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Forum Post: To those who say Life is unfair

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 28, 2012, 11:14 p.m. EST by cubedemon (185)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

First, I have aspergers syndrome which is a disorder on the autism spectrum. These are things I do not logically grasp. Why is it wrong, immoral and ignoble to want to seek fairness? Why is the desire and the quest to seek a fair world wrong, immoral and ignoble?



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[-] 1 points by Libertarianliving (149) 13 years ago

"Fair" is a relative term!


[-] 2 points by Listof40 (233) 13 years ago

I understand what you are saying here but there are different types of 'fairness' so to speak...

The idea of demanding things without regard to proper reasoning, ethics, contribution, or circumstance, for example, is not a real basis for what is fair... this is more of a superficial aspect...

However, if a person has a house and family, and then a company buys adjacent land and pollutes the ground water, and then the company tries to cover it up and get politicians to obstruct legitimate complaints to stop the pollution and hold the company accountable - this is is a breech of 'fundamental fairness' and is not ethically appropriate...

Corruption at the government level is also not appropriate and is a problem, these types of concerns can be considered more towards issues of what is 'fundamental fair'...

[-] 1 points by Listof40 (233) 13 years ago

Fairness is one of the fundamental aspects of ethics, and so it is generally a virtue to seek fairness in many important areas...

Now there may be areas where people are unsure about how fairness or ethics relates to day to day issues, and so there can be problem aspects... but generally social and cultural disconnects are often a factor in how fairness is perceived...

[-] 1 points by Uprising (8) 13 years ago

Actually we don't need to argue about this.

We have to fight for justice and fairness.

People who don't fight for justice and fairness deserve to live like dogs.

[-] 1 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

There are those who believe that life is not fair and it is a truth that is lock, stock, and barrel. I am asking them the question why? Why must I accept it and why is seeking fairness a vice and ignoble?

[-] 1 points by Neuwurldodr (744) 13 years ago

First of all, what is fairness? The dictionary says, "free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice: legitimately sought, pursued, done, given, etc.; proper under the rules: neither excellent nor poor; moderately or tolerably good: Isn't this referring to man made attributes? As for life, if man is fair....then surely he must reap that in return? But, we do not live in a fair society, or world for that matter, and man's ideas of fairness only refers to what he can obtain for himself, not others. So, fairness has been thrown out the window in this alleged modern world. Now, life being fair? Then one would have to question the elements and how fairness fits into that total equation of existence of man.
Too much for individuals to comprehend when the basic foundations of maintaining a lively hood and sustenance have been un-"fair" ly stripped away

[-] 1 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

If the dictionary is correct then what they are saying is this.

Life is not free from bias, dishonesty or injustice Life does not govern itself under proper rules. Life is not excellent nor poor; moderately or tolerably good.

If all of these things are true about life and this is what those who say life is not fair is a truth then my question is are these proper rules to life? If they are proper rules to life and we have no proper rules then how are these proper rules? Does this not present an inconsistency to the question of life being fair or unfair? If it does not present an inconsistency they why is it not inconsistent? If these definitions are not the essence of fairness then what is fairness?

[-] 1 points by Neuwurldodr (744) 13 years ago

Fairness is man doing unto others as he would have them do unto him. So...I be fair to you, you be fair to me!! Simple as that!!!

No great philosophy required here!

[-] 1 points by nobnot (529) from Kapaa, HI 13 years ago

Occupy oakland doing another great job tonight

[-] 1 points by Uprising (8) 13 years ago

Yes, the world is not fair: someone make money by practicing in lying and mass sodomy while some one make money from corruption and market manipulation.

We need real change

[-] 1 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

Uprising, there are those who say life is unfair and I must accept it lock, stock and barrel. I assume it includes what you said as well. My question to those who believe this as a truth is why must I accept as a truth? Why is it ignoble to attempt to seek fairness and want fairness? Is fairness sometimes a vice and why is it sometimes a vice if it is sometimes is a vice?

[-] 1 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

I have another question to ask. Is fairness always a noble value and if it truly is then why?

[-] 0 points by BetsyRoss (-744) 13 years ago

Trying to be a fair person is noble. Demanding it from others is not.

[-] 1 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

Interesting. I would like to investigate this further if you don't mind. Why is demanding it from others not noble? Is demanding anything from anyone noble and if not then why is it not noble?

[-] 1 points by NKVD (55) 13 years ago

You are a liar. Go away.

[-] 1 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

What exactly have I lied about? I want to understand the essence of life itself.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

FYI about the individual accusing you of lying:

The NKVD prisoner massacres were a series of mass executions committed by the Soviet NKVD against prisoners in Eastern Europe, primarily Poland, Ukraine, ...

Why am I not surprised at your user name connection. I thought at 1st - coincidence? Nope you seem to have an affinity.

[-] 1 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

How do I have an affinity to the NKVD?

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

Reread. The comment was not about you. It was about the username NKVD individual. That person's relevant comment below:

[-] 1 points by NKVD (65) 30 minutes ago

You are a liar. Go away. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink

[-] 1 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

I understand now.

[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

You don't. The person who called you a liar took up the username "NKVD" for some reason and DKAtoday bugs him about it whenever he says things like that.

[-] 1 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

oh ok

[-] 1 points by NKVD (55) 13 years ago

You think your "essence" of life is here?

[-] 1 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

I don't know, is it? Everyone else has the answers. I have none.

[-] 0 points by BetsyRoss (-744) 13 years ago

It is very possible that life is perfectly fair, and that we just do not like it's fairness when we experience less than pleasurable results.

[-] 1 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

Let's say you are correct then what exactly is the essence of fairness?

[-] 0 points by BetsyRoss (-744) 13 years ago

"differences in the outcomes of life that are not the result of discrimination." Life, cannot discriminate- so how can it be "unfair"?

[-] 0 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

Before we can establish that "life can't discriminate and can't be unfair" then my question is what exactly is the essence of life? What exactly is life?

[-] -2 points by WooHoo (15) 13 years ago

It's not wrong. It IS a waste of time.

[-] 2 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

Woohoo, I don't understand your response. In our country, time is considered a precious commodity am I correct? By America's standards and values wasting time is a ignoble and a wrong thing to do am I correct? If I am wrong so far on what I have said then why am I wrong?

You say seeking fairness is a waste of time. You are saying this is a true premise. Since this is true and if wasting time is an ignoble and wrong thing to dothen by American standards then seeking fairness is wrong and an ignoble thing to do. Therefore unless I'm mistaken we have a contradiction to your response. Again, why is seeking fairness wrong?

[-] -1 points by WooHoo (15) 13 years ago

I don't know if wasting time is wrong. I do know that it'd be great if life was fair. I also know it isn't.

[-] 3 points by cubedemon (185) 13 years ago

There are those who consider it wrong. In your opinion, do you believe that all cases of wasting time is wrong and if you do then why?