Forum Post: To Those Who Treat This Forum Like /b/
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 2:59 a.m. EST by ARod1993
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Stop it, OK? It's not cool, it sure as hell isn't funny, and it makes all of us look like a bunch of dissipated morons. If you don't knock it off you WILL be banned. And if any of you decide to complain about your right to free speech being impinged upon after you come on here and rant about gays and Jews and minorities and Jews and did I mention Jews? instead of having a rational discussion, hear me:
I'm not talking about anyone trying to regulate what is or is not said on the Internet; we're talking about whether or not this particular site chooses to willingly host people who come on here spouting lies, irrelevant conspiracy theories, and random invective. Frankly, we do not want anyone on here who behaves in this way, as it makes all of the rest of us look like a bunch of loons, and it is our choice whether we want to allow them to do so. We do not.
Freedom of speech may technically mean that you may say anything; however it places others under no obligation whatsoever to pay attention to what you say. The problem with people, though, is that if something is yelled loudly enough over and over again then people do start to pay attention and take you seriously even if you're spouting total crap.
Everyone may say their piece as they choose, but operating account after account to put up post after post of pure divisive, racist tripe is no longer an expression of free speech but a concerted attempt to force people to pay undue attention to content that has neither merit nor value nor purpose other than to make us turn on each other. In effect, persistent trolling of this nature is shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater, only over a longer period of time, and I believe it should be treated as such.
Nobody is flooding black nations and ONLY black nations with non-blacks and saying, “Its OK, there is no such thing as race. So we are going to replace black people with a blended people.” This is happening in white nations and ONLY in white nations. They say they are antiracist. What they are is antiwhite. Antiracist is a code word for antiwhite. And what they want is genocide.
We cannot have a rational discussion on race. You simply won't allow it. You know that if anyone started discussing these things rationally, your whole game will be up. When Lenin and Trotsky took over Russia they killed 60 million White Russians in the process. THAT is where your precious buzz-word "racist" comes from. Anyone who protested this wholesale slaughter was labeled a "racist" or "someone who defends their race". I can compare it to a madman running around slashing people's throats calling anyone who opposes him a "throat-ist" "How dare they protect their throat, that is throatist!" It's silly. You anti-whites love to call people names. You are like children. Oh, and Freedom of Speech was developed for situations EXACTLY like this. Not so some filthy Jew can promote pornography. That is like saying the Right to Bear Arms is so we can hunt or defend ourselves. Only the latter is correct. The Right to Bear Arms is to keep our government in check, to defend ourselves from tyranny (Like Chairman Mao's "Political Correctness") Face it anti-whites. The game is up. You must decide whether you are pro-White or pro White Genocide.
Harumph! ARod, in your original post you extol free speech but end with the conclusion that dissenters from your views must be stifled! Lol, ARod! In similar fashion, anti-Whites like yourself extol the virtues of "anti-racism" but support programs that further White Genocide!
As cBear says, anti-racist is just a code word for anti-White.
Pro-Whites support the preservation of ALL races, because we enjoy the diversity of races and cultures on this planet.
We understand that separation created diversity and that separation maintains diversity. In other words, we understand the Theory of Evolution, which is among the many things that anti-Whites hate! Lol! And harumph!
Anti-Whites like yourself need to wake up and stop supporting White Genocide under the guise that you are anti-racist!
But you and I do have one thing in common, ARod: we both hate these stinking predatory banks and the politicians who have been corrupted by their money to let them loot, loot, and loot some more!
They're anti-White and they're pro White-Genocide.
Thanks. If we can't have a respectful and intelligent dialogue we will defeat the whole purpose of this open up dialogue!
If they want freedom of speech, let them go to a park. We're not stopping them.
I'm behind you and this is well said.
However, regarding: "Frankly, we do not want anyone on here who behaves in this way, as it makes all of the rest of us look like a bunch of loons." That's exactly what they want, so telling them to stop won't really do much. I understand the need to say it though. It's a frustrating situation.
TO THOSE SIMILARLY FRUSTRATED: DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! was built by a group of users here who felt the exact same way, and went ahead and DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT. It's fully moderated. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT YOURSELF and help get this alternate forum going! Why are you still here??
It's a mess! Now there's something better!
It's really that simple. The online segment of this movement is quickly deteriorating and something needs to be done. Don't wait for others to do it for you -- we've already done the hard part anyway! All you have to do now is JOIN. SILENCE THE FREAKING TROLLS!
I'm already on there and the change of tone compared to here is incredibly refreshing...
Much of what you are talking about are trolls. They come here and troll with various post to get an emotional response out of the real users. All inet boards have them to some degree.
1/ In your opinion it's racist.
2/ Define 'racist'. Is it racist to oppose the genocide of a race of people?
3/ If ALL and ONLY Black countries in 1965 opened their borders and let hundreds of millions of non-Blacks into their countries, and then 90 years later, Blacks are expected to be minorities in the countries that let non-Blacks in; and Black people call it genocide, does that mean they are as you put it, "lying" or saying "racist tripe"?
I eagerly await a reply.
Silence the trolls^. Join
To make your analogy complete, though, African societies would have to have developed the means to conquer the rest of the world, including Europe. They would also have to have spent three and a half out of the past four centuries systematically occupying and stripping as much of the world as they could get their hands on, such that by the end of that time African nations were enjoying standards of living multiple orders of magnitude higher than damn near anywhere else. If that held true, then yes I would consider it racist tripe and I would hold those who spout it fully responsible. I don't care whether it's black people, white people, Asian people, or anyone else you name; refusing to learn to work alongside and accept people of different cultures is racism and calling such a requirement genocide is beyond outlandish.
I legitimately don't get it; if you have a large pool of young, intelligent, driven, hardworking people who want to come here so that they can better themselves, then we don't as a nation lose anything by admitting them. In fact, we gain tenfold, both from the skills and drive they bring directly to this country, and because their presence both inspires and embarrasses American-born citizens to push themselves to be more of what their country needs.
So what you are saying is that if a group of people colonises a large portion of the Earth they deserve to be genocided through immigration policies? I don't wish any group in this world to be genocided - they all need their own lands to live in and do their own thing.
I'm not talking about individuals, I'm talking about the establishment flooding all White countries with millions of non-White people, then telling everybody to mix together/assimilate/etc, and then releasing all these statistics that the whole world is going to be brown.
What do you think is happening if Tibet was flooded with millions of Chinese people, and the Chinese establishment told everybody to mix together and create a blended humanity, and then said that X many years later, Tibet would be mixed-ethnicity? Borders don't just open up by accident, it's a political decision. Marin county didn't force integrate itself by accident, Obama did it because it was "too White".
The establishment hide behind their moral highground claiming to be anti-racist, but at the same time they call for the death of White people (not in so many words), I'll give you an example: "The death of the White race is so desirable that one could hardly believe it would recieve any opposition except from a committed White supremacist" - Noel Ignatev .
That's why anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
Gar5 has it right.
Japan is 98.5% Japanese. Japan is a wealthy first-world nation with an aging population and a declining birthrate. It also has a horrendous colonial history. Yet no one is insisting the Japanese replace themselves with a blended humanity to end “racism”. This is only demanded of White countries.
Like everyone is saying, anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.