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Forum Post: Too many Voices.. We need ONE.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 11:55 p.m. EST by jackmi (6)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

For a movement to accomplish anything it needs a common goal, and a common voice.

I can decipher that this movement was created because of the corrupted system we continue to run, and bandage up on the way, but dont fix... and the people who want it to truly succeed are trying hard.

All this effort could be for nothing if its filled with disagreements and squabbling. Debate is an absolute necessity in trying to create a better world... but the debates we have are flawed, because we are flawed.

I posted something earlier just to have it washed over... It was something I just suggested for the movements structure to try and help, but not one comment... there is too much chaos to get any clarity or make any real progress.

If this site, and this board mean a damn thing people will start working together to find out EXACTLY what needs to be done, not argue over intangible things like philosophy or ideologies.

Do we protest until the monetary system is gone? Do we protest until the government fails? ..until a selfish person gets their voice heard? ..until Wall street and the trading of money is outlawed? ..until health care is made non profit?

What is this being done for???



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[-] 1 points by beyondmoney22 (233) 13 years ago

I would like to be a voice.

there is alot of confussion i see in what the ultimate goals are. I am locked in and ready to sacrifice my life for a shot at our posterity inheriting the world that we were promised.

i believe i was created for this very purpose. to communicate to every demographic in such a way that everyone will understand what is going on and what we ultimately want for ourselves. i have a firm graps on the needs and complaints of the people and i have many solutions to correct these problems as well as willing to learn and listen to every suggestion. i have exceptional social skills, i am articulate and stubborn. i am so many people wrapped into one person which allows me to empathize with anyone. the only way i work is with others, i am not prejudice at all,

un-bias to peoples life choices of religion and sexual preference.

i am intensly charismatic about this cause because it is the Only cause as far as im concerned.

I am easy to communicate with, believe in groupthink, strength in numbers, two heads are better than one. i have the old value system of honor, respect, courage, individual self confidence, and i believe in a collective self respect.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

we need to gain control of or government

I think creating transparent voting system over the internet where every responsible citizen stands by their votes where all can see how each other voted would a democratic system that we trust

secrete ballots leaves the counting in others hands

[-] 1 points by Nagle (7) from Redwood City, CA 13 years ago

The trouble with an unorganized movement is that it's too disorganized. Clearly this thing needs focus. Some agreed upon agenda. No more than a page long.

[-] 1 points by jackmi (6) 13 years ago

Thank you!! BUT, it should not be confined... if the list needs to be added to, or altered then so be it, but we need something! Otherwise we're a bunch of 'rowdy kids' stirring up trouble and we're blown off

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

and debate is stupid and useless compared to research and collaboration. I'm not interested in debate and in fact if things don't change from debate and chit chat to collaboration soon, I'm quitting ... as already have almost all of the intellectuals that looked into this ..."movement". everyone will talk past each other until sufficient organization allows us to find each other.

[-] 1 points by jackmi (6) 13 years ago

I agree. I chose my words poorly. Collaboration is much closer to what I wanted to say.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

the solution to that is order and organization, which isn't coming because the admin does not understand how crucial it is and has blocked it in under neath 1001 other priorities.

[-] 1 points by OccupaSituation (6) from Lisbon, Lisbon 13 years ago

No. I'm sorry but you're wrong. It's the MANY voices of discontent that have the power to make THIS type of change.

[-] 1 points by jackmi (6) 13 years ago

I agree many voices have power, but those many voices saying a thousand things, in a thousand different ways is nothing. Its non adhesive glue... it does nothing. Our many voices need to be aimed at something.

[-] 1 points by OccupaSituation (6) from Lisbon, Lisbon 13 years ago

There are several proposals now flying on the air. If they are not co-opted by a couple opportunistic leaders (like e.g. Cohn-Bendit & friends in Paris 1968, all of them today with very warm seats at the European Parliament) maybe something will come out of it. Having seen other 'revolutions' failing because of SINGLE goals (or voices), I sincerely hope this time the post-modern cacophony works for once.