Forum Post: To people that say that OWS is over
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 23, 2011, 3:10 a.m. EST by lookingfortruth88
from Chicago, IL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The people that post on this website stating that OWS is over and keep repeating that message are interesting because if you believe that OWS is over why do you return to this website over and over again? Why do you waste your time on something that you deem pointless, a lost cause and unfit for you? That is unproductive and brainless. It shows that you are unsure of yourself and your views because you have a need to constantly reiterate them here. Otherwise, you wouldn't mind wasting your time by writing on a website that you see as a failure and a movement that is destroyed. The people that are slaves to the current system that adore the status quo are also hypocrites because if you love money so much and want to keep creating it why do you waste your time on a movement and website that you think is over? Shouldn't you be using your time to create more money and not mind ideas that are irrelevant and insignificant to you? By posting on here you show that you are threatened, have nothing meaningful going on in your life, you have cynical intent to spread untruthful ideas, or you are paid to be here. By returning to a website that you hate or deem wasteful is like telling your friends that they shouldn't go to the bar on the corner because it sucks but then you go to that bar every weekend.
The movement is far from over! I think it maybe going through some growing pain, evolving and possibly re-branding or defining itself as a movement. I know and understand that part of the power of OWS is/was the lack of definition. But, movements have a way of taking on a life of their own. It's not a bad thing it's like a baby growing up. Momma wants to hang on to it or have another one because she can stand to see her little baby growing up. Why ? because it's losing it's dependance on momma, and becoming it's own person. So, somethings change and some don't. The Mothers love for the child and the child's need for that love. The Mother needs engage in parenting a little differently . In the baby stage it was just nurturing, but now the child needs a little freedom to become his/her own person . Momma has to balance letting that happen with not letting the child get seriously hurt. Over parenting stifles the child's ability to become their own little person. The same with political movements. I don't believe the intent of OWS was to live in a park and never move past that point. It is amazing to me how resilient the movement has been. It's growing , changing , but last check VERY HEALTHY :-)
It's always the dualities existing along side every possible positive event. There's always the other side. If you don't see these things your just not looking close enough.
It's up to us to sort it out. Very good point. When they say it's over, they say it because they can. We look for the evidence and find the opposite.
OWS is far from over. the anger isn't over, the problems aren't over. All things in life ebb and flow. There has been a fantastic burst of energy and willingness to fight back. This website doesn't represent OWS. The people who went out there, who held the terrain, who got arrested, who got beat up by cops, who got their faces maced and who came back. That's OWS.
And they are smart as whips and cooking up their next move.
LOL. You basically defined insanity (repeating an action expecting a different result) and then you go as far as to say they are "smart as whips".
Sorry, couldn't pass on this one.
I think a lot of people woke up to the fact that blaming the banks for our fiscal problems is like an addict blaming the needle for her addiction. The banks didn't spend the 15 trillion that has us all in a death spiral, the government did.
There's simply no money left for our futures, even the stupidest can use a calculator to see that if we took everything every rich person in the country owns we still would be in a massive hole. I guess if we eat the rich we can all suffer together.
I think that you may have just answered your own question. For some people, this web site is like a bar where they can go to hang out and have stimulating conversations with unruly people who don't necessarily agree with them.
Why would you keep going back to a bar that you claim sucks? The same applies to people who hate the OWS movement, why would you keep coming back to this website that you claim is over, insignificant and pointless? (When I say "you" I am not refer to you, TechJunkie, I mean in general) What is the point of kicking someone when they are knocked-out on the floor? I feel that these people are delusional and wish that the OWS movement was over and that it failed. Also, I think they are insecure about their beliefs and need to keep reiterating it on this website. Otherwise, you wouldn't keep returning and wasting your time on something that you claim as "failed."
This movement is about forcing people to address certain issues. Why are you acting surprised when it works? A bunch of people strain as hard as they can to get in other people's faces and force a conversation, conversation ensues, not everybody agrees, and that surprises you? What's the point of any of this if only people who already agree are allowed to participate?
Our motive is to plant that message "OWS is over" like a little seed in your brain. We keep coming back to give it water and watch it grow. ; P
Yeah it shows how insecure you are about your own views and beliefs. Has no effect on people that see through your hate, insecurity, deceitfulness, unhappiness, and slavery.
You asked a question. I answered it. You reply with insults?
Keep up the fight! thumbsup
P.S. OWS is over.