Forum Post: Traitors!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 5:13 p.m. EST by FawkesNews
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Federal Reserve is not loyal to Americans but to whom?
Traitors used to be hung. Publicly. Today they are revered and protected with the tax dollars of the very citizenry they prey upon. Any citizenry so ignorant and docile, is only deserving of more financial abuse.
bunch of sissies calling everyone who isnt in toe with the party line provocateurs this violent less protest wont work like those of the 60s for one simple reason, no mainstream media coverage. keep it up for a few more months and maybe youll make some headway but i wouldn't put all my chips on this
Well said. Almost as if this entire protest is a sham designed by the banks. No actual revolutionaries would be cowards.
Many do. Soon they will not be able to afford to be protected at home.
Agent provocateurs.
Still along way for the justice and accountability part
Justice and accountability are concepts alien to a court and government controlled by traitorous bankers. Justice comes in a blind alley at night.
And Justice might have just started rollin towards the traitors in the ally
I hope it is faster than the injustice they pay to protect themselves with. 700 arrests say it is not gaining ground.
And their children unto the seventh generation, with $14 Trillion in current debt plus about another $80 Trillion in promises coming due in the next decade or so.
The government is the collection agent for the Federal Reserve and its member banks. And it does its collecting at the point of a gun.
It's not my debt. And I'm not paying it.
These traitors live in America, in our neighborhoods, they feed off of the future earnings of our American children. Allowing these traitors to live and exist unfettered and protected in America is proof of the impotency of Americans today. The influence of all the marches in the world are but a drop in a bucket to one public hanging. Real change begins with real justice.
You'd better wake people up to the paper money scheme, or you'll get violence and then worse oppression. Elites have been stampeding the masses since the dawn of man, and they are expert at dissipating and co-opting popular movements.
If you don't hack the evil off by the root, which is paper money, you'll accomplish the opposite of what you intend.
Unless all you really want is to see one of their minions punished. They are always willing to feed one or two to the murderous crowd, because at the end of it, there are thousands more who will gladly take their place. Hell, they'll even volunteer to push them off the balcony to get things started.
Madame Guillotine was an incredibly effective method of eradicating misplaced loyalties within France. Paper money is but a smoke screen for the robbery, it is those who espouse it who are the enemies, and so long as they and their families are safe at home in the country they steal from, they will continue to steal from neighbors. When murderous crowds siege the homes of these traitors, and drag them out, kicking and screaming, to a gallows, there will be far fewer of them. If only through attrition.
We are so far away form this happening right now and so much more civilized ... it's 2011 ... If it gets there it will be court of law ... maybe like saddam hussein for the whole world to watch
Civilized? Who owns that court?
Another stupid fucking agent provocateur. Sheesh. Coming out of the woodwork.
Good luck finding anyone stupid enough to do any killing at your urging.
A personal attack? Mobs rule when governments fail. That is not my opinion.
I do no mob recruiting.
The People are the government they work for us .... this is one of the things we need to repair ...
Really now?
Since when?
No. Provoking.
Not too convincingly, though.
No man provokes the inevitable.
Then you're wasting keystrokes.