three religions most capable in our world, it is the only one that is truly pluralistic. I don't believe it's fair to say, overall, that this is not a force for good.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Here's Mac Slavo's analysis of the Vatican document: http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/catholic-church-wants-supranational-authority-with-universal-jurisdiction-over-global-economic-and-policy-decisions_10242011

An excerpt: Think, for example, of peace and security; disarmament and arms control; promotion and protection of fundamental human rights; management of the economy and development policies; management of the migratory flows and food security, and protection of the environment. In all these areas, the growing interdependence between States and regions of the world becomes more and more obvious as well as the need for answers that are not just sectorial and isolated, but systematic and integrated, rich in solidarity and subsidiarity and geared to the universal common good.

[-] 1 points by RainyFloaty (11) 13 years ago

That's so much bull the smell is permeating through the internet. world bank & world power = doom

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

on list of things to do number 40946. destroy and vanquish the evil roman cathaar church.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Is that sarcasm I detect? Maybe because you have a scientific bent, you assume the Catholic Church has no power.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

no, the roman caathar church is the most evil institution in the history of the world, and it should be eradicated as a criminal enterprise. Dead straight. its a genocidal, death worshipping, ignorance inspiring, fascist cult of war and death.

Its been on the wrong side of every last moral and ethical issue that has ever come up since its inception.

it should be exposed for the fraud and evil that it is and left in histories dustbin. Now. Back to the target at hand- wall street and economic justice.

[-] 0 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

The Vatican is on your side; they're calling for economic justice.

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

no, they are on their own side, calling for an even worse central banking system which they hope to control. pay attention.

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

Why, in a world full of starving children and children who have no healthcare, would a spiritual group prohibit birth control? Because parents tend to raise their children in their own faith, and this ensures the pews stay filled, and the coffers keep that nice jing-a-ling of tithing. How self serving is that... If that is not evil I don't know what is....

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

No, it sounds like their view was that the IMF doesn't have ENOUGH authority to help with the world crisis: "It said the International Monetary Fund (IMF) no longer had the power or ability to stabilize world finance by regulating overall money supply and it was no longer able to watch "over the amount of credit risk taken on by the system."

Boy, is that the understatement of the century - they don't have any interest in limiting credit risk. They will refinance the PIGs time and again until they have stolen the hard assets of the indebted countries.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

the Vatican accused the world bank of unfair practices?

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

No, it sounds like they're accusing the western countries of unfair practices. As of yet, I don't think a world bank truly exists, just the IMF.

[-] 0 points by owschico (295) 13 years ago

this would make the pope the anti christ by definition

[-] 0 points by larocks (414) from Lexington, KY 13 years ago

the vatican did it before when they said that people must pay before you can enter heavon. this reminds me of tv evangelists. give me 20$ cause im worried bout your soul. so what i worried about your soul can u give me 20$ relegion is not part of our state. they are seperated for the reason that you see. if people dont take action now i do believe that this world and most def this country are in trouble. if greed isnt controled and dealt with life is only going to get harder.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

The Vatican represents one of the huge pillars of control over the people - religion, money, power, and a elite run, top-down system.

[-] 0 points by cskarlupka (13) from Annapolis, MD 13 years ago

mgidden1, while your questions are worthy of address I'm struck by an even bigger mystery.

The irony of the Vatican, The Holy See itself, the purveyor of the biblical apocalypse, should offer up a solution to the world - a globalized monetary power structure - emphasis on power, built on control of money.

Whom should elect, or more likely appoint, this incorruptible, exalted, uncompromising, ethical group to oversee the entire worlds funds? The same national governments that are failing now? The corporations that seek bailouts from their governments? The corporations who hold elected and appointed government officials in their pockets? Or, the Church who is unable to maintain their membership numbers due to their blind-eye to truth?

And most curiously, is the resurrection and reformat of the same Vatican doctrine that originally surfaced during the 1960s civil rights movement, coincidence?

Sadly, this, world currency will all come to pass. It is what the international Occupy movements are bringing about.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

No, there ARE no coincidences.

It makes perfect sense if you understand that the goal has always been one world government. At the moment when the people are starting to rise up, and there is misery in virtually every country, and finally the people in the wealthier nations are standing up (U.S. and Europe), this timing is perfect to call for unity, one world authority, -ostensibly the only strongarm entity powerful enough to 'SAVE' humanity from itself.

[-] 0 points by reddy2 (256) 13 years ago

Welcome to the NEW WORLD ORDER.

No longer a conspiracy theory for the uninformed, but in the open for everyone to see.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Yes, I totally agree. If you see it from a long-view perspective of who the elites are, who has been in power, and the pattern of events, it becomes totally obvious.

The decisions of our government (and the west, etc.) make no sense if you believe what they say their stated goals are as provided to us through the mainstream media.

It looks like at best - they really believe in the rule of law and freedom and protecting us and the environment, but they are incompetent. Or that their obstacles are just so insurmountable that they are trying their best, but that the terrorists (i.e., threats) and the domestic terrorists (i.e., the opposing party) are so powerful and/or obstructive that they 'have to do it for our own good'.

At worst - well, this financial crisis, fiat currency, increasing police state, corporations gone wild at the expense of the many with no retribution, government golden parachutes, more foreclosures and job losses every day, promises after empty promises, wars and occupations with no end - well, it really looks all very intentional.

"We are nation building. We are the most free country in the world, that's why they hate us. We are trying to protect you. If you see something, say something. We need higher taxes. If only we could spend more money, we promise - our schools would work. If only we could build more drones - we would kill off all the bad guys. If only you pay us more money for bailouts and jobs - we will create the jobs. The bad guys are anyone who is different from us. It's the democrats' fault. It's the republican's fault. We support democracy. We are allowed totally secrecy and we persecute whistleblowers mercilessly, but we can spy on you - your communications, your whereabouts, and any things on your person at any time. Go back to sleep, we will take care of you. " - GET IT?

(I know I'm preaching to the choir with you, Reddy - but for those folks who are still asleep...)