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Forum Post: To convene the National Assembly in Spring

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 7:32 p.m. EST by everest (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Dear friends, Why not to convene the National Assembly around Spring-Summer. And why not to organized the Tents? Put the "People" tent at the center, Around it other organized tents: "Think tank" tent. "National Unity" tent "Logistic, subcommittee and progressive media" tents "Union" tent "Middle class and American family" tent "Occupy world" tent You have to prepare for a national day of strike in future, And issue statement in solidarity of Greek working and middle class



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[-] 1 points by everest (3) 13 years ago

Dear friends, Why not to convene the National Assembly around Spring-Summer. And why not to organized the Tents? Put the "People" tent at the center, Around it other organized tents: "Think tank" tent. "National Unity" tent "Logistic, subcommittees and progressive media" tents. "Union" tent. "Middle class and American family" tent. "Occupy world" tent. You have to prepare for a national day of strike in future, And issue statement in solidarity of Greek working and middle class

[-] 1 points by everest (3) 13 years ago

Dear friends, Why not to convene the National Assembly around Spring-Summer. And why not to organized the Tents? Put the "People" tent at the center, Around it other organized tents: "Think tank" tent. "National Unity" tent "Logistic, subcommittees and progressive media" tents. "Union" tent "Middle class and American family" tent. "Occupy world" tent. You have to prepare for a national day of strike in future, And issue statement in solidarity of Greek working and middle class

[-] 1 points by everest (3) 13 years ago

Dear friends, Why not to convene the National Assembly around Spring-Summer. And why not to organized the Tents? Put the "People" tent at the center, Around it other organized tents: "Think tank" tent. "National Unity" tent "Logistic, subcommittees and progressive media" tents. "Union" tent "Middle class and American family" tent. "Occupy world" tent. You have to prepare for a national day of strike in future, And issue statement in solidarity of Greek working and middle class