Forum Post: Too much wrong to fit into a sound byte
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 9 a.m. EST by boxertoby
from Nutley, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The reason why there isn't a clear cut list of demands is because the list would be too long for people to swallow. The central theme is that our country is in bad shape. Don't let the media discount the movement because we can't fit our complaints into any one sound byte. If you read all the complaints people have on this site (including me) you will see a pattern form.
Wall Street and Washington are in bed together. The rest of us are sleeping on the couch.
Wall Street and Washington are in bed together. The rest of us are sleeping on the couch. it! Well said! :)
I took a writing class and the first thing you do to tell a story is brainstorm.
You put down all your thoughts and then organize them into a coherent message. Then you fine tune it. It may have to be written 3 or 4 times before you get it right.
I believe we are at the brainstorming position now, which is a great start.
As stated earlier, we are here because we know something is wrong. I absolutely agree! There are great ideas and demands being shared in this Forum. I don't think we have the perfect answers, but judging by their score card....neither has the financial market.