Forum Post: Transition Tour: Meeting with Occupy, Greens, Libertarians, Ron Paul activists, Buddhists, etc.
Posted 13 years ago on March 5, 2012, 8:38 p.m. EST by jaktober
from Sonoma, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I just spent a month in Boston meeting with various groups:
Before that I spent the last 6 months in Colorado, Iowa, South Carolina and Florida doing the same. My goal is to share how we can work together to accomplish great things, specifically ending War, Corporate Corruption and Poverty. Every group has something to add, by being able to go between them I have been able to share this with each other group.
That's nice. What's your conclusions?
Check out the article, I write about each meeting/activity.
My conclusion; if you still can register to vote in the GOP Primary for Ron Paul. After you've done so get involved with a third-party. Start working in community gardens, or start one of your own. Start attending as many different events/groups as possible. Stay involved in politics, follow the basic strategies (website, brochure, face-to-face).
Study technology, learn to make as much as possible. Buy land. Work with your community. Barter (Gold and Silver as default).
Collect rain water, Build gray water systems. Donate to charities that provide food, water and shelter to the poor. Learn to manage your money. Check out my site, there are tons of articles with links to different resources/groups that do these things.
Hippy bullshit. Change=zilch.
What do you mean?
Its just a troll. Ignore it.
By Xenu!
We would kill trolls when I was younger...[insert well crafted D&D joke]
Roll for saving throw!