Forum Post: To the 99%... I would like to list the virtues of capitalism.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 10:04 a.m. EST by stevilism
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Uhhh....hmmm...let me get back to you on that.
This is a purely theoretical discussion as we do not have capitalism in the US, we have corporatism. A capitalist would be appalled at the public bailout of privately owned banks.
Incentive, innovation, choice, freedom - just for starters
You're an idiot if you think those are virtues of capitalism. Go read a book...get yourself educated.
planned obsolescence, waste of finite resources and no concise coordinated plan for the future - just for starters.
btw freedom is not part of capitalism, look at china
Planned obsolescence? Has not been a factor in my life. Waste of finite resources is a product of capitalism? No concise, coordinated plan for the future is the responsibility of individuals pursuing business ventures?
Capitalism provides FREEDOM TO CHOOSE.
planned obsolescence is when products are not designed to last longer than a few years. wasting finite resources are throw away products like plastic bags, cups , spoons etc., this is oil being thrown away. you can sell more gas and electricity with inefficient motors that waste gasoline or with poor insulation in houses that waste electricity or natural gas, this list goes on and on. products that are not designed with recycling in mind are also a waste of resources. capitalism CANNOT make money on products that last and are efficient. they design things to make more money but this can't go on for ever. what will your grandchildren have to look forward to. what kind of life will they have.
we live on a planet and we only have so many resources on this planet. if we use them up they're gone. we can't run down to home depot and get more. humans are in completely uncharted territory in respect to technology, resources and pollution. planning ahead might the smart thing to do.
is freedom the freedom to choose products or freedom to live your life without large moneyed interests influencing the government to pass laws that give them free reign to destroy the economy with impunity?
Preach it brother!
preaching promotes myth and religion, thinking is a bit different
It's just an expression...don't be argumentative after someone expresses support.
Yesterday, thanks to the equity markets, my families personal wealth grew by more than $119,000; OWS - whatdid you do/accomplish to 1) better your family & 2)contribute to society?
So.... your argument against why the immoral and corrupt financial system is doing a fantastic job is because your family has decided to be immoral and corrupt as well?
Fancy Argument is Fancy.
And what led you to conclude that Pitmaster and his family is immoral and corrupt? Success in the market? Increased wealth? I don't get your argument...
Hrm... It shames me to use this as an example, as I generally abhor stooping to WW2 references, but it is really the best I can think of at the moment. Please note I'm not saying this to be sensational, or to "Drop a Bombshell."
After WW2, the people whose job it was to escort the Jews into the gas chambers to be executed were interviewed. It was found that not a single person had any hatred towards the Jews. There was absolutely no trace of racism or hatred towards the people who were killed by the people who killed them.
This left a glaring question. Why did they kill the Jews then? The answer that came back was simple. Killing Jews was what was required, from the system, in order to get ahead. The man who did the paperwork, did so because it would gain him favor and get him a promotion. The man who pulled the lever did so because it would gain him favor and get him a promotion.
Acts of immense evil were conducted because that was simply how one got ahead. The phrase that the interviewers used to describe this was "The Banality of Evil." The conclusion being very simple; people will do enormously horrific things if that is what is asked of them to see to their success.
So, how does all of that apply here? Simply put, the current economic system is corrupt, and the only way to succeed in it is to "Go Along" with what's happening. Ignore the poverty, ignore the starvation, ignore the environmental damage, because those aren't part of the system. The only thing that is part of the system is pieces of paper with presidents on them that are inherently valueless.
So, to put a fine point on it, I don't care to see people brag about how well they are doing in a system driven by Greed and Horror.
totally agree with you. there are much better things to do than chase after fucking money.
we're changing your world, wait and see
I actually got out of bed...worked all day busting my back...and watched Game 6 of the World Series.
Really? Idiot? This is what you came up with? Ohhh...the wit is overwhelming.
Matches perfectly the op