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Forum Post: Too many not broke 99%s

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 1:47 p.m. EST by MaerF0x0 (15)
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Notice people using +$500 cameras to write, im too broke to pay my rent...



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[-] 2 points by stilltrying (3) 13 years ago

I would like to see a cap on the salaries of non profit organizations. If the CEO makes over a certain amount I believe they should lose their non profit tax free status.

[-] 2 points by gtyper (477) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago


The movement isn't really about being poverty stricken (although one can own nice things and become unemployed overnight).

The movement seems to be primarily focused on removing corporate citizenship status and removing them from being represented in politics. In effect, becoming an owner of our political system again.

[-] 2 points by SIBob (154) from Staten Island, NY 13 years ago

Maybe that is why we are broke, we got suckered into "stimulating" the phony economy by purchasing overpriced foreign goods with our easy credit. You are right, buy nothing, especially if it is offered by one of our globalist blood-sucking corporations.

[-] 1 points by ribis (240) 13 years ago

That site cherry picked EIGHT exif dumps from over 1200 photos? Give me a break; there's no statistical conjuration nutty enough to describe that as a significant sample.

Show the results of, say, 100 consecutive pictures, and publish all the collected exif data. Heck, use a script to get the info from all of them, and share the script so others can verify methods and findings. Learn to make a compelling case, yeesh.

As it is, given the assumption that you want to share as many "favorable" examples as possible, you're basically arguing that just under 1% of the 99% can afford mid-range photographic equipment. Whoops; I bet that's not what you meant to say, eh?

[-] 1 points by stilltrying (3) 13 years ago

I would like to see a cap on the salaries of non profit organizations. If the CEO makes over a certain amount I believe they should lose their non profit tax free status.

[-] 1 points by PoorerRichard (14) 13 years ago

It's true. I actually managed to pay almost all of my own bills this month. I think I will still have a roof overhead and a meal at dinnertime, but there are literally millions of Americans -- not starving people from what we used to call the Third World -- I mean Americans, who can't make that claim. They can't make it not because they are lazy, or stupid, but because the playing field is so rigged and tilted that only the 1% Gamemasters can benefit. I'm glad I grew up during the 1950s. It was an amazing time as far as opportunity for the average guy who was willing to take some risk and follow his ideas. Those days are gone. Do you really think even a Steve Jobs could start out again, now unless he was heavily backed by big money? We want justice and an even playing field.

[-] 1 points by squaredroot (18) 13 years ago

It was never about being broke...it's about understanding corruption.

[-] 1 points by cmt (1195) from Tolland, CT 13 years ago

99% includes the middle class up through family incomes over a quarter of a million dollars a year.

Keeping corporations from buying our political system, opposing corruption, and wanting to see the mortgage fraudster brokers and banks held to account - we don't have to be poor to care!

[-] 0 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

Using $500+ cameras to complain about personal debt. Amazing.

[-] 0 points by luparb (290) 13 years ago

It's good you are broke.

I am broke too.

We have nothing to lose.

[-] 0 points by methinksdifferen (0) from Clewiston, FL 13 years ago

ah...so misguided. these hecklers who protect a system in which they are only pawns. ironically, they would be the first in line screaming their lungs out if the show was on the other foot. i have seen first hand, many who diminish this occupation use the very thing they deride for their own personal gain and advantage. its not only hypocritical...but at times immoral. they are delusional, thinking that they can be larger then they already are if they continue to pucker up.

[-] 2 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Oh lord the Uncle Tom card, hant heard that one in awhile. Syke, I hear it everyday. There isnt any shoe going on any feet. Quit with the same tired spin, oh knows Im immoral because I dont thinking marching on Wallstreet is a good way to fix our economic issues. Idiot

[-] 0 points by cylonbabyliam (73) 13 years ago

You literally just called a man an idiot, while phrasing the last statement with "I dont thinking."

[-] 2 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Now I see how you got so brainwashed

[-] 0 points by cylonbabyliam (73) 13 years ago

Through grammar, yes- I got brainwashed through proper grammar...you stupid dick.

[-] 2 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Maybe, or it could be focusing on something meaningless in order to veil the main point? Then calling them stupid dicks.... Yea seems like you got it down pretty good. /facepalm

[-] 0 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

Yea, you must not have a voice in things that affect you until you have sold your very last possession and are residing in a homeless shelter.

And then, you can just howl at the moon, or possibly go down to your public library to use the net, if the Randists haven't had your socialist free libraries shut down yet.

[-] 0 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Screw em man, no one ever gave me anything. They wouldnt have time to whine if they were out looking for jobs.

[-] 0 points by gtyper (477) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago

I pay more in taxes than the average American earns -- but I still support this movement.

To be honest, I feel a bit like a coward sitting behind my computer listening to true patriots out in the streets chanting the "WE ARE THE 99%" battle cry and trying to enact positive change to a sick nation. I'm glad there are people in this country with the fortitude to fight the enemy the rest of us are slaves to.

These patriots aren't whining any more than the Tea Party patriots did. If the average American would turn off their TVs and media outlets and turned on their minds - they'd realize the goals of the recent Tea Party movement (prior to being co-opted by the Republicans) have more in common with the Occupiers than anything.

I plead with you to not let your politics cloud your reason, sir.

[-] 2 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Help people all you like, but don't throw it in the faces of people who care just as much but choose not to use it and the things they do for people as leverage.

Then get your ass out there break laws and buck up on the cops, but dont cry about it when they beat you down. If you think rationally and ask yourself critical questions it is easy to see these people are sheep and dont really beleive in what they are marching for.

I didnt say anything about any tea partys or news programs, good job exposing yourself. These mobs are trying to make laws in the street instead of the ballot box. Thats all I needed to know to denounce the entire thing.

Again I didnt say anything about politics, so dont embarrass yourself, sir.

[-] 1 points by gtyper (477) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago


There's nothing to expose. I support the American Constitution and the American people. I supported the Tea Party movement when it was first incepted. I distance myself from it now as it became a co-opted movement that began focusing on social issues rather than the issues that brought the people together.

I mentioned turning off the media because the media is undergoing a blatant misinformation campaign. The liberal politicians are trying to co-opt the movement and the conservative politicians are trying to deride it. Neither side understands it.

With that said, I obviously don't believe (nor do I believe that the majority of protestors believe) that you can make a difference at the ballot box anymore. All our politicians have been bought and paid for. They now serve the wrong masters and their constituents are nothing more than children to be pandered to.

Finally, the last time a group of US citizenry took to the street to make laws - we called these people patriots and founding fathers. Perhaps - rather than deriding the movement - you take time to fully understand the movement and get involved with directing the movement into positive change for all.

Anyhow, I'm not embarrassed in the least. But I do appreciate your candor.

[-] 2 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Ok then Im with you on that.

With you on that too.

They are the dregs of society, Im not so sure about letting them vote after seeing them act like animals, at this point it seems like a conflict of interest.

Comparing this rabble to my founding fathers however is very insulting. Perhaps instead of insisting that everyone who disagrees with it doesnt understand it, you can take the time to fully understand why they disagree. Just a thought.

Well you should have been, no one can disagree with this crap without someone bringing up media or politics. We all know both are mostly full of shit nowadays, so lets step out of the box, take a look at who is prodding these people along, and ask ourselves if this who we want replacing the 1% fat cat demons. No thank you.

[-] 1 points by gtyper (477) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago


I don't think these people necessarily want to "replace" the "fat cats". They want reform in our system. They want our government to represent us.

I've seen arguments for dispersing the power back to the states - much as the constitution would advocate. I've seen arguments for ousting the current political regime.

I'm not sure I'm willing to call these people dregs. Nor am I willing to deify the founding fathers -- who were nothing more than participants in a fringe movement. There are intellectual elites in this movement. You aren't going to see them because the media has a vested interest in showing you the lowest common denominator. There were also intellectual elites in the Tea Party movement, but you weren't going to see them.

The reason no one can disagree without being called out on it is because it's hard to disagree with a movement against the current regime. I would argue that maybe 1 out of 10 people are truly under the impression that the government represents the people and is headed in a positive direction. They may squabble over what makes it better - but no one thinks it is in a good place.

Again, I say take your place in the movement and try to facilitate positive change as "Gileos" sees it.

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

I can see we are having a communication error, funny I thought I wrote it out well. You obviously havnt done much research on who is leading and prodding these people, the administration will be the ones replacing them.


I am, just take a look at the behavior, again I am mortified you try to compare the two. You beleive that it was a fringe that won the independence of this country? Did they teach you about the American Revolution at all? It took almost everything and everyone we had to win the thing, from what I understand the fringe of people were the ones still supporting the british. Please tell me if I am misinformed.

Ive seen the "intellectual elites" you refer to. Again you are lacking in the information dept, un or misinformed just like the kids marching on bank execs house and not even bothering to pause at george Soros' house. Please bash me for bringing up relevant facts, it makes me giggle. Have you ever been to a Tea Party rally? My money says no or it would be glaringly obvious the differences between the two movements.

I can understand that.

I make it my buissness to listen and talk with people I disagree with, your about the most civil person Ive found on these boards. I beg you please do not be misled by the intellectual elites.

I get up 5 days a week and work my ass off just to live and help my family. I will vote fiscal conservative in the next election, watch the private sector explode and Americans go back to work, if they want to by this point. Why would they when given so many incentives not to? Thats my place in my movement to facilitate positive change.

[-] 1 points by gtyper (477) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago

I don't believe there is anyone leading this protest. I think there are those that want to glom onto it and twist it to suit their purposes -- but I don't think that this is the masterminded plan of some nefarious liberal/socialist plot (which I assume you are alluding to with the 'fiscal conservative' mention). I could be wrong, but I watched this motion grow from its infancy and I just don't think it is some orchestrated move by anyone other than those in protest.

As for the founding fathers - you are, in fact, incorrect. The move to resistance and then outright revolution was started as a fringe move. Most of the American populous were much like we are now - comfortable and naive. Yes, there was frustration, but the nation didn't magically band together overnight. The people behind the revolution opened the eyes of the populous and the nation did band together to overthrow an unjust rule.

What prompted the Tea Party was legislation bought and paid for by the East India Tea Company. Much like the protestors today upset with our bought and paid for politicians serving corporate masters.

Anyhow, much like you, I also work my ass off. I earned my education and put it to use in the private sector and eventually moved into work for myself. I think being fiscally conservative is a very good goal and I am like minded. But I'm not naive enough to believe that being fiscally conservative is enough. There is room for improvement on both sides of the budget equation -- and it should be evaluated outside of party lines. Additionally, there are areas where I believe it is in the interest of the nation to have social programs - albeit not the bastardized ones you see today.

Personally, I would advocate a very small Federal government with very limited power. I would like to see each state be given the power to rule itself, much like the constitution advocates. This would allow for more personal involvement in the politics of the land and if it doesn't fit what you wish - you can move to a different state.

This isn't to say I would completely neuter the Federal Government - just reign them in. Their job would be to protect citizens from others infringing on their rights between the states and ensuring none of the states made laws outside of the bounds of the constitution.

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Ok what do you think a leader is? I think its someone who is being followed, do some research man, open your mind. This is not the democratic revolution you want so much for it to be. Everytime I try to put some stock into what you say, you say somthing dumb like (which I assume you are alluding to with the 'fiscal conservative' mention). If you want to take politics out of this for everyone you have to take it out for yourself too. Why cant I just be a concerned American thats seen videos of cult like behavior rallied behind socialist leaders?

No more of those huh? Id give it around 30-40% Well i can tell you that even 2k people in each city will not ruin this country, theres too many people like me who care too much. Not enough leechers and Americans obsessed with proving they arent racsist to overthrow this place.

Thats good man, you still got the wrong scapegoat.

Me too

Me either, id just get them back on the right track.

[-] 1 points by gtyper (477) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago

I don't think there is a "leader". The organizers of this protest have ranged from AmpedStatus all the way to Anonymous. Now, if you are going to tell me DeGraw is a lackey for the democratic elites - I would just shake my head. If you want to tell me that somehow Anonymous was co-opted by the socialist leaders - I'll straight out laugh.

Yes, socialist and democratic leadership has leeched onto this movement. But listen to the demands and what people want. The majority seem to be advocating returning the government to the people. More direct representation. A complete demolition of the fed. More state government. More accountability for legislators and fiscal accountability of the government.

While I agree that there are some "liberal" claims as well such as a higher marginal tax rate and changing of tax brackets and more federal regulation on industry ... I can't necessarily say I disagree.

As someone that would be in the higher tax brackets - I'd have no issue so long as the government spending patterns are reformed. On the other liberal side, I would agree that corporations are incapable of policing themselves. It's tragic but the free market fails because of unchecked human greed.

[-] 0 points by superman22x (188) 13 years ago

^This folks, the selfish nature of our country. You sir, may not be rich, but in my book you are still a part of the selfish and greedy. I am not in debt, I don't even try to look for jobs and the offers still roll in, engineering is worth the effort my friends. But I still support this movement. We need to get rid of corruption.

[-] 2 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

^This folks is the liberal whiny nature of our country. No I am not rich but what I have matters alot because me and my family worked hard for it. You want us to give hard earned money to people who havnt done anything to deserve it and have been living off the government their whole lives. Then I am called greedy, it is very insulting and will be the end of this empty meaningless protest.

[-] 0 points by superman22x (188) 13 years ago

We're not asking you to give money. We're asking the rich to stop controlling the gov't like their puppets. I called you selfish because you say screw those that are unsuccessful.

[-] 2 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Why did I say screw the unsuccessful? Do you think I have something against them? Am I really just a noncaring bad person? Or is it possibly because they want something for nothing and seek to take it by mob rule if not by force. Go load up a truk full of sandwiches and back it up to their neighborhoods if you care so much. Until then quit throwing how much you "care" in others faces.

Lol asking them to stop controllin the govt, thats about like being mad at banks because they want you to pay your loans back. Good call.

[-] 0 points by cylonbabyliam (73) 13 years ago

Everything was already taken from us by force.

There was a surplus of money under the last president at the beginning of the previous decade, now gone through an election where a shitty candidate forced his way in, and then decided to force us to go along with a stupid war where he spent all the money we put aside for the troubles we're facing now.

The term "screw the unsuccessful" doesn't make you a noncaring bad person? In what universe? Literally every Judea-Christian belief pins that as the worst of all attitudes. Even Ayn Rand doesn't believe in "Screw the unsuccessful," she believes in motivating the unsuccessful to move up and to question their government...OH, WHAT ARE WE DOING? Right- that's right, questioning our government.

The mother of individualism would be rolling in her grave if she saw people like you using her philosophies to defend the current government, riddled with corporate assholes manipulating both parties to essentially destroy competition and tear apart small businesses.

There's individualists, libertarians, communists and moderates all rallied into this movement, who have logical heads on their shoulders and see that there's a major economic crisis in this nation and it isn't all the fault of the individual. If you cannot even recognize that, than you're an idiot.

Oh, not to mention- again, a huge and arrogant dick.

[-] 2 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Sigh, same old bullcrap spin talk. No wonder people get tired of trying to explain things to you. All I can say is go back and reread and you will understand, or did they not teach good engrish at that pooblic scewl? If you still feel the same way I dont care, please go march so I can watch the cops take some of the stupid people out of this world.

[-] 1 points by cylonbabyliam (73) 13 years ago

Ah fuck it. I'm done, listen to your own advice.

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Well you certainly have that first peice right, although I cannot confirm if you ever even got started. All you have done is call me a dick and take what I say out of context, if that is how the supporters of this movement go about their buissness then I gotta say I am glad I signed up here, it is very eye opening.

[-] 0 points by superman22x (188) 13 years ago

Actually, I have done all that. I lived in Flint, I went on a mission trip to Detroit and St. Louis. I've given back. Not enough, always more I could do. But I have given some back. And anyone who says they have given enough back... they're wrong. You can never give enough back.
I made 2,000 sammiches for those that were needy one day. And the next day, served and cooked chicken gizzards and liver for the unsuccessful. When I was offered a nice meal in return for the help, I gave that to someone else who didn't have a home and sat down to enjoy my small meal of gizzards and liver with him.
You can try and justify your greediness, I don't care if you have done that. But it doesn't change the fact. You're greedy. I am too, I'm looking at snowmobiles on craigslist as I type. But I haven't damned the unsuccessful. I spend time to help them still.

[-] 2 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Can you not see how pushing what you think people "ought" to do is destroying your credibility and that o this movement. I signed up here thinking there were good people with legit concerns. Instead with every post I read I am more convinced these are the dying gasps of socialism, sorry it didnt work.

While we are telling people what they ought to do, you ought to be making some more sammiches, whos trying to justiy their greediness now? Did I just laugh, yes, yes I did. I see no need to justify anything to anyone, if they knew me they would know better. Thats the difference between me and you.

[-] 0 points by cylonbabyliam (73) 13 years ago

I think this is a little brutal. Being part of the 99% isn't about being flat broke, it's about being in economic disparity or even being in the threatened middle class and wanting a change to the economic system. Also, I can barely pay my rent as well, but I do have a +$500 camera that I got a very long time ago in college. I'm just not looking to sell all my shit to pay my rent- I'd prefer...you know, a job.

[-] -1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Dont lie you dont want to work.

[-] 0 points by OWSNewPartyTakeNY2012 (195) 13 years ago

its not that we dont want to work, we dont want to work for you. or the screwed up system as is.

[-] 0 points by OWSNewPartyTakeNY2012 (195) 13 years ago

the game is rigged and nobody is hiring except MIcky D's. Your telling us to be the under paid servents to a system which we fundamentally do not respect. The initial lack of respect swelled over from the side of the establishment.

[-] 1 points by IdFightGandhi (38) 13 years ago

Mcd isn't even hiring... When they had their big jobs drive for 50000 jobs they had so many apply only 6.5% of the applicants got a job.

How sad is that?

[-] 1 points by JohnnySuburban (88) 13 years ago

why do you blame "the system" because your skillset and your intellect isn't in demand by anyone and nobody wants to compensate your for it?

Isn't that your fault?

[-] 1 points by MaerF0x0 (15) 13 years ago

It is at least in part the job of the education system to prepare an unwieldy child into a productive adult. If those coming out of our education system are only good enough for McDonalds.. then maybe we need a better education system. Maybe less Map memorization and Conics and more computing, entrepreneurship or hands on skills (welding, electricians etc). The school system needs to be more dynamic to match the job markets that await the graduates.

[-] 0 points by OWSNewPartyTakeNY2012 (195) 13 years ago

The individual has a certain degree over their destiny as does the environment/community that individual inhabits. It is not one or the other, its a combination of both. The people in this movement know that the environment which we inhabit has been, if not created, destroyed by the wealthy elite and the government they've bankrolled. We know that the environment of opportunity and freedom could be much better if not for the misguided greed of the institutions being protested. Your going to say "Well where's your entrepreneurial spirit?" I'm a freedom fighter not a business man, your grandchildren will have the freedom and opportunity to compete because of the movement of this day.

[-] 2 points by JohnnySuburban (88) 13 years ago

sorry, I just fail to see how a mishmash of ideas from ppl many of whom are on completely different sides of the spectrum (Ron Paul ppl vs. Lefty Socialists) will be able to come to any agreement on how to solve the issues as they see them.

One side wants Obama and Bigger Govt The other side wants Ron Paul and Smaller Govt

and then the rest of OWS appear to be just made up of other fringe ideas...Anarchy, Communism, etc.

am I reading it all wrong??

[-] 0 points by OWSNewPartyTakeNY2012 (195) 13 years ago

No Anarchy, No Communism, Not really any tea party people either, They are not a large demographic on the east coast. Like the tea party we recognize that our primary political party has failed us. We feel the root of the problem is special interest money. In a practical senses politicians are more worried about keeping their jobs then doing their jobs. So we want to remove the corrupting agent and be reformers. There are a lot of practical things that people in the base of both parties want but haven't been able to get. We want to make these things a reality but that does not mean the end of Capitalism or the many freedoms we all enjoy. As for the Mishmash, New York City and the larger east coast area is one Giant Mishmash of every kind of person and Ideology from around the world. Getting along despite our differences is normal for us.

[-] 2 points by JohnnySuburban (88) 13 years ago

sooner or later, someone in OWS is gonna have to give it better structure and come up with some concrete demands...something more than "We want to be happy!"...and when that happens, the two main opposing idealogies in OWS (the right wing and left wing) will split w/ each other.

[-] 1 points by OWSNewPartyTakeNY2012 (195) 13 years ago

we already have a platform of demands, Its a work in progress. http://occupywallst.org/forum/proposed-list-of-demands-please-help-editadd-so-th/

[-] 0 points by cylonbabyliam (73) 13 years ago

You're right, I'd rather sit at home and stare into the middle distance while eating noodles out of a shitty plastic package.


[-] 0 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

I could think of tons of better ideas. But you obviously cant, this isnt the land of free stuff, its opportunity and you have plenty of it, of that I am sure. I happen to like roman noodles.


[-] 0 points by cylonbabyliam (73) 13 years ago

I just got reminded how much opportunity I had, when I called almost every retail store in the area, at which I applied for jobs over the last week and was reminded about how much hiring they aren't doing and how much their managers don't want to talk to me.

Calling me a parasite doesn't make it true, but patronizing poor people who are working their ass off, only because they want to work in the first place, well, that without a doubt makes you a total dick.

[-] 2 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Keep it up man do not give up I promise they are out there.

The people marching down the streets are not working their asses off, they are being paid to get attention. You obviously arent. Oh noes people are being mean to me! Your a master of your own destiny, change it. Mob rule is not the way.

[-] 0 points by cylonbabyliam (73) 13 years ago

Oh shut the fuck up. Every time someone gets on this website and argues with me and then I tell them, "Hey- I'm actually looking for a job and I'm actually a hardworking American," they have the same half-assed response, "Well, you're still surrounded by lazy hippies and hey- keep it up and when you're forty, you MAY just get a job!" You might as well line up with the asshole employers who keep rejecting me and just spit on me. Please, make me more promises of more jobs that one day, I'll hold- it's been THREE FUCKING YEARS since I graduated college and people keep making me these stupid promises. Maybe...MAYBE I would have taken you with a little more confidence, but what do you start off the debate with? "Don't lie, you don't want to work."

What a total dick you are.

[-] 2 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Man you really got a bad case of it. Who promised your sorry ass a job just for going to college? Ungrateful kid.

[-] 1 points by cylonbabyliam (73) 13 years ago

Literally the entire society in which I grew up promised me a job for going to college. The whole message towards my generation from every person in the previous generation was "If you go to college, you can get a job." That was it. There were no asterisks or fine print, the message was clear- go get a bachelor's and you'll get a job. Every recruitment poster for every college I ever saw promised me a job for going to college, in exchange for student loan debt.

How am I ungrateful because I want a job before I'm ready to retire? How could I possibly be misconstrued as being ungrateful just because I don't believe that a state with a 13 percent unemployment rate and a country with a 9 percent unemployment rate doesn't have much opportunity, when it obviously doesn't?

This is the issue of protest here and you're an idiot to say that it has absolutely no credence. I respect your right to disagree with me, but just insulting me off the bat and then once you're in a corner, telling me, "Hey, don't give up!" is sheer proof of stupidity and yet again shows you to be...

A complete and total dick.

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Well we can see the degree didnt help much in the way of common sense.

Because you are able to choose, for now.

Sorry man, your letting the administration pit you against Americans. You have a young, weak, easily molded mind, thats why I insulted you. You have to be kidding me, what corner? Ive heard it all before and I sympathize, truely. But you kids have taken it to an entirely new level, its no longer a debate but now around 40% of good Americans trying to show you that you have been lied to, and your going after the wrong people.

No respect.

[-] 1 points by cylonbabyliam (73) 13 years ago

Oh you kids and your rap music! Braaagh! Why don't ya get off my lawn and get a job ya dirty hippy.

Really, that's all I hear.

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Hmmm thats funny I am 26 and enjoy all types of music, even country sometimes. Not exactly revelant is it though? While we are pretending that it is, are you implying that you enjoy dirty hippies without jobs hanging out in your yard? Anyways thanks for admitting exactly how brainwashed you have become. I can see our future conversations will be entirely made up of me poking fun at you. Well played sir.

[-] 1 points by cylonbabyliam (73) 13 years ago

I'm sorry, I read the first couple words and got bored, but I'm sure it was full of douchebaggery.

[-] 1 points by MaerF0x0 (15) 13 years ago

stop being a fool and wanting a shitty job. Go make something that is real. Walk outside of your town and grow some food. Get some wood and make a chair.. Make something real, that some real person will want to use and you will make money. Next, do it better or faster to make more money. That is the simplest system of how to earn. At first it will be shitty, you may make $1 an hour, but if you dont suck you will earn a lot more in a short amount of time. Go on odesk.com and find a job writing something or anything, take any pay you can get for your time, even if the pay is a bowl of soup and a handshake. It will be worth it in the long run.