Forum Post: Treason
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 11:01 a.m. EST by jjrousseau714
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The absolute obstructionist strategy of the republican party for the past 3 years is treasonous, unAmerican, and contrary to Christianity and the teaching of Jesus. What do you do with such evil people?
It's not treasonous. It's immature. The democrats are also guilty of other "immaturity". I don't see how you're making the comparison to Christianity. That seems a bit off the cuff. I think you should provide examples from the bible and make your point that way.
It seems your comments are an ironic effort to turn some of the rhetoric the Republican party uses against them(unAmerican for example). I advise against this. You're sinking to their level. The point is to get AWAY from partisan politics. The Democrats are no better than the Republicans. Remember that they presided over the bailouts, the wars, the patriot act, and received campaign contributions from wall street just like the rest. I don't think your comment is constructive or helpful in any way.
To "say" that "we" are going to end the shuttle program (a 30yr. program that cost just as much as the "ONE" Apollo moon mission) and move our space program to China, while arguing about the "Butt" end of a stealth "anything" falling into the wrong hands (China). Then what is in "our" news in even a shorter time than that? The announcement that "China" not only has it's own new "spacecraft", but they are going to build "their" own new "space station".
The Official Wall Street Manifesto has arrived
No "you" can't take it with you, why because "it" isn't yours, now if someone would like to go and hide in a hole somewhere, good luck (FYI: Don't come out). Evil is "fleeting" (or will be).
You put them in re-education camps for a while. Russia had Siberia. We have North Dakota. I'm thinking we'll start at 5 years in a tent and then see what they have learned. POWER to the PEOPLE!
Last time I checked, Barack Obama and the Democrats were in charge of this collapsing system, handing out taxpayer money to Wall St.
Wake up! You are trying to protect the very people who are oppressing you.
Well, no, sorry, your recollection is off. The Housing bubble--and associated increasingly worthless mortgage backed securities--took place under the Bush admin.
That said, the democrats are pretty guilty for letting the system devolve, and they protect corporate interests as well. But to assign blame saying "Democrats were in charge of this collapsing system" is incorrect, on its face. People need to watch this:
Basically, Benanke and Paulson said: If you don't do this, our financial system will fail...
I love it. You are so lost on partisan labels, you can't even deal in terms of real facts. This is exactly why nothing gets done in Washington.
Fact: Mortgage backed securities and the repeal of Glass Steagal was signed into law by Bill Clinton (with Republicans in congress)
Fact: Fannie Freddie and the Democratic Senate under Bush pushed for loose lending regulations supposedly to get more poor people into houses, but actually to line the pockets of wall st
Fact: Bush with a Democratic Congress bailed out Wall St
Fact: Obama with a Democratic Congress created health care legislation that benefits nobody but the Insurance companies
Fact: Obama with a Democratic Congress bailed out fortune 500 Auto makers and a small group of his campaign supporters in the UAW
Fact: Obama spent nearly a trillion dollars in "Stimulus" nearly entirely on groups that helped get him elected.
Fact: Obama pushed half a bil[lion dollars into the hands of a Hedge Fund Manager (top 1%) who supported his election, even though he was told Solyndra would fail within 18 months.
Just keep on whining about partisan labels and Bush. They are all corrupt, and the guy you defend is currently ad the front of the feeding trough.
"You are so lost on partisan labels"
Then you go and list, point by point, Obama and the democratic congress--as if that's somehow not a partisan rejoinder? LOL. Right.
Here's a fact for you:
Bush doubled the national debt in 8 years. That's the truth. Obama inherited the worst economy of any president in US history and he's expected to clean it up in 3 years.
As for Solyndra, remember the Strategic Defense Initiative under Reagan? Any remote idea how much that fiasco costs?
You're at least as partisan as I am. And dude, stop using all caps and making ad hominem attacks.
As for the bailout of the automakers, they actually got screwed over, in general, and in one instance, saving jobs in GM is the result. But hey, thanks for the contrary views.
You list all these bullet points that are not supported by specifics--the stimulus went to his supporters? Right.
So, here's the thing: Obama is more conservative than Bush on many fronts. He fooled a lot of people, including me. But Bush? Bush is the worst president in US history. Period. That's not partisan, that's just the truth. He. Oversaw. The. Meltdown. Mmmkay? Not Obama. Bush.
U angry bro? Maybe some decaf and a nap...
No need to reply. I'm awake and don't need to be told to wake up. I know what I know.
LoL. Are you unable to read? Most of the Facts I put out had labels from both parties. Were you somehow disputing those facts?
go away. you're angry and need to calm down.
good argument.
dude, you're not interested in polemic. that's why i said go away.
you're arrogant and condescending, and don't address people's responses to your responses. you think that the meltdown just "happened" and that democrats are responsible. that's untrue. but hey, you want to believe that, that's your right.
tip: stop telling people to wake up, as if you're smarter than everyone else. you're not. there are lots of smart people here who are wide awake. okay?
Arrogant, always.
Think the democrats are responsible for the meltdown, partially!
Think you need to wake up and get over partisan labels, definitely!