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Forum Post: Today's Online Mission: Fight trolls advocating violence; bring in 53% to the 99%

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 2:40 p.m. EST by imrational (527)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Today's Online MIssion

  1. Go to news articles about OWS, concentrating on ones that deal with protesters that were arrested for violent actions (ex. bottle throwing & overturning the police scooter). The OWS has always said it is a non-violent movement. Deny that those protesters represent us. If anyone in the comment section advocate violence as a means of protest, shout them down and tell them they are not part of the OWS until they renounce such advocacy.

  2. When you see comments or articles about the 53% group, tell them about the Supreme Court rulings that allow for unlimited corporate bribes to political campaigns or how a citizen's private home can be confiscated by the government and handed to a corporation via Eminent Domain. Tell them this is not about handouts. This is about eliminating corruption.

If you endorse today's mission, please comment in this thread regularly, spread its URL and encourage others to take action.

Thank you.



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