Forum Post: Travelling to New York for Eviction Protest
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 4:46 p.m. EST by YourLocalLibrarian
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hi, I'm taking some time off work so I can go to New York and support the occupation during the eviction attempt. I hope the police will recognize that what is happening there is more important than their goal for the eviction. I am nonviolent, and prepared to be arrested. Join me.
I am not afraid.
Let's have the demonstrators Clean the Park. No need to evacuate for cleaners. Or, you can work with hired help. This would send perfect message that y'all are clean hippies and responsible. And, it would prevent them from blocking your return. As an alternative, just announce you are cleaning up the park and begin by focusing on one section at a time. Announce, Clean Up and Beautification Project and begin it Now! You have to be creative and anticipate the Power Structure. Be solution oriented. No need perhaps, to be confrontative although confrontation can garner more support.
I am not afraid.
It is a one day cleaning. Not an eviction.
If a confrontation with police is what you are looking for, I hope you are prepared for more than arrest. I hope you are prepared for a baton across your head.