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Forum Post: To be free - you have to stop thinking like a SLAVE!

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2012, 5:31 p.m. EST by rickMoss (435)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You have to stop thinking like a SLAVE! Or I promise you, nothing will ever change except for the worse...


Protesting is not enough. There is a better way to fight back.  


U.S. Citizens Read “Common Sense 3.1” at ( http://revolution2.osixs.org )

Non U.S. Citizens Read “Common Sense 3.2” at ( http://SaveTheWorldNow.osixs.org )

How else can I say this? "We Are Free!" http://WeAreFree.osixs.org "Spread the News"



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[-] 3 points by bojangles66 (1) 12 years ago

I must respectfully disagree. I think the way to change is for far more of us to become engaged politically. That means we need to vote every election and adequately research candidates. And if our elected representatives fail to represent us then we must vote them out and replace them with those who will.

[-] 4 points by rickMoss (435) 12 years ago

I must respectfully disagree. Been there - Done that. How many times do you have to run in a circle to realize that you aren't going anywhere. That's what politicians want you to beleive. When you think like a slave you get treated like a slave.


OsiXs (Revolution 2.0)

[-] 0 points by ftrp (-95) 12 years ago

good luck, the elections are fixed,.........by the democrats. to them, you are nothing but a slave.

[-] 3 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Exactly. Where are all the radical patriots?

[-] 3 points by Karlin (350) from Nelson, BC 12 years ago

I read about how "entire populations of slaves can be convinced that they are the most free people ever". Its time to shake off the beliefs and take a hard look at whats really going on.

How to control populations? Here are some ideas: Give them propaganda to read, keep them hard at work, illness, addictions, and keep them in fear by creating an enemy they cannot see [i.e."terrorism"]

[-] 3 points by rickMoss (435) 12 years ago

Here! Here!

[-] 2 points by rickMoss (435) 12 years ago

There are very few real patriots. Most people are ignorant cowards waiting for someone else to tell them what to do. Sheeple! You're going to have to figure this out for yourself. Common Sense is all you need.


OsiXs (Common Sense 3.1)

[-] 2 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Im wondering if this is how it has always been, and all we are missing are those handful of radical leaders that dont mind getting in the spotlight?

[-] 2 points by Karlin (350) from Nelson, BC 12 years ago

The "ruling class", the wealthy and powerfull, got to where they are by being ruthless, greedy, and by dominating others. They believe those are good qualities to have, because our political and economic systems reward that kind of behavior.

Because they have been taught, and rewarded, for being greedy, they are now unwilling to share. They have managed to aquire a huge slice of the pie that we all contributed to, but that is not enough, they want more, they will allways want more. 

Technology was supposed to help us all become prosperous by doing more work per worker, but alas the fruits and benefits that should have been the result of new technologies, and our abundant natural resources, and our labor, have been hijacked by the greedy ruling class.

Their greed and their wealth have caused the ruling class to become blind to the problems, either by justifying them or otherwise rationalising that things are the way they have to be... it is insanity, the wealthy have lost touch with reality.

We have to act soon, or they will destroy the world as we know it. That destruction is allready well under way.

[-] 1 points by ArnolfoAsako (25) from Salem, NJ 12 years ago

Good luck with that! Perhaps someone can start with the majority of these posters on here. Pretty mentally degrading and insulting individuals.. I'm just saying!.

[-] 1 points by rickMoss (435) 12 years ago

Good Luck to YOU! you're going need it...


OsiXs (Government 2.0)

[-] 1 points by ArnolfoAsako (25) from Salem, NJ 12 years ago

Do I know you?

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Come out, come out where ever you are.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Still waiting.

[-] 0 points by ArnolfoAsako (25) from Salem, NJ 12 years ago

An Appeal to the Soul of White America

Marcus Garvey 1923

Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God. MATT. V. 9

Surely the soul of liberal, philanthropic, liberty—loving, white America is not dead.

It is true that the glamor of materialism has, to a great degree, destroyed the innocence and purity of the national conscience, but, still, beyond our politics, beyond our soulless industrialism, there is a deep feeling of human sympathy that touches the soul of white America, upon which the unfortunate and sorrowful can always depend for sympathy, help and action.

It is to that feeling that I appeal for four hundred million Negroes (Asiatics) of the world, and fifteen millions of America in particular.

There is no real white man in America, who does not desire a solution of the Negro (Asiatic) problem. Each thoughtful citizen has probably his own idea of how the vexed question of races should be settled. To some the Negro (Asiatic) could be gotten rid of by wholesale butchery, by lynching, by economic starvation, by a return to slavery, and legalized oppression, while others would have the problem solved by seeing the race all herded together and kept somewhere among themselves; but a few—those in whom they have an interest—should be allowed to live around as the wards of a mistaken philanthropy; yet, none so generous as to desire to see the Negro (Asiatic) elevated to a standard of real progress and prosperity, welded into a homogeneous whole, creating of themselves a mighty nation, with proper systems of government, civilization and culture, to mark them admissible to the fraternities of nations and races without any disadvantage.

I do not desire to offend the finer feelings and sensibilities of those white friends of the race who really believe that they are kind and considerate to us as a people; but I feel it my duty to make a real appeal to conscience and not to belief. Conscience is solid, convicting and permanently demonstrative; belief is only a matter of opinion, changeable by superior reasoning. Once the belief was that it was fit and proper to hold the Negro (Asiatic) as a slave, and in this the bishop, priest and layman agreed. Later on, they changed their belief or opinion, but at all times, the con— science of certain people dictated to them that it was wrong and inhuman to hold human beings as slaves. It is to such a conscience in white America that I am addressing myself."

Somewhere in these words, I am sure you can find a true reason for living. Stop wasting your life away on here....it's MORONIC! I'm just saying!

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago


Get to the point Edith.

Last time I checked, it's not 1923 anymore.

[-] 0 points by ArnolfoAsako (25) from Salem, NJ 12 years ago

"To be free - you have to stop thinking like a SLAVE!" Slaves come in all creeds, colors, nationalities and economic status, in these modern days and times. Don't you know? It shows just by your responses! I'm just saying!

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

You obviously have that stop thinking thing down pat.

Still stuck in 1923.

I'm just sayin'.

[-] 0 points by ArnolfoAsako (25) from Salem, NJ 12 years ago

No, your leaders are....that's why you all remain confused, arrogant and angry. No one knows what the hell they're doing.

You answer with childish taunts, gibberish vulgarity and refuse to face the reality of facts. Yet, you have no answers for anything not even why you feel the way you do. When all else fails, throw out insults... There is no equality in this country, you know that. There is no sense of hope with this nation, you know that. You all are lost little lambs who stay on this forum ventilating, frustrated and feeling annihilated. So..in parting remember "To be free - you have to stop thinking like a SLAVE!" I'm just saying!....

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I'm not confused at all.

Not by your BS anyway.

I'm just sayin'.

You really should get your head out of 1923.

[-] 1 points by ArnolfoAsako (25) from Salem, NJ 12 years ago

To both of you powermongers. MAKE ME!

Look children, I didn't create this world, No matter how angry you get... It's still gonna move forward. What applied to 1923, applies to this day for all! Now all people are caught in the cross fire, but everyone! Can't you see what Marcus Garvey was trying to tell everyone? The descendants of "slave masters" have now become the modern slaves. This is not BS....this is reality!

I'm sorry you can't comprehend that ...but life will move forward, with or without your understanding. . Good luck to you all. I'm just saying.

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Make you what?

I'm just askin'.

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

You are such a little Drama Queen.


I'm not going to make you do a god damned thing. I'm just going to go back to ignoring your dumb ass.

[-] -1 points by ArnolfoAsako (25) from Salem, NJ 12 years ago

Why thank you for letting me join your club!

I'm just saying.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

You aren't saying anything at all. That is the problem.

It just pisses you off that I refuse to go along with your game plan.

[-] 0 points by ArnolfoAsako (25) from Salem, NJ 12 years ago

What? I'd rather play Halo! At least I'd get some real competition. You are funny!

I'm just saying

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

I want to make sure that I heard you correctly, you said: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3rvd95/

[-] 0 points by ArnolfoAsako (25) from Salem, NJ 12 years ago

Sorry, can't understand gibberish..... Got anything realistic I can latch onto?

Get back to me everyone when your parents get home...and then put them on the phone... : )

I'm just saying.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

If you can't understand gibberish, you should quit posting it.

I'm just sayin'.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by ArnolfoAsako (25) from Salem, NJ 12 years ago

Exactly.... as always being stated to you and your herd of Wildebeest...

Wake up! You're all falling off the cliff with your "SLAVE MENTALITIES" Watch and learn.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yZP6pHmMY4&feature=related

Are you all any different from them? No uniqueness of thought, no individuality, no ability to stand alone as a leader for yourself? I think not...the blind leading the blind.....or is it the ignorant leading the ignorant? I'm just saying.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago
[-] 0 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

So you like insults?

Go fuck yourself.

And have a great Thanksgiving.

[-] 1 points by ArnolfoAsako (25) from Salem, NJ 12 years ago

"To be free - you have to stop thinking like a SLAVE!" Slaves come in all creeds, colors, nationalities and economic status, in these modern days and times. Didn't you all know that? Where have you all been? Disney World?

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

So Freedom is ignorance.

I think you made it there already.

[-] -1 points by ArnolfoAsako (25) from Salem, NJ 12 years ago

Look in the mirror. Are you truly, truly free?

If so, why are you on this forum? I'm just saying.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I did, I did look in the mirror and found I needed a shave.

so I did.

You should try that.

I'm here in support of OWS.

Why are you here passing BS?

I'm just askin'.

[-] 1 points by zoom6000 (430) from St Petersburg, FL 12 years ago

Also Stop looking at the Rich people like they are from haven.,

[-] 1 points by Karlin (350) from Nelson, BC 12 years ago

I had sensed some frustration here with my posts about "each little issue" and I see it now - that doesn't seem to work, we do need a BIGGER approach. Maybe there are a few HUGE changes we could try to make before actually marching on Washington, guns ablaze [cuz we are almost certain to lose that battle].

BIG Changes, like the financial system - I just got wind of that report going around [it came out Oct 6th 2012] about "conjure away debt, and dethrone the bankers" - a major change in how the financial system works, and it starts off by just clearing off everybody's debts.

If it came down to a choice of "wiping out all debts but also taking all your savings - but leaving your property alone [possibly all mortgages erased too] WOULD YOU DO IT?? Most people would jump at the chance because they don't have much savings, but they have a pile of debt.

"Epic plan to conjure away debt and dethrone bankers" - http://www.earth-heal.com/index.php/news/news/98-banks/508-imf.html

And don't forget that Iceland DID THAT, more or less... Article - Iceland leads the way: http://www.yesmagazine.org/new-economy/iceland-busts-the-banksters

[-] 1 points by ericweiss (575) 12 years ago

violence solves nothing
democracy works
capitalism works
but not when democracy is CONTROLLED by crapitalism

[-] 2 points by rickMoss (435) 12 years ago

I hear what you're saying. So what's your plan to fix the problem that you just laid out. It's easy to spout off a bunch points and claim that you're on point. Problem is most people have no idea what the real problems are and they never offer the solution because of it. Everyone has a simple answer that aint worth a hill of beans. We need solutions. I like your point about violence solves nothing.


OsiXs (More Power and Technology to the People!)

[-] 2 points by ericweiss (575) 12 years ago

HERE IS THE WAY: the solution to severing money from democracy


70+ videos, 40+ documents

[-] 2 points by rickMoss (435) 12 years ago

Thanks for the link. But listen, our problems are huge. It's going to take extraordinary means and measures to deal with them. It's too late for simple things like resending laws and changing the constitution. It doesn't take 70+ videos or 40+ docuuments. One will do. It is the one with the answer in it.

Do you really think Your 70+ videios and 40+ documents can address this:

Sky rocketing debt, unemployment, underemployment, deficits, government failure, Economic systems failure, Financial systems failure, Market systems failure, Monetary systems failure, Social systems failure, Environmental systems failure, Ecosystems failure, corruption, greed, chronic recessions etc…

The only group of people with a new vision that addresses all our problems is OsiXs.

I'm done!

FIGHT THE CAUSE - NOT THE SYMPTOM OsiXs (Revolution 2.0 - The Smart Revolution!)

[-] 2 points by ericweiss (575) 12 years ago

You rattled off 15 very serious, complicated problems.
Can you point out ANY ONE that can not be facilitated by severing the link between crapitalism & democracy - MONEY

seriously - did you read anything or watch any videos from our site?
Lessig, Sanders, Justice Stevens, Chomsky, Thom Hartmann, etc etc etc

our OWS WG has a concrete goal & plan and we are DOING something to achieve our goal
our goal & our plan is clearly on our web site

specifically - WHAT IS YOUR goal & plan and what are you DOING to achieve your goal

[-] 2 points by rickMoss (435) 12 years ago

I'm promoting the best ideas I've ever seen in my lifetime. Your site and it's ideas, respectfully don't cutt it.Not even close. We need out of the box thinking. Conventional thinking brought us here to die. It won't get us out. Have you noticed that these so called uprisings all over the world are going nowhere. The same with OWS. The problems we face today are far beyond the comprehension of most people. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in this mess that most of us don't even see. My goal is to enlighten the masses. It will take extraordinary vision and courage to turn things around.

FIGHT THE CAUSE - NOT THE SYMPTOM OsiXs (Revolution 2.0 - The Smart Revolution!)

[-] 2 points by ericweiss (575) 12 years ago

Are you afraid to state specifics? promoting? enlightening? WTF does that DO?


can you find ANYTHING on our site that you disagree with? we have over 100 documents & videos from Chomsky, Sanders, Stevens, etc

[-] 1 points by rickMoss (435) 12 years ago

Why not just give you the source. WTF - can't you read and think for yourself. The choice is yours. I've done my job. You can lead a pig to water but I can't make you drink it.

These ideas and people that you promote are useless. These people ( Chomsky, Sanders, Stevens ) are very knowledgable. They are good at telling us what is wrong. The problem is they have no solutions. Get it! They don't have a nexus. OsiXs does. BIG DIFFERENCE!


OsiXs (Death by Technology)

[-] 2 points by ericweiss (575) 12 years ago

Sadly typical - blather wrapped in generalizations

If you actually study the 12 amendments proposed ( one by Sanders ) and conclude that stopping money flowing from capitalism to democracy is not relevant - ???????????????

Which amendment - on the OWS WG web site - specifically - do not contribute to solutions

[-] 0 points by rickMoss (435) 12 years ago

You must be stuck in a time warp or your head is stuck up your ass. The world is on fire and you want to dither. We've just had this dance for the last 30 years. Go do with someone else... don't forget the toilet paper.


OsiXs (Democracy 2.0)

[-] -1 points by Grimreaper2 (-318) 12 years ago

Sigh....this is why we need emoticons....