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Forum Post: Tribute to Occupy Wall Street - Bruce Springsteen THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 24, 2011, 10:42 p.m. EST by rustydj64 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I made this video in honor of your movement. I hope you enjoy it!


Russell Johnson Raw RJRAW1 1-970-471-2693



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[-] 1 points by RJRAW1 (1) 13 years ago

I just got done with my newest Occupy Wall Street video: Anonymous – Pink Floyd – The Wall

hope you are well!


I really like it and hope that you will too! Russell Johnson Raw

[-] 1 points by paulg5 (673) 13 years ago

Nice job! Hard to believe those images are recent and not 40 years ago,

[-] -1 points by morons123 (131) 13 years ago

Mr. Bruce Springsteen. A great American with millions of dollars and several homes, cars and investments on wall street.

He came from nothing and he made it. something you OWS losers should learn from. Bruce would never endorse your pathetic cause filled with cry babies jealousy and hypocrisy

[-] 2 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Bruce is a very liberal guy who dislikes the oligarchy...

[-] 0 points by morons123 (131) 13 years ago

who drives german cars owns millions in real estate and owns stock in all of the companies you complain about. god bless bruce and god bless america. fuck OWS. no hand outs here people.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

You've never heard him blast the right wing along with Bush, Cheney, et al. Do you even listen to his music.?

[-] 1 points by morons123 (131) 13 years ago

sure, have seen him live dozens of times and been listening to him since i was a kid. love bruce and his message but his message is not OWS's bruce is a true american one who made it from nothing. please don't compare yourself to him its offensive and irresponsible. bruce loves this country and is grateful for the opportunity he has had.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

You are divisive and a bully...

[-] 0 points by morons123 (131) 13 years ago

you are delusional. bruce has all of the money OWS's cries about, front row seats to yankee games, private jets, a huge stock portfolio with large holdings in the major banks you condemn, a beautiful car collection with some american and several german cars, stays in the finest most expensive hotels in the world...he earned it and thanks america for the opportunity. i am not a bully...just speaking the truth which i know hurts so sorry...whoever told you life was going to be easy lied. just ask the boss.