Forum Post: TPP Treachery 2.0
Posted 9 years ago on May 12, 2015, 8:54 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Obama administration and the conservative supporters of TPP fast track including Ted Cruz of Texas [born in Canada but birthers remain silent] continue to pretend the ISDS [ ] will not result in loss of sovereignty. Apparently they haven't heard of Murphy's Law.
If corporations can sue for lost profits due to environmental, safety or other states' laws that protect the public, will they not do so? Anyone who believes the treacherous ruling class and their corporate minions will act in a way that benefits all is out of touch with past and present reality. What planet do such fools come from?! I'm talking about you, Rand Paul! And you Ted Cruz! Don't forget the ghost of Milton Friedman, the father of all Tory traitors in the USA. Go to England where the royalty you want to empower [here] is already in place. Like our own billionaire aristocrats, the British lords own the place, along with a few upstarts and neuvou riche. TPP, like NAFTA before it, will help the elites to protect their fortunes from entrepreneurs and other uppity rabble* at home and abroad.
- That seems an exaggeration? Entrepreneurs may find a niche where externalization of costs has been outlawed by a protective state. If the de facto subsidies - allowing unbridled environmental damage - are restored by the ISDS, market opportunities disappear.
Obama is a Grinning Blood-Soaked Zombie.