Forum Post: To South of the Border, The Cry of the Banshee Will Be Heard!
Posted 10 years ago on July 28, 2014, 9:34 p.m. EST by nazihunter
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Harken wenches! South America, Central America, rich in resources, yet everyone needs to come up here? Why are not these scoundrels heading up these countries held to account? Why are there no jobs for their people? Why do they not demand justice from their own countries? Why do people have kids they can't afford? One thing is clear...the Global Market exists to take advantage of these disparities. Hence. letting everyone come here does very little to solve that problem. It does, however, put downward pressure on wages. It ensures that a good many jobs will pay shit and will put downward pressure on education along with increasing poverty and higher prison populations here at home. Yet all I hear people espouse to this is political talking points, which are incredibly stupid, ill-founded and re-write history along with the very meanings of words like immigrant. Stupid, stupid, stupid. So espouse the talking points, which are a boon to the 1%, their ilk and puppets. But the cry of the banshee will be heard!
US farmland may produce less when the temperature rises
no suit