Forum Post: To Occupy Wall Street
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:11 a.m. EST by cleermynd
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
SHUT UP! I can't take your silly crap anymore. You have spent days, weeks, and months protesting for your cause. I GET IT! I understand that your winey bitchiness has finally expressed itself. I get that you think that workers on Wall St. are greedy, wrong-doers. And I'm sorry, sorry for you. It's sad, really, how pathetic and provincial you are. You've been screaming your propaganda, saying that it's not fair that you don't earn as much money as those working on wall street. You obviously think you're being cheated. Well, shut up for five minutes and open your eyes to what you're protesting against. In our glorious country, we have a capitalist system of government. I'm not going to lecture you on analytically on this, but instead I'll give it to you straight. In a capitalist economy, YOU HAVE TO WORK. Yes, you must lift your fingers and work. That is how you become successful. America offers you opportunity to become the best you can be, but it doesn't, nor ever will, guarantee success. Those who have gained success, e.g. those you are protesting against, have worked to make their money. I have some news for you: you could actually make as much money as they do. Another piece of news: you will not achieve this by protesting. Protesting is taking the easy way out. In fact, protesting for this cause is just a euphemism for complaining. I have seen a lot of the people who are protesting and my guess is that there are two different types of people who are doing most of the complaining: adults, and students either fresh out of college, or still in college. To the college students, stop complaining. You're lucky. You right now have the option to create your future. If you aren't making as much money as you feel you should be, don't protest those who are. Make the decision now to work as hard as you can to make your salary, then come back and tell me I'm wrong. To the adults, stop complaining. You are at the age where you have a family and can't go back to change the decisions you made. Complaining about the decisions that put you in the 99% isn't going to get you anywhere. Maybe you should be home with you family or working to make a salary, but don't complain because you ended up where you did. My father has taught me many lessons in my short lifetime. Perhaps the most important is to work hard. "It's not going to show up at your front door," he tells me, "to make a name for yourself, your going to have to work." America, take a page from my father's book. His father was a metal worker from Pittsburgh, PA. My father, worked his ass of in high school and college. He always says that he may not be the smartest guy or the best guy, but no one will ever work harder than he has. Take a step back and start to listen. I won't deny that some of your accusations apply to some people on Wall St. but you must realize that it's not everyone. They work hard for there earnings. Not only that, but they are a foundation on which the American economy is built. If they go down, we all go down.
Sit down, shut up, and try working hard instead of complaining.
Cleer Mynd
You have obviously misunderstood everything you have seen.
It order to change a culture, a protest has to occur at some point. The protest in this case is non-violent and has not been making demands. The point is to draw attention to problems.
There are serious problems in the country and they are getting worse every year. The land of opportunity has faded. In large part that can be blamed on illegal banking activity and illegal Wall Street activity. But when the government is in bed with the Wall Street and corporate execs, it's hard to make change happen. Dramatic action is required and that is what is happening now.
We appreciate your thoughts on the matter, but if you are not interested in this movement why not keep your distance?
I understand that there are problems, and in fact, I apriciate your coolheadedness. It's just that a lot of people need to understand what I'm saying. I chose not to keep my distance just because I feel that what I said needs to be heard
Another voice of reason here. Bravo !
OWS needs to post a list of demands on their website and give visitors to the website the ability to vote on each demand. eg. Right to work/ no more unions, a limit to campaign spending, no more money printing, restructure home loans now. etc. The total number of votes should display next to the demand. Which ever demands get the greatest number of votes over a defined period of time, should become the demands of OWS. They can get the names of the voters and use it as a petition as well.
There is a problem with our government. The change needs to be in US politicians (we need to hold our elected officials at all levels accountable) not wall street, these OWS folks, as well meaning as they are, don't really understand the issues.
A capitalist system of government? When was that declared? I must have been on a smoke break.
I dont will work for pharisees. World need changes.
Actually the problem is that you don't have to work necessarily.
You can lend money and "invest" money without lifting a finger.
Do some research before you start ranting about something you know nothing about . The us economy is shit right now , politicians are bought out by corporations , you're probably a southern redneck , and the us well most likely be fucked if nothing happens with this and btw I have a job, I work my ass off every week at it , I'm pissed, and I am part of the 99% . Now piss off and quit trolling these forums you sad little man.
Wall st profits are private but their losses are public. It's usury and it is wrong and evil. It is condemned in the bible. Why can't you people understand this?
Wall Street uses public money, ie: your bad loans. When you don't pay your loans, your assets become toxic and hurt your economy. Now you need to bail out yourself and all your friends because, overall, you were a bad investment. The Government tried to show the world that you are still a good investment, but now you are complaining, cheering on the DOW sinking ("I don't know if we caused the DOW to go under, but I hope we did.") which hurts your economy. Than you complain that employers don't want to hire you and move the jobs overseas, into countries like Libya and Africa where people actually want to work, actually want to use tax money to pay of their decade old bad-loans and fix their infrastructure.
There's no comparison between the developing countries pushing out dictatorships and a democratic western nation that elects it's government. It's not as corrupt as you think, it's just a reflection of the society.
The only thing you can change is yourself. Be the change you want to see.
I have no assets. I pay my loans with the money I make from my job. My government borrows money on interest from a private bank to lend without interest to another bank and when they fuck up my generation is expected to cover the losses. It is beyond corruption.
Yeah, but it's still American money. If people can't pay their debts, what are we supposed to do? Overthrow the Government? Ban loaning money? One of the major-major perks of living in a Western Nation vs. a third world country (like Nicaragua) is how easily we can borrow money to start business or a product, or take ownership of land. There are certainly some wealthy European families that took advantage of the U.S. system and made a fortune, but there isn't much we can do about that. They are powerful political figures and control massive portions of the economy. It will always be that way. The banks constantly eat so much bankruptcy and bad loans, you should be thankful they even lend money at all. If the banks go down, the U.S. can't loan money any more. Than growing companies and weak companies will collapse, and the U.S. economy and infrastructure will tank. All the anarchists will run wild at first, burning everything to the ground under the banner of "Freedom", than starve to death because they lack the knowledge of farming or irrigation, and have no public support. Everyone will have decades to reflect on how much they miss working at McDonalds, and going home to drink soda-pop and play Modern Warfare.
It is not American money. It is potential capital to be hoarded by the people who have access to it. Bankers are not supposed to be 1000 times more wealthy than workers. They are not supposed to shape world economies with chaotic speculation.
If you think all anarchists just run wild and burn things then you know nothing about anarchy.
"Bankers are not supposed to be 1000 times more wealthy than workers." Said who? It's a law that people can't make more money than other people? There's no salary cap in the United States. It's a free market. If the banks are financially successful, and you choose to use them, they can make as much profit as possible. You can make as much as you want or as little as you want. What CEO or Bank Executive woke up one morning, said "I'm going to be a bank executive", handed in a resume and got the job? None of them. They all started at the bottom and worked their way up. The only reason they got that job was because they worked hard at the bottom while the hippies camped out at Woodstock. Sometimes, it takes generations to accumulate that much wealth, but all is fair.
They work hard at serving Mammon. That doesn't mean they should be compensated for it.
Do you have a bank account?
Do you have any money saved, or put into a savings account?
Do you have any retirement funds? If you do, than they are working hard to maintain that interest rate without bankrupting other customers. You are welcome to manage that cash and investment yourself.
There was a time when bank robbers would just show up and steal everything. Thank's to investing, that task is a lot more difficult.
Just because I dislike the capitalist system doesn't mean that I think that all banks and investors should be abolished. I think that is a common misconception about people who understand that the current corporate system is dooming us all.
No, it isn't. It's one way or the other. Abolishing capitalism has been tried and tried again. We are still wealthier today than Americans 100 years ago were. We have more purchase power, more freedom and more choice.
There's no middle ground. The current corporate system is entirely dependent on people who work and spend. Corporations are comprised of people that make decisions at different levels. The right hand doesn't always know what the left hand is doing, it's not one giant living, breathing entity that plans on conquering the world. The Corporate bank account belongs to the company, not to the CEO. It's undeniable that Corporations are starting to hoard wealth and resources, but can you blame them? Political instability is always bad for the economy, and it's currently making the United States a bad investment.
There's always a marketing or advertising company watching you. They find ways to innovate the products, adapt them to culture changes (such as healthier food or coffee options at McDonalds) in order to grow the capital and maintain the market share. So long as the consumer, mainly you, continues to buy these products and update their Facebook status, than their methods are deemed acceptable. You aren't gullible, stupid or suckers, but you some how just keep falling into the same cycle. The "me" generation is having trouble seeing that they actually have to compete with foreign labour; being born "American" no longer guarantees you a social status higher than Mexico.
Ironic, that the people complaining about inherited wealth are complaining about foreign labour and that they didn't inherent the jobs?
You can't get around Corporations. They control the daily products we depend on, like food, phone lines, cars, cell phones, deodorant, etc. They control these products because there is a high demand, and they can provide them at a low cost. That's what America asked for, that's what you got. You would have to create a product that competes directly, or just choose to go without. Personally, I don't buy anything that is manufactured in China, even if it's something I really want or need.
Everything around you an entirely based on a collectivist society. Corporations are just publicly held businesses. They are controlled by share holders, and the ownership and direction of the company often changes hands. As much as you think OWS is unique and a new method of governing, it's not. It's just more of the same. It's a library of information with no product or service to offer to the public. From a social perspective; OWS is a grass roots organization that attempts to rebuild society, ends up with the same growing pains, and results in the same problems.
People just want to behave like people. It's an opportunity for the anti-social to go out and socialize about all the garbage people read on the internet. There's no backbone to it. Extremists are just going to keep posting rubbish and "Revolution!" on the internet and dismissing people who foresee violence, just to gather a crowd large enough to justify rioting and looting. Just like in the UK, just like in Vancouver after the Stanley Cup.
Preach on brother. It's about time we saw the words of a true patriot. This is what the 99 percent looks like kiddos.
thank you and we will show them how true ameicans work for our pay instead of prostest and complain like occupy wall street
That's what I am talking about.
I'm glad to hear that we have people who want to work. Share this with as many people as you can.
I will. Don't expect the OWS people to be able to reply to this.
Sorry, but what do you mean? Literally or figuratively?
I mean the people supporting OWS have no way to refute what you typed above. You are right and there is nothing they can say.
But what about the Police State? And the Chem-trails? What about 9/11 being an inside job? Are you telling me that if I wanted to find the truth behind all these questions, I could just "occupy" a job in the right field, work hard and actually be involved in the Government? Are you suggesting that I could actually make a change in the Corporate attitudes by becoming a major share holder and pointing the company in a positive direction?
I hope you know that you just compared 9/11 to to the stock market