Forum Post: to the occupants
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 12:21 p.m. EST by kellywankenobi
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I was once an extreme left wing ideologue indoctrinated by books and several college professors hell bent on expressing and implementing my stoned utopian dreams of a anything goes socialistic world view where magically there was no want for anything, no boundaries toward self expression sexually, physically, and intellectually. I hated work.....I was an artist, musician and visionary arguing for the destruction of all industry where an all knowing benevolent government magically made things I could use and consume along with everyone else yet there was perfect harmony between man, nature and his neighbors......
A funny thing happened though in my argument for this dream..... In utilizing logic I argued myself out of a false belief system....Yes I think greed is bad, yes i think dishonesty is bad but when I HONESTLY looked at my ideology it was the most uneven, hypocritical, impossibly dishonest dribble, that hid my real motives which was a blatant lazy, excuse ridden life hiding my ineptness at knowing how to cope with life in a difficult world that demanded my best which I had been unwilling to give. Grow the Fuck Up you spineless whining bitches....We should demand honesty and integrity from our politicians and business leaders but never before we hold our own selves to account understanding that change begins with you taking responsibility for yourself...not some government entity or corporation handing out charity to those CAPABLE of taking care of themselves....We want for very little in this country and you weak minded drones echo the mindless left wing tactic for social justice which hides at best a soft tyranny or worse a hard tyranny designed to control you at the expense of your unfortunately have not looked at the evidence of your belief system and completely discounted the evidence "for" this point you all are a bunch of marauding wild animals crying like a bunch of babies making fucking asses of yourselves further alienating yourselves from the world......GROW THE FUCK UP!
Utopian is the free market fundamentalism running rampant around here. I see ten libertarian extremists for every one naive communist.
I want the compromise begun by FDR 65 years ago that instituted the liberal consensus: Nearly 40 years of a growing middle class, general prosperity, economic growth, upward mobility, and overall, a moral society. It's not utopian. It happened.
at loosely human....i am probably more libertarian than i would care to admit but.....i hate abortion, i hate drugs, i think some logical oversight over the conduct of business and people should be don't murder, or do not steal and here is the consequence....but libertarians anything goes bullshit, and liberals blatant dishonesty and critical deflection is sickening....the conservative movement does not have all the answers and it is flawed but it is all we have and the last hope for sanity to return to the market place and the only one championing the ultimate medicine for our societies ills and that is the return of the family to the forefront....the anything goes experimentation in society along with the liberal social programs to the tune of trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions has destroyed the family, bankrupted and divided us....period
@ loosely human.....George Orwell was like most people...full of hypocrisy and imperfection.....C.S. Lewis " one of the great thinkers of all time" was at one time an atheist then an agnostic and died a christian.....we all evolve... some regress some progress and some are hope is the occupiers however misguided they are will grow up...the real world does not operate the way their fantasies want it to...
Yeaaaaahhhhhhhh! OWShitters are a bunch of crybaby bitches that need to get to work.
the occupiers want utopia which is fantasy......what they will get not knowing better because they have no grasp of historical precedence is George Orwells 1984, Russia with Stalin, China with Mao, and the list goes on and on and on.....misguided drones bitching and moaning like immature babies who don't understand how high the stakes are!
Just a reminder, George Orwell was a socialist, and would have been even more horrified of the extreme right.