Forum Post: To the Obama Supporters
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 5:23 a.m. EST by Benny14
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
As you may have notice there is many Obama supporters trying to influence the OWS movement.
The fact is however Obama is just as corrupt as every other politicians. Him and every other republican, democrats are all taking bribes from big corporations and special interest groups.
List of interest groups bribing Obama
1 Lawyers/Law Firms $45,386,298 2 Retired $42,859,404 3 Education $24,533,794 4 Securities & Investment $15,798,904 5 Misc Business $15,170,193 6 Health Professionals $12,661,821 7 Business Services $11,947,978 8 Real Estate $11,184,773 9 Computers/Internet $9,262,922 10 TV/Movies/Music $9,205,821 11 Civil Servants/Public Officials $9,191,483 12 Misc Finance $6,704,316 13 Printing & Publishing $6,455,743 14 Women's Issues $6,259,545 15 Democratic/Liberal $5,979,431 16 Other $4,087,300 17 Hospitals/Nursing Homes $3,756,590 18 Commercial Banks $3,409,194 19 Non-Profit Institutions $3,178,593 20 Construction Services $3,140,446
List of top bribes:
Goldman Sachs $1,013,091 Harvard University $878,164 Microsoft Corp $852,167 Google Inc $814,540 JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799 Citigroup Inc $736,771 Time Warner $624,618 Sidley Austin LLP $600,298 Stanford University $595,716 National Amusements Inc $563,798 WilmerHale LLP $550,668 Columbia University $547,852 Skadden, Arps et al $543,539 UBS AG $532,674 IBM Corp $532,372 General Electric $529,855 US Government $513,308 Morgan Stanley $512,232 Latham & Watkins $503,295
He has also received huge amount of money in the form of the independent pacs aka wall street
Is it any wonder that Obama has not done anything to help Main street? The man is as corrupt as all the others. You think this president a man that has hired former CEO of all the big banks in his financial department will help you?
Wall street owns Obama like they own Ron Paul like they own every other democrat,republican,socialist, Conservative
Get the bribes out of politics.
I think we've reached the point with technology advances that we can change to a direct democracy governance through the internet.
winning Formally demand that leave.
We are not your personal billboard. We have asked this organization over and over again to please leave the obama nonsense at home.WE DO NOT SUPPORT OBAMA! We are furious with this organization trying to turn this into another Obama2012 re-election campaign like they have tried to do in multiple cities,most recently in Las Vegas. If you do not stop this immediately, then we must demand that you leave the movement,seeing as you refuse to comply with even our simplest,basic request. It's bad enough that we have the ron paul zombies out here trying to hijack this movement,we don't need another force coming at us from the other side. You have been warned repeatedly and you refuse to comply. This petition should have never have happened,but you force our hand and this is the result. Please leave.
Agree!!! They are trying to hijack the movement. Wake up America! Fact is that our nation is in deep trouble. By "nation" I mean, us, the people as a whole. We have been robbed by those who are supposed to represent the interests of all Americans. Our tax money was given to corporations, who turned around and shipped our jobs, kicked people out of their homes, and continue to squeeze us for every penny. Bank of America is the latest example with their $5 fee on debit cards users with low account balances, meaning the poor. As far as our President goes, he never got off the campaign trail. He, as are the members of Congress, mere tools of the corporations to achieve their wicked means. Let's not fight among each other. Liberals, conservatives, moderates, independents, remember that unity means strength. Dems and Reps politicians and bankers are all in it together. It is all a show very much like WWE, and we are the fans. These people pit us against each other in order to control us. It is the old "divide and conquer". That is how they can get away with things. I no longer see liberal, conservative, nor moderate. In this economic, global dictatorship all I see is oppressed versus oppressors. Us vs Them. Let's take back our country, let's reclaim our dreams.
All politicians accept money for Corporation and special interest group. Running a campaign is expense, and the sad true is that greater the campaign chest, the more commercials you can run, the more likely you are to be elected. If voter were better informed, all that money wouldn't matter that much.
Initially, candidate Obama had the greatest amount collected from small independent contributors from a grass roots campaign; the corporate donors came later in the campaign.. If you want make the case, you have to compare his funding to other Presidential politicians.
Besides, We should we have to remember a President can only function in his role in the office. Even a kings power is not absolute. Ted Roosevelt said to a couple of progressive, "That's a great idea! Now go out there and make me do it." We have the power now to make him do what we want, and I believe he wants it to." Obama is our best chance.
I dont respect anyone who still wants obama and not Ron Lawl.....but i do respect someone who says "fuck any of them!". And i am a Ron Lawl guy, i just find it crazy to not support paul while still wanting obama. But i say touche to those who say they dont want either, because they usually laugh at me about Ron Lawl or gary johnson and then say how great obama is.
And yet the masses will cheer and applaud as he is reelected in 2012
Is this a response to the Ron Paul thread? If so (or if not), I think both of posters are brilliant and really drive the "Anti-Lobbying" point home. Thank you. :) Lobbying is bribing. Accepting a bribe is corruption. We are Anti-Corruption. At least I am.
I wrote both threads just to make a point. Both sides are corrupt they have all accepted bribes
You are brilliant then.
I wouldn't say brilliant. I'm just proving facts that wall street has bought both parties
no thats fairly accurate. You should see the corporate donors for mccain and obama in 08. Most of them are the same!
I think one of our demands should be that the Democrats hold a primary because I am not voting for a man who repeatedly violates his oath of office.
Democrats should hold a primary. How about sending that message loud and clear? If they want any votes, they have to run someone else. All parties should put up candidates who are for OWS values. Or else no votes. This is across party lines.
Why you mentioned Ron Paul as an example compare to Obama. They aren't the same. Maybe this article works more against Paul that against Obama. I never here about a relation between Paul and the Federal Reserve, Wall Street or any other lobbyist. Paul is against lobbying and he is a critic of the Federal Reserve. As a fact, Paul proposes the elimination of the Federal Reserve.
If Obama tries to pander to or associate himself with the OWS, his overtures should be firmly rejected from the group. After all, Obama received more money from Wall Street interests than other politician in U.S. history. His Chief-of-Staff, Bill Daly, is his gatekeeper in the White House, whose sole role is to keep Wall Street happy. Obama appointed Wall Street flunkies, Bernanke and Geithner, to run the U.S. economy and they duly ran it into the ground. Frankly, that's all you need to know about Obama. Don't let Obama swing the watch in front the nose of OWS and co-opt the movement. Ditto all other politicians. You might as well go home if you succumb to their overtures. They are part of the problem.
Obama violated his oath to the U.S. Constitution and betrayed the trust of the American people because he had no right to involve our military in a war in Libya. SEE VIDEO: AND NOW AFRICA!
you're wrong, the executive has 60 days to use military forces before requiring approval for funding from Congress. Even then that law is on shaky ground, many political scientists believe that if Congress ever exercised this provision, it could spark a major "constitutional war" between the various branches of our government.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation." - Candidate Obama, in 2007
So before the election he was promising he would abide by the US Constitution. The War Powers Act stipulates that the U.S. has to have been attacked, it wasn't. Obama clearly had no authority.
"In no part of the constitution is more wisdom to be found than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace to the legislature, and not to the executive department." - James Madison, the father of the U.S. Constitution
read about its constitutionality:
I was not saying if the war powers resolution is constitutional, I am saying even if we agree it is, Obama is in violation of THAT! The war powers resolution does not give the authority to deploy troops for whatever reason a president wishes, it says war powers are exercised only pursuant to specific things listed 1-3: "The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces."
you said that obama violated the US constitution...
"you said that obama violated the US constitution" YES he did. And he can't claim to use the War Powers Resolution as an excuse because he violated that too.
The war powers resolution does not give the authority to deploy troops for whatever reason a president wishes, it says war powers are exercised only pursuant to specific things listed 1-3: "The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces."
"only by authorization of conresss" AFTER 60 days. I've read that quote, AND the entire law. he's not in violation of it until congress has denied him authorization in pursuant to those conditions, which is only after 60 days
thats not how the war powers act works. He has 60 days before requiring authorization from congress, which then examines the case in regards to those conditions. After the 60 day period, libya operations were handed over to NATO, so there was no need for authorization. Obama is NOT in violation of the act.
and you seem to misunderstand the intent of the war powers act. It was not to give the president more power, it was to take it away.
"and you seem to misunderstand the intent of the war powers act. It was not to give the president more power, it was to take it away." No, I was going to say that. And as the act says ""The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to": 1,2,3. So the act isn't giving a president power beyond the constitutional powers of the President.
OpenSky, "AFTER 60 days"? How does one "introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities" when they have already been? What you are saying doesn't make sense. The act says the prez must write "the constitutional and legislative authority" he claims, it doesn't say THIS ACT gives him the authority for any reason he wants.
OpenSky, it IS how the act works: "The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (50 U.S.C. 1541-1548)[1] is a federal law intended to check the power of the President in committing the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of Congress. The resolution was adopted in the form of a United States Congress joint resolution; this provides that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or in case of "a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.""
Hey come on now, when he said President he obviously wasn't referring to himself. The War Powers Act doesn't apply to illegal residents that are third generation CIA or a former covert agent that played bin Laden in the Af-Pak theater.
obama is a socialists. His fiscal policies will never work.
If the other guy brings a gun to a fight(election) what should you bring?
There aren't any here.
True, they're all corrupt. And will be until the rules are changed, which is what OWS seems to be about. Truth is, if you're a politician, say a mayor of some city, you aren't allowed to play with the big boys unless you play by their rules. That's why so many politicians say one thing during their campaigns but then do something completely different once they get in office. If you don't play our way, we won't let you play to begin with.
Agreed. Two ways: One only living breathing human beings can vote, therefore only qualified voters can contribute to campaigns. (removes corporations and all organizations) Two, limit all contributions to $100 per individual voter per election cycle.
Take ALL the money out of the election cycle.Taxpayer finance all House, Senate and Presidential elections. No personal fortunes allowed. A petition process would allow candidates to qualify for an equal amount of funds for their election. Shorten the election cycle to six months.
It shouldn't be surprising with the way the system works, people are basically encouraged and supported in their corruption.
I hope everyone who supports OWS will watch this video, it really gets to the root causative factors:
I agree, they're all corrupt. So I wish we would just leave them all out of it...
Ron Paul wants to end the Federal Reserve. I dont believe any one owns him. Wake up.
I already made a thread of companies that bribes Ron Paul look it up. Ron Paul is as corrupt as Obama
Theres no search.