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Forum Post: To those that complain

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 12:13 a.m. EST by FuManchu (619)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Things aren't perfect here. Some systems are broken and some can be improved. I understand the frustration of people without jobs or in other difficult situations. What is the solution? Do away completely with our system? Why do the best minds from all over the world want to come to the US? Why do we have the most creative technological companies? Why do we constantly lead in terms of innovations? Why do we have the coolest weapons? (not that I advocate their use) Why do we have more stories like Google, Microsoft and Apple?

Something made it possible for the best in everyone to come out. Something made it possible for creativity to be nurtured.

Look at some other countries like Russia and China. I don't see people lining up in front of Chinese embassies to get a visa to immigrate there.

Don't be deceived by vested interests. However broken the system may be, we still have the best that's out there.

This is from someone that wasn't born here. Ask anyone who moved here from another country and he/she will say the same thing.

Let's fix what's broken. Not do away with what has worked well.



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[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 13 years ago

You acknowledge that the system is broken. Most of us just want to fix it. We all know that this country has been great. But there comes a time to stop drinking your own bathwater, and try to make it as great as it should be today, and tomorrow. Our standard shouldn't be another country, it should be how good America could/can be. People need jobs. People have been screwed out of their life savings. Some have gamed the system to steal from others and get away with it. Is that what you want everyone to settle for? My family came here in 1634 and been through good times and bad, but they never settled for a sleasy, corrupt country. It happened in the Depression. It happened in Prohibition. We have had some ugly moments in our history but then we cleaned them up. It's time again and you should be helping us.

[-] 1 points by FuManchu (619) 13 years ago

Of course. I am just saying that the solution is not to do away with capitalism completely as many are suggesting. Fixing it is fine. Stop them from gaming the system. Don't do away with the system.

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 13 years ago

Agreed. The guy with his pants on fire wants to abolish matches. They will come around.