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Forum Post: trade and the price of fruit

Posted 7 years ago on June 11, 2017, 5:01 p.m. EST by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The price and profit on domestic foods increases when their are profits from exports. So if Trump does fix the trade deficit, what happens to the prices for the goods we consume domestically?

Think plums from Chile in the winter and to Chile in the summer. Milton Friedman's Chilean miracle.



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[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 7 years ago

A short list:

Moses, Buddha, Aristotle, Jesus, Mohammed and many others of so many peoples that ethnicity and geneology become irrelevant have all condemned usury and the banksters who enslave us with debt.

This is not a racial issue. Anti Semites will no doubt try to limit the scope of the evil of the FIRE sector in order to protect their own misdeeds of greed and avarice.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

The price of fruit will be much cheaper in the future if every state adopts California's lead to give decade-long real estate tax breaks to the holders of vast tracts of farmland or undeveloped land, such as embodied in the Williamson Act.

Golf courses in central city areas are conservation lands held in trust for our children yet to be born. Additionally, it props up real estate values for all neighbors. That's how rental costs can be maintained skyhigh for the renters. That's also why Texass gets so many Californica-fickende refugees such as those from L.A. where the reddish brown car exhaust smog contained in the basin can be so thick that you need a knife to cut it. It's a great market for bottled fresh air. Even the hippies' mecca at Haight and Ashbury in San Francisco, the City of Bums, where you can find human excrement strategically placed in spots as offerings to God by the homeless, has already been cleaned up by high property values.

Donald Trump owning so many golf courses is one of our nation's foremost conservationists and environmentalists, preserving Nature for the Future. He Cares. He has The Heart pinned on his chest after the journey to Damascus and saw the Light.

Imagine, in the future, our children will be able to grow strawberries in Central Park to eat. John Lennon would love the realization of his Strawberry Fields on the western part of Central Park. It's conveniently close to The Dakota, very, very environmentally green, with the short, short distance saving transportation cost and the lake nearby providing for the water. Trump Tower situated so close to Central Park can get the freshest produce organically fertilized by meine geliebten Pferde. Pilzgerichte gefallen mir auch. Wir lieben Scheiß. Waaaay cooool!

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 7 years ago

yeah! And neo-feudal real estate speculators like Pete Peterson of Blackstone Group fame were doing a public service to buy up foreclosed properties after the banks pocketed the bail out money in 2008,9... instead of writing off the bad loans.

Thanks to such benevolence, many of us can pay rent instead interest to our overlords and won't have the burden of pretending to own our own homes.

Hail Caesar

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

Give to Ka'bah what is Ka'bah's. Give to Kotel what is Kotel's. Justice is no more than these deeds. The price of fruits come from Japan through farmlands of the world.

The security guards who drove out the descendants of the original owners from the guarded confiscated properties who were just there seeking their ancestral roots behaved unjustly.

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 7 years ago

This all started with Joseph four thousand years ago.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

Aye, Joseph, Disraeli, ..., Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen are all fruits of "The Chosen People." For whom did Kaiser's Berlin oven glow? None other than these "green" money changers.

From what I read of the New Testament, the Only time when Jesus became violent(Unholy in my Utilitarian version of Christianity) was when He attacked and drove the money changers out from the temple.

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 7 years ago

Moses, Buddha, Aristotle, Jesus, Mohammed and many others of so many peoples that ethnicity and geneology become irrelevant have all condemned usury and the banksters who enslave us with debt.

This is not a racial issue. Anti Semites will no doubt try to limit the scope of the evil of the FIRE sector in order to protect their own misdeeds of greed and avarice.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

Of course, this is not a racial issue. Semites are Anti-Semites who are Anti-Anti-Semites who are Anti-Anti-Anti-Semites... is the real issue. Everyone else is collateral damage.

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 7 years ago

?? cell phone number ??

What is the meaning of V.S.A.?

???"the passport of the European Union and then the visa of the V.S.A. to confirm"???

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

Cellular telephone(as invented by Bell Telephone Laboratories and first demonstrated in Chicago) number. Antediluvian(consisting only of straight lines, 'V' was easier to carve into rock, marble, brass, bronze, orichalcum, etc. in Antiquity -- there was No 'U' in the capital letters) States of Atlantis(lying beyond Hercules's Pillars). We have just pressed '5' lightly on the globalized help hotline. Although some states of the European Union were long-time allies, security is still of paramount importance so one doesn't end up becoming "collateral damage." "The flock of sheep" needs to be protected against the "wolves" by the dogs.

Wolves respect their family structures and integrity so they are forerunners of "Man's best friend," the Dog. The sheep dog is a wolf with the killer instinct for the sheep suppressed.

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 7 years ago

Why would anyone want to fix the trade deficit? Banks create fictitious capital that's loaned to importers. America pays phony money to import goods that reduce prices and create more choices for consumers. What kind of moron wants to queer that deal?

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

Herr Drumpf. He's more in touch with his base support than many others so he knows. Frankly, for example, I was not even privy into the severity of the opiod addiction epidermic because my circle had not been affected at all(我曾是井底之蛙). His rants have some sense, too.

It's about time we all realize the evilness and greed for profits of the pharmaceutical companies in promoting the widespread usage of pain killers.

As I recall, they said that pain killers used while suffering pain were not addictive, as borne out by scientific studies(probably funded by them!). I was prescribed codeine to control my pain at that time but I didn't use it because I had doubts about the truth of what they were telling(heroin was invented for greater pain killing power without the addiction but yes, we still got heroin addictions alright). It turned out that Anything that reduced pain was also addictive. Non-pain is pleasurable and we are all built to be addicted to pleasure through the innate pleasure circuitry.

Everyone is a drug addict. The difference lies in whether the drugs are intrinsic or extrinsic to our bodies. Sex(as well as food) triggers the release of intrinsic drugs to act upon the same circuitry so we are All born to be sex(and food) addicts to varying degrees. That's why obesity comes from a natural propensity to be so, prostitution is our oldest profession, pornography has universal appeal, and most people masturbate and are "wankers" because it's both handy and pleasurable.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

Trump has very little chance to fix the trade deficit. It was many decades in the making so it has actually become structural with the petrodollar scheme having run since the Vulcan mind meld in the aftermath of the Yom Kippur War in 1973 and the Iranian Revolution in 1979. Trump will run out of political capital, time, side whacked by automation, or consumed by the very swamp pool he himself creates, reaped away, etc.

There's, of course, one scenario that will fix the trade deficit extremely fast. That is the collapse of the global trade or the collapse of the petrodollar leading to the collapse of the global trade. This scenario seems to be gaining steam as petroleum is being phased out and crypto currencies that thwart the eelites' license to steal in plain sight are being phased in. Sometimes the cure for the trade deficit will be much worse than the disease itself. Trump is attempting to do the right thing on trade deficit but it must be a decades long process to avoid withdrawal symptoms, both for the U.S., China, Japan, and Canada, etc. We must not dig ourselves deeper in the hole by doing more trade deals such as the Tea Pee Pee. Trump was correct to refuse the tea so that the Belgian Boy's Deluge won't come on to the American workers.

It's rather obvious what the results of linking up with lagged behind economies would be. We have tried that with China and India so we have huge trade deficits, H1-B's flooding our corporate offices, people casting disapprovals at the skins of our more indigenous people or advertisements, those who drown themselves with our vibrant pornography used as birth control to save the Earth from anthropogenic climate change(an American being unborn takes away the fossil fuel equivalent of at least several Chinese or Indians due to the energy intensiveness of U.S.-style living), curry flavor(or its malodorous metabolites) one can smell from the streets, subway cars, or even the turnpike, depressed wages and unemployment for the more indigenous American workers, broken homes and families with divorces due to the breadwinner's unemployment, sexless marriages and divorces induced by the loss of breadwinner's income, rampant opioid addictions to self medicate for the despair of unemployment's financial abyss leading to numerous premature deaths, banks being robbed, people being killed and maimed, etc.

If we love China and India so much that we had to import their cultures whole-hoggedly, let us start by adopting their customs: defecating(right hand to food, left hand to poop) and smoking anywhere, spitting on the streets, talking with the volume of a loudspeaker, cars turning corners running over pedestrians crossing the streets, air pollution so bad that there was bottled fresh air for sale and it was causing emphysema and cancers that killed about 20% more people, eating dogs and cats and much more, sacred cows and monkeys wandering in the streets foraging and stealing, morning urination/defecation in the fields, many idol temples on street corners in every city, burning the brides whose families did not pay sufficient dowries, gang rapes of the young women who were deemed too "uppity," and police who take rapes lightly because rapes were the faults of the women who had dressed too immodestly or staying out too late provoking the men(what a hogwash this is!), etc.

I would rather be "breast shocked," "navel shone," or "thong moonstruck" in New York, New York than having the foreign customs coming here to America. We should slap tariffs on all imports from the countries with huge deficit imbalance with the U.S. and put up screens and walls like we do around all of our homes to provide for heating and air conditioning, i.e., creature comforts without the bugs that bite. The biggest U.S. department is the Department of Homeland Security. There's No home(the pictograph of 'home' is a roof over a pig: 家, I hope that stay-at-home Chinese wives are not mistakenly insulted by this ancient piggy BANK under a roof! In ancient times, the pig WAS the bank. Now we have the bank as THE pig known as the MORTgage[oh yes, till MORTality do us apart!], not that much different, really, except that we cannot slaughter the long-pig banksters for pork at any time) if there are No walls. Homes and walls or No walls and No homes.

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 7 years ago

A trade deficit means consumers are paying less but their employers are profiting less. We get the goods we need but our money profits other people's employers. The others pay more for their goods.