Forum Post: To law enforcement workers
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 9:07 a.m. EST by randart
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We all know, or should know, that there are many in law enforcement that monitor this site and read the postings. I suspect there are many from "homeland security" here to keep an eye on the pulse of this movement. This question and comment is for you.
How do you determine who is breaking a law and does it matter to you if they are wealthy or poor?
As far as I can see, the people willing to stand up for their rights are also standing up for your rights, your children's rights and any future generations that may come from your existence here right now. Sure, any kind of movement will bring out some fringe types that will over react and cause problems, even you in law enforcement have those folks in your midst, but for the most part this effort is for you and your family too.
I can't help but wonder why there are some in our society who can attain wealth by taking it from others on such massive scale and yet they still walk free. Where are the district attorneys that know this kind of activity is wrong and are willing to pursue charges? Why aren't there more arrests of corporate thieves happening?
Don't forget, if you have children or plan to have children, they will have to live in the world we leave them. Most of the time the public sees the police as a defensive force for the wealthy and the wealthy only. Why is this? Don't you want a future where there is more justice for all?
I would like to see some of the loan officers who are foreclosing on homes without any reason be brought to justice. Isn't that theft? If I did that I would go to jail but if it is Bank of America then it is alright? If you have a true sense of right and wrong then start arresting some of those who are doing this to our country. Let us know that there is really justice for all.