Forum Post: Today will be a great day across the world.. and here is a sign for you.. thanks OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 4:25 a.m. EST by jameswestonmusic
from Los Angeles, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
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"In solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, and the entire Occupy movement, I have put together my "sign" for the cause. This moment in history will define us. We who care for a better future, a peaceful future of equality and freedom. That which was stripped away from not only the United States, but also the world. Giants roam our planets, Titans trample the majority under foot. Lies which we once believed were truth are now exposed with the greatest weapon mankind has ever seen, the internet. A wealth of information, a common place to unite for a greater good. I am a musician, this is for all those giving their whole selves to a cause greater than we have ever been witness to. Learn wholeheartedly, and voice your opinions. Dive into the ocean of truth and surf the net, baby. Let's change this planet, in the name of PEACE. You name the terms."
Song written and performed by James Weston Special thanks to Shay Astar (camera) and Art Espinosa (sound). A ThanksMOM production with Sound in Art Peace And Love James Weston