Forum Post: To OWS - You got bigger problems than the 1% or the 53%...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 9:33 a.m. EST by MrWombat
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I don't like to sound paranoid or point fingers but I think that there are some "plants" in this forum right now posting obviously partisan and inflammatory messages right now to cause dissent. And yes, even I fell for it and I'm not proud of it.
Like...look at all the threads popping up with names like "Tea Party is a JOKE!" or "I'm 99% but you guys are crazy hippies". Then there was this one thread where these two people were having obviously partisan arguments designed to inflame others into the discussion.
Some might be genuine sympathizers who got caught up into partisan arguments. However, there are some leftie and rightie threads popping up.
So I made a list of what I think we are all universally for. After all - even small business owners get the shaft from the bloated multinationals.
- End the revolving door.
- Kick out career politicians.
- Put the people ahead of outsourcing corporations - get some jobs back to this country.
- End subsidies, bailouts, etc.
- No more funding never ending wars and occupations.
- We need to get off our debt system aka "The Credit Based Economy". (Invisible money!)
It's just a few things I compiled and I think we need to focus on these issues.
well said, keep it focused and peaceful :)
well said, keep it focused and peaceful :)
no more invisible money!
the thing you guys do not understand is there is not one truth or one position to be taken from this. that includes a non-party party. everyone has their own positions. this is how it works. and we bring these positions to the table and find compromise like adults. there will be cussing, arguing, fighting, lies, truths, facts, opinions fact based and not. democracy is messy and not for the timid, but... it is worth worth fighting for. thicken your skin and relax.
Talking and discussion is fine and all, but if one person screams on an obvious hot topic issue like abortion or religion or says something like "Tea Partiers are for corporatists!" or "OWS are for corporate Democrats!"...yeah you get what I mean.
We especially need to keep the personal attacks out of this. Like "Tea Party craaaaazy!" or "OWS crazy hippie!" or "Quit listening to Glenn Beck/MSNBC/Fox/CNN/etc. You're a tool!"
Oh that just reminds me - ALL mediaheads are corporate tools that only work to dissolve We the People. I should have added that damn.
Take the 5 minutes out of your day that you may spend smoking a cigarette, drinking a beer or gluing your eyes to yet another poorly drawn out television show & read up! RON PAUL! 2012
Oh btw I got their names - beardy and HowardRoark are inciting division by saying stuff like "racist baggers" and "Democrat!" and "Liberals are Pavlov's Dogs! Fox News - bark bark!"
Discussion is good and all but the discussion I just displayed above is clearly unconstructive and hostile in nature.
If you see something like this I urge you all to ignore it or address it briefly and move on if they try to buy up your time by getting you to argue with them.
Oh also - can we please stop replying to fucking scam and troll threads? Please?
what's a cam thread?
EDIT - I fixed it. Scam thread sorry.
But yeah we really need to focus on our common goals, stop falling for obvious partisan goose chases and most of all - we need to stop bumping up the scammers and the people who make stupid derailment threads like "Where all the hot hippie chicks at?" or "I'm rich and we spit on you!" that offer no real arguments and do nothing but grab attention.
Attention that should be used on what we as the 99% - of all races, of all sexes and genders, small business owners and employees, right wingers and left wingers, Tea Party and OWS alike - all agree upon - to END the power brokers who have what -should- be OUR government by the balls.
RichardGates, I could not agree with you more!
Never-mind the potential "plants." Keep focused on solidarity, empathy, compassion, support, and the goal we are all fighting for, a better system of living for all! Si se puede, Yes we can!