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Forum Post: TO FELLOW OCCUPIERS: This was such a great quote from Rick Moss that I had to post it here for all to see --- Here he explains the ultimate Occupy site. Once we Occupy our minds, we will have won.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 9:28 p.m. EST by therising (6643)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

[-] rickMoss 2 points 30 minutes ago

"Look people! We have this all wrong. This is not about them. We are the real power (99%). 1% is nothing. It doesn't matter what they think or what they want. To hell with them. We are the real problem and it's in our heads. For some reason as mighty as we are, we seem to think we have to fight from a position of weakness. This is absurd and exactly why we're in this mess. We don't need to protest 1% of the people for change. It's up to us to make the change. Remember - this is a democracy and the land of the free. Majority rules. That's how you take back your country. Let those assholes sleep outside. The real revolution has to take place in your heads first."



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[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

excellent, this is very much like my workshop bit about the different fronts of the evolutionary struggle. The true front of this struggle is to get 1000 peeps back to the wiki. if they spend one month on the wiki working the problems each 1 hour a day, that goes viral then and solves the problems by month 6 or so. Until we organize in that fashion, revolution is logicistally impossible because there is no new system to become. We must create the new DNA of the new entity we want to be; not kill the old meta entity which, btw, we technically still ARE.

Agreed. so. now what. The least useful aspect of the whole thing is that its non violent. this does not help the agenda at all.

Its also orders of magnitude larger and bigger than it was supposed to be and growing at an exponential rate.

What perhaps you may fail to understand at first is that there has been a dam. Holding back. The waters of the light of truth. Crack. Snapple. Pop. 200 years of lies. 200 years of propaganda. 200 years of science creeping on while the elites tried to freeze the knowledge of the proles in 1800. 200 years of sociology knowledge. 200 years of education reform science. 200 years of oil and coal while all the whole while we could have had geothermal.

Crack. snapple. Crack. Crickkettyy pop. snapple Crack.

How long could the lies hold up? how long could they keep the proles ignorant and wholly self destructive?

How long could they prevent a genuine consensus process?

Corporate Oligarchy is a Dead Horse walking. It looks alive, but it actually died in 2000 with the Election of Bush. Assorted fatal systemic errors are killing it, and without a vital solution for a new and dynamic evolutionary revolution, all of humanity, including the elites, would die.

they need this revolution just as much as the rest of us.

And there is nothing they can do now to stop it, their only power is to try to censor it, control it, co-opt it, and fail, until we elect them out of office and then take back our government.

"Beasts of burden"? lol. Yes, the Collosophant. Carrying civilization forward on our shoulders while they the mere parasites lives off and on us.

It was a handy arrangement for them, but we could have crushed them at any time at our whim, and they have failed to realize this. The police in Oakland are realizing this. 50 mounted horses are just riot targets. Beat enough people up in front of a crowd of ten thousand, and it could just get a lot uglier than any fight they want to pick. WE THE PEOPLE are WAKING UP. And we are mad as hell, and we are not going to take it any more.

Snap. crack. krick. pop. 200 years of evil control. 200 years of dumble down. stretching. Creaking. splintering. When it breaks there will be no safe place for any oligarch to hide. their trillions of dollars will not buy them the elections any more and their lies will be known to the public and they will live in shame, and most of them will end up in federal prison.

When the bough breaks, the cradle will rock...

humpty dumpty...

a thousand metaphors and narratives. I'm glib today, actually, and reminded of this song, in 1776.



[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 13 years ago

There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come.

[-] 1 points by workingbuddha (14) 13 years ago

yes that is where it starts, within our selves...

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 13 years ago

Right on :)

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 13 years ago

Rise and shine :)

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"You are the Light of the World".

[-] 1 points by GreenbeltCarousel (15) 13 years ago

The 99 will rise and obliterate the working classes. Do not live until you die, but juice your organs for maximum obsolescence.

[-] 0 points by EsotericAgenda (34) 13 years ago

You Said it!!!! Thank YOU!!!!!

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 13 years ago

Right on! Actually Rick said it though :-).
