Forum Post: Transition: Reform or Revolution?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 2:25 p.m. EST by 1000heroes
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First: I wrote a PETITION yesterday calling for the reform of campaign financing and an end to lobbying politicians.
Secondly: TRANSITIONAL STRATEGY: a) Reform OR b) Revolution What do people think of some of Peter Joseph’s ideas? a) Form a World Occupy Global Conference at a set location for the media to digest, issues are established, forum created to solicit established governments b) Parallel Government representative from various regions are brought to the table along with legal and technical teams associated. b-1) Eventually creating a virtual global institution which begins to prepare the new social system as the old system continues its operation and inevitable failure.
Once the public model is defined, a mass public awareness campaign is commenced in which this new governing body is announced and the tipping point will come once the public begins to see the merit of the new social proposal and is recognizing the governing entity itself, eventually giving it priority over the prior political establishment.
We don't need to make a revolution.
We don't need to reform the government.
We just need to reunite everyone who loves freedom, social justice and solidarity, and start a Parallel Economy, creating cooperatives.
"new governing body" - exactly what I'm talking about:
Good Idea, but I'd like to include everyone on the planet who would like to participate. Now it would be just a logistical strategy to get it into place with legal and technical expertise.
Yep, I don't confine my project to a geography. Nor to ideology.
To fund legal and technical expertise and promote general legal knowledge ( ) is one of the reasons I ask $1/year for membership. Cause that organization has to be independent.
"Everyone on the planet" is a very very long shot. First there are ten people, then a thousand, a million... So far there are two members. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I've been an activist on and off all of my life, getting people to act, think, move is a conundrum. I lean toward our environment shaping our morals, and behavior.
So today we see the movement springing forth from anguish and suffering on a global scale. NOW capturing that energy, that angst will be the use of social networking, talented people like yourself to motivate, give hope where there is little. We are many, now we need to gradually formalize some direction.
The OCW Declaration is a wonderful beginning. I personally relate to Peter Joseph's idea for an Occupy Global Conference with media to help spread the message, formulate issues.
Small steps my friend, small steps.
Cheers to a thousand miles journey :-)