Forum Post: To those of you who still think there's any different between the two political parties.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 1:23 a.m. EST by Sample246
from Pell City, AL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
These kind of people baffle me. I have read so much stuff on the internet like "Those damn republicans are ruining everything!" and "Democrats are ruining everything! I hate Obama!"
I have a serious question for you guys: What makes you think either party cares in the slightest bit about ANY of us? Every single last politician in Washington wants nothing more than personal gain. NOTHING more. They continue to shit all over us, and it's become so glaringly painfully obvious in the past few years that I honestly am completely baffled as to how anyone in their right mind can still think that one party is better than the other. It's a circus people! They put on a good show, then close the doors and laugh at how STUPID you are!
And I love how people root for their party like it's a damned football team. WHATEVER their stance may be, their followers throw themselves into support blindly. What's wrong with you people? Clinton didn't care about us, Bush didn't care about us, and then Obama promises "change" (bwahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaha) and didn't accomplish a damned thing! How many more times do you have to be fucked in the ass to realize "Hey wait, I'm being fucked in the ass!"
Oh wait, here's my favorite part. People out there don't support the protests because, get this: it's supposedly receiving some funding from democratic organizations or something. Here's what I have to say about that: Our country, no, our WORLD is burning down around us! PEOPLE (not republicans, not democrats, not independents. living breathing FEELING people just like you and I) are finally standing up against this horrible fucking economy and the blatant corruption that's caused it. But you're going to shoot it down because your rival football tea- oh wait, those dirty democrats are helping with some funding. Who gives a flying fuck? You know why I believe the movement has NOT been hijacked by the democratic party? Because politicians act in their own interests. Politicians act in the interests of big business. Do you think for a second that if there was any real outside political influence in the OWS movement, that we would be planning something like shutting down the ports of the west coast? See how the Tea Party came along and they were ignored and then kinda disappeared from public view? THEY we're hijacked. The police are BEATING US in the streets! We still have the TRUE interests of the general public in our vision! Why else would the police beat us? If we we're hijacked, we wouldn't be facing so much opposition! Some people say "well you should get some politicians of your own inside so you can change things that way." Well the tea party already tried that. Look how well that turned out. The time has come for REAL change! We've told the government TIME AND TIME again to STOP! STOP THE WARS! STOP THE CORRUPTION! Did they listen? Hell no! They disregard us and continue doing what they want, beefing up their paychecks, creating unconstitutional "super" committees, and... ruling that... tomatoes are vegetables on pizza. WHILE THE WORLD CRASHES AND BURNS!
NO MORE! WE TAKE TO THE STREETS! They've ignored us long enough! There are no more political parties! No more negros, spics, white trash inbreds, anarchists, hipsters, and hobos. ONLY YOUR COUNTRYMEN! We are just hairless monkeys born on this floating rock in space! A few of these monkeys have decided that their existence is more important than the rest, and we're here to say NO. Put aside your differences guys! Stand together! We may not have another chance at fixing our system. If we let the movement die, then it's only a matter of time before the internet is censored. Then what? We'll be slaves for eternity! Or at the very least, until our great grandsons shed their blood to right what we failed stop!
There are some differences
I'll add my little $0.02 to that, if you don't mind:
I feel your annoyance with the Democrats, who failed to do things when they had the chance like end those Bush tax cuts for the rich once and for all. They failed to be inventive and get "bailouts" (interest free loan money) directly to the people instead of the banks.
Nonetheless, the Democrats have room for people to dissent from their policy - indeed, that's what makes them so weak - whereas voting for a Republican seems like voting for a walking talking rubber stamp. And they at least speak in favor of a better deal for ordinary people... which is a start. Taking to the street is also just a matter of speaking. The following through part is hard, but if protesters and Democrats show some support from each other it might be done.
I agree, if there had to be a lesser of the two evils, it's the democrats. But holy shit if people aren't so dense! The politicians wear these badges representing which side they're on, but they don't actually care! At all! At ALL! The political parties are dead. "Liberalism" by very definition is that which promotes liberty! We don't have liberty anymore, so of COURSE this movement is liberal! We want to LIBERATE the country. Liberal is not a term to be ashamed of. Even if you've been raised conservative. A liberal is one who loves liberty! Embrace it, or become a slave, and doom your children to be slaves!
Hypocrisy has doomed America. Believing ridiculous lies.
Can hypocrites prosper? Are all Americans in a trance? Are they actually as stupid as they act? If any person is completely innocent of the allegation of a crime including child molesting would they pay a settlement to dispose of the charges, or would they welcome a trial in open court?
There are people who are guilty who also go to trial. Sometimes they win the trial. The best example are the 4 cops who attacked Rodney King and the jury acquitted those cops. They had a black prosecutor with Judge Stanley Weisberg who is not only a slimy creep who should give Jews a very bad name because Jews never shun Stanley Weisberg who managed starting a huge riot in LA. Jewish lawyers should know that Weisberg committed a vicious crime by presiding over the trial designed by him to acquit the cops.
Fifty-three people died during the riots including 10 shot dead by the army and police[23] with as many as 2,000 people injured. Estimates of the material losses vary between about $800 million and $1 billion. Approximately 3,600 fires were set, destroying 1,100 buildings, with fire calls coming once every minute at some points. Widespread looting also occurred. (Wikipdedia)
Only pure, rotten hypocrites would condone Weisberg. I watched Weisberg closely in the Menendez trial. Weisberg prevented the option of not guilty for the jury to decide. That is way beyond any constitutional right to a fair trial when the judge condemns the defendants making it impossible for any acquittal. When the SS had cattle cars come to pick up all the Jews, they jumped into them. When the government uses cattle cars to transport an entire group who they hate, they are not going to any place nice. Jumping into cattle cars means you believe any ridiculous lie.
For the Jews to not believe Jesus was the messiah God promised them, is a unique mistake by all the Jews. Being completely wrong about Jesus Christ is a monumental mistake by all the Jews. I once tried to discuss this with Rabbi Stein of Rodolph Sholem synagogue, but the Rabbi became very angry at me. When Jews are completely wrong they get angry. Why would that be insulting? Why can't the facts and reason be discussed with Jews?
Try discussing the evidence that proves Bush conspired with a huge group to rig explosives in the WTC towers and fire a missile into the Pentagon. All Americans go wild. They refuse to learn the president created 9/11. Why would Americans get angry and insulted? So its not only Jews, its 99.99% of all Americans.
When Americans who act weird they also refuse to discuss their weird behavior. Americans are as arrogant as the Jews. They brag they are better than all other people. While there have been wonderful Americans that have accomplished great things, as an entire nation America has become completely nuts. Their idea that they can create bogus trillions of dollars that will solve the economic collapse and refuse any sensible remedies to creating a $203 billion deficit in September. Now they openly talk about reneging on "the trigger" budget that doesn't begin until 2013. America is an openly dead beat country. There isn't 1 American economist who has any clue of the insane, moronic economic plan by the American government.
Slaves in China are fine with all Americans. Preventing any slave made goods to be imported is the constitution that was amended in 1865. The constitution is irrelevant to the United States Supreme Court. That's a proven fact hidden by non-published cases. Not only is the American nation buying most of its goods from slave owners, America has put 50,000,000 American workers out of work. Only weird arrogant hypocrites would ever do that to themselves.
Completely agreed sir. And as much as I hate people who constantly avoid blame, it really isn't the people of this county's fault. When a handful of super fucking rich, super fucking smart people come together and devise an ingenious plan to brainwash an entire civilization, it isn't the fault of the civilization for letting it happen. We're all only human, and it's so so so easy to manipulate humans. We believe what we've been raised to believe. But I hope that, with the rising of the OWS movement, that people are finally breaking free from the chains and thinking for themselves. I know I have. As you can read next to my name, I'm from Alabama. I was raised hardcore conservative, believing that being gay was wrong, and that wars and big businesses were necessary parts of life etc. I'm 22 now and I am opening my eyes for the first time and seeing just how FUCKED UP everything is, and I can only hope and pray that more people follow suit.
Its the fault of citizens who refuse to consider they are behaving against their own interest and refuse to consider they are brainwashed or they are morons.
Learning is a process. I'm 69 now and I've learned a ton in the past 50 years. I was completely brainwashed too until 1998.
Great post and great comments. You are 100% right, there is essentially no difference in the two parties. Anyone who doesn't see it is still suffering the effects of that brainwashing you speak of. Congratulations for opening your eyes at such an early (relatively speaking) age. Welcome to the real world.
Someone doesn't understand the message.
Oh, I understand it ... it's just that such a messy real-world situation isn't 100% one way or the other. Saying "the parties are just the same" is one zero-order approximation. Saying "the parties are totally different and all you have to do is support one on election day" is another. Neither approximation is true. And if accepting one approximation means giving up some effective means of trying to preserve the middle class and democracy such as we know it in America, it's rounding off too much.
In Russia, more than two parties. But the same result. Need something totally new. Only in this way, we can once and for all put an end to all kinds of lies, and substitution.
Loved the rant. So, you're saying it's time to pick up the torches and hunt down Frankenstein's monster, yes? I like the sentiment, as long as it doesn't lead to violence.
agreed, good screed, come post this on the wiki?
it doesn't matter if george soros lit this fire to bump the dems up in the elections. its not a controlled fire any more, it jumped the fence.
Its now coming for his dumb evil ass just like every other oligarch;
the dogs of war have been awakened, not in the material sense, but in the paradigm sense. the worm has turned. The propaganda wars are about to backfire and the wave of truth held back for so long is going to crash through that old dam like it was made of elmers glue and toothpicks.;_ylt=A0oGdXqsk8xOMyMA37tXNyoA?p=the%20dogs%20of%20war%20youtube&fr2=sb-top&fr=mcafee
our only true challenge is to make sure it stays non violent- all the way through. Thrive the Movie these are the ideals we need to impress on our elected officials.
Its a ONE party system and the mainstream media is the corporatate mouthpiece and propaganda machine for the Military Industrial complex keeping the illusion of opposites alive all t he way from the left MSNBC to the middle CNN to the right Fox News.
Thank you Dutchess. Americans have ruined America. They are disgusting.
Taking to the streets will get you good exercise and nothing else.
You honestly think that's going to help? Really? I'll tell you what voting will do. They'll get your vote, and then they'll wipe their ass with it. And you'll get NOTHING. Just like always. How many times sir? How many times do you have to get screwed before you realize that something's up!?
I have voted since I was 18, sometimes the results work, sometimes they don't, It depends who is in office.
Taking to the streets is just good exercise.
Keep thinking that sheep. If the government even halfway listened to the country, you think we'd be in all this shit? I mean, can you really fucking sit there and defend the government after all that's happened? Undo the brainwashing! Please! For your future, and your family's future, and your future generations' futures! Just open your eyes! Your votes mean nothing anymore!
Well that's just silly.
So we abandon voting, then what?
We abandon money, government?
Luckily the 99% don't think as you do or there would be anarchy, and my garden isn't big enough for just my family to survive on.
No sir. You're twisting my words. Voting NOW does nothing. The system is too corrupt for voting to work. We have to get corruption out of the system. Don't you think people have TRIED to change the system from the inside? You cannot get into a position of power in this country without being corrupt as FUCK! If you can't see this, then you're beyond hope. Maybe you'll wake up one day. I'm all for voting on issues, but our votes don't mean anything anymore. Wake up.
All you American morons refuse to vote for a 3rd party because the media propaganda tells you not to and you all do exactly what they tell you.
Hypocrisy has doomed America. Believing ridiculous lies.
Can hypocrites prosper? Are all Americans in a trance? Are they actually as stupid as they act? If any person is completely innocent of the allegation of a crime including child molesting would they pay a settlement to dispose of the charges, or would they welcome a trial in open court?
There are people who are guilty who also go to trial. Sometimes they win the trial. The best example are the 4 cops who attacked Rodney King and the jury acquitted those cops. They had a black prosecutor with Judge Stanley Weisberg who is not only a slimy creep who should give Jews a very bad name because Jews never shun Stanley Weisberg who managed starting a huge riot in LA. Jewish lawyers should know that Weisberg committed a vicious crime by presiding over the trial designed by him to acquit the cops.
Fifty-three people died during the riots including 10 shot dead by the army and police[23] with as many as 2,000 people injured. Estimates of the material losses vary between about $800 million and $1 billion. Approximately 3,600 fires were set, destroying 1,100 buildings, with fire calls coming once every minute at some points. Widespread looting also occurred. (Wikipdedia)
Only pure, rotten hypocrites would condone Weisberg. I watched Weisberg closely in the Menendez trial. Weisberg prevented the option of not guilty for the jury to decide. That is way beyond any constitutional right to a fair trial when the judge condemns the defendants making it impossible for any acquittal. When the SS had cattle cars come to pick up all the Jews, they jumped into them. When the government uses cattle cars to transport an entire group who they hate, they are not going to any place nice. Jumping into cattle cars means you believe any ridiculous lie.
For the Jews to not believe Jesus was the messiah God promised them, is a unique mistake by all the Jews. Being completely wrong about Jesus Christ is a monumental mistake by all the Jews. I once tried to discuss this with Rabbi Stein of Rodolph Sholem synagogue, but the Rabbi became very angry at me. When Jews are completely wrong they get angry. Why would that be insulting? Why can't the facts and reason be discussed with Jews?
Try discussing the evidence that proves Bush conspired with a huge group to rig explosives in the WTC towers and fire a missile into the Pentagon. All Americans go wild. They refuse to learn the president created 9/11. Why would Americans get angry and insulted? So its not only Jews, its 99.99% of all Americans.
When Americans who act weird they also refuse to discuss their weird behavior. Americans are as arrogant as the Jews. They brag they are better than all other people. While there have been wonderful Americans that have accomplished great things, as an entire nation America has become completely nuts. Their idea that they can create bogus trillions of dollars that will solve the economic collapse and refuse any sensible remedies to creating a $203 billion deficit in September. Now they openly talk about reneging on "the trigger" budget that doesn't begin until 2013. America is an openly dead beat country. There isn't 1 American economist who has any clue of the insane, moronic economic plan by the American government.
Slaves in China are fine with all Americans. Preventing any slave made goods to be imported is the constitution that was amended in 1865. The constitution is irrelevant to the United States Supreme Court. That's a proven fact hidden by non-published cases. Not only is the American nation buying most of its goods from slave owners, America has put 50,000,000 American workers out of work. Only weird arrogant hypocrites would ever do that to themselves.