Forum Post: To the Occupy Wall street Protesters in DC
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 11:21 a.m. EST by Capitalist111
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Monday, I will be in DC and I have made it a point that if I see Children being used in this protest to block people from free movement, I will contact Child Protective Services and swear out a warrant for the arrest of the parent(s) legal guardians or others who are involved with this, I will be there recording every minute that I see Children being used in this manner, I will appear in Court at your hearing to demand you be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
A social worker's first question would probably be, "Did you have reason to believe the police would harm the child if they moved them?" The answer would have to be "No." The next thing she said would be something like. "Did you not think a driver might not be able to stop in time?" Do not leave your children in the road to block traffic again! I am going to write a report and have it on file. If want to keep your children, I don't need to be told this has happened again. Have a nice day." She'd know the child was not harmed and the mother was just stupid. Your idea of heinous is so far off you were hoping to inspire outrage at protesters with this little post. I've got news for you, social services doesn't take your kids because you are stupid and made a bad choice. It doesn't take them just because you are poor. Social services has to work with what God gave the poor children 95% percent of the time and this is a case where the mother can be educated and make more responsible choices.
I got news for you, yes they do!!! Its called Child Endangerment, you are placing that child in a dangerous situation by using them to block free movement, but go ahead and try it, I know how it will end.
The end justifies the means.
Oh good look everyone a future child abuser.
is that not exactly how they are acting in the video? I simply expressed it more accurately. This is the mentality of the liberal.
I think I misunderstood your point, I assumed you mean't it was OK to use children.
I was just quoting the liberal response to these types of situations. I can understand your confusion. I did post it as if I was for that. It was more of a thought provoking, or maybe an argument provoking statement.
Yep, those anti-abortion people are just lining up to take in foster kids and send them to college! I'm sure social services will get right on to child snatching as soon as they find a place for those special needs kids in crowded group homes...... Good luck with that. I wouldn't use my kids that way, though. The world needs good foster care parents especially for special needs kids. If you really want to make a difference, it'll take more than a phone call.
What the hell are you talking about? This isn't about abortion you loon, this is about child endangerment and believe it will not stop with a phone call, as I stated I will file the complaint and see it through to the end via the Court System.
Keep believing family and children's service is well funded, well staffed, and a phone call is all takes to ease your conscious as you vote for more cuts. You keep believing this would be serious compared to the actual cased of abused and neglected children. Call a social worker up right now and tell them all about this case and ask what they are going to be able to do about it. They will tell you that sometime within the next month, a social worker will track down the parent if possible and investigate. While you are at it. You may want to find out what the worse case she ever had was so you can decide how urgently this case will be processed.
Way to take an OP and twist it to your personal agenda. Anyone who uses their children as in the video should have them taken away and they should be charged with child endangerment. This is not a political issue it's a common sense issue.
Yep, I am the parent of a special needs child. When I found out that many children like her were ending up in group homes, well I started to shamelessly challenge people who say they are pro-life to put their money where their mouth is! That's right! They all line up and try to stop an abortion but they don't give a crap about the children that are alive and in the world and God forbid, less than gifted. So yeah, I'm gonna say something when people think their responsibility to the world's children begins and ends with a phone call. I think even republicans could be good parents to a child who is left without a home. But if they aren't inline to adopt or take in a foster kid, they are part of the problem. You should understand that as you said I was part of the problem for not participating in elections held by our mock-democracy!
The adoption thing is a tired left wing argument. Just because I believe a human life shouldn't be taken I should adopt children? I find it sad that as a parent you don't have more respect for the only true miracle human beings can perform,creation of life. I'd venture to say all you pro-choicers aren't going out of your way to adopt. But if that's the argument you want to make,stupid as it is,nothing I can do about it. Life begins at conception but you don't seem to care about unborn children. That's why pro lifers refer to unborn babies as a fetus,it's so much easier on the mind to kill a fetus than it is to kill a baby. Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
I like your idea. I'm with you 100%.
Are you a lawyer? I would like to start a court case against churches who brainwash children at a young age with their stories which have no basis in fact. As you know, children are very vulnerable. I posted an example below of some children I want to help. Do you have links to resources on how I could start a court case.
Jesus Camp Brainwashes Children
Thanks. Let's keep up the good fight.
I am curious what the hell they are protesting. Why are they not in front of the white house or the capital. These people were at a private event that has nothing to do with policy. These douchebag protesters are protesting because it has Reagans name attached, that is all. Shoot the parents and put the kids in an orphanage.