Forum Post: Topical Reading: The Three Financiers
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 5:19 p.m. EST by briceryant
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I was holding back on this project a bit but the Occupy Wall Street movement has inspired me to put one of my projects out there for free download; so here it is, "The Three Financiers."
The work is a humorous satire lampooning banksters and also providing historical background to the financial crisis and the 2008 election. From the title, you might have guessed that it's a mashup of our current situation and the classic historical romance "The Three Musketeers."
I simply want the work out there, to have people laughing and perhaps even learning a bit, so check it out, maybe you'll like it, and feel free to leave feedback on the website. As the work expands, receive updates here:
Thanks for reading!
As of right now, it's 5 completed chapters that stand on their own; about 22,000 words or novella-size, and I'll be releasing further sections as I complete them.