Forum Post: To all you Obama slimers -
Posted 12 years ago on March 2, 2012, 8:07 a.m. EST by bensdad
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Your employers will soon be giving you your new marching orders in this manual
As the author shows, while presidents and presidential candidates routinely have been subject to personal attacks, the outright disdain Obama’s extremist opponents have for the facts has inspired an insidious brand of character assassination & bigotry & otherism unique in contemporary politics.
Obama was born in Kenya . . .
Obama sympathizes with Muslim terrorists . . .
Obama is a communist who wants to institute death panels….
Obama wants to exploit class warfare…
The extent to which these lies have taken hold in the American mindset shows just how ruthless, destructive, and all-powerful the right-wing machine—hijacked by extremists in the media like Fox and fueled by corporate coffers—has become. The author reveals how corporate interests such as your employer, the infamous Koch Brothers continue to steer political coverage away from fact-based dialogue into the realm of hysteria and even insanity. Bill Press also observes this phenomenon is not limited to the airwaves and provides an “I Hate Obama Book Club” list, calling out the scores of anti-Obama tomes—and even some from the Left—that have helped drag politics even deeper into the mud.
In his characteristic on-the-mark arguments sure to appeal to anyone on the Left or in the Center, Press shows how the peculiar nature of Obama-hating subverts issue-driven debate and threatens not only the outcome of the 2012 election but the future of the American democratic system.
keep up the good work – especially now that your St. Andrew has gone to his just reward
My goodness, partisan politics pisses me off.
I'm the Democrat. Obama is not. He's a trojan horse traitor.
Go ahead and run to kick the football Lucy is holding (really holding this time). Ha, ha.
He doesn't even bother with the Constitution. The NDAA is totally unconstitutional. His saying that he signed it with reservations and will never apply it is such a joke. That's standard psyops -- a meaningless statement meant to placate the fools among the opposition to the law. Just as the lie that he would veto it was a pysop intended to prevent the NDAA opponents from organizing.
The powers that be got away with crime after crime that they couldn't have if McCain had been president. Obama is a disgrace.
Senator Levin said Obama asked for the "American Citizen Indefinite Detention Law" provision to be INCLUDED in NDAA. Here's what he said on the senate floor:
I wont even say how stupid that claim is. or maybe you are just lying?
"The NDAA is totally unconstitutional."
Of course, I may be wrong.
The "entire" NDAA has over 5000 sections.
Just prove to me that 50 of the 5000 sections are, as you say,
and I will publicly apologize. Otherwise, you admit you are stupid or admit you lied.
Somehow I'm not surprised that you (especially you) support NDAA. Not surprised at all..
You pass my troll test !
You twisted my truth into a lie.
are you a troll or an Rs ?
Lie? You mean saying that it isn't totally unconstitutional ? You know what that poster meant. You lie. No surprise there either.
I asked the poster for proof of his statement . Are YOU competent to answer it?
Mr Troll or Mr Rs ?
The "entire" NDAA has over 5000 sections.
Just prove to me that 50 of the 5000 sections are, as you say,
I don't think he really meant the total bill. The part about imprisoning amerikans indefinitely is the unconstitutional . Or are you incapable of figuring that out? Never mind. Go find some Palestinians to oppress.
I read what he wrote - not what he meant
you both are foxes ? or are you an Rs ?
Yes, it is this flaming, irrational, hatred of Obama. driven by these right wing extremists that has more than anything led me to advocate that we work for a democratic sweep in the next elections.
These people, and their agenda is truly veering towards fascism, and I am very suspiscious of those who, for whatever reason, discourage us to vote - if not for the Democrats then at least against this neo-fascist agenda.
Only from a position of realative pollitical stregnth, and the ability to influence the party in power, can we hope to achieve out ultimate goals, We must not limit our options for taking the fight to the oligarchy.
I encourage throwing your vote away on a third party over throwing your vote away on not voting at all, write-in gimmicks that aren't counted, or neoliberal Democrats. Don't let all your plans, however, hinge on the interests of the politicians. Centuries of history prove that's a damn dumb idea.
There is such a thing as political stategy, whether we like it or not, and that satrategy clearly dictates that kick the republicans and "blue dog Democrats" out to the best degree possible in November, or this movemnt will be crushed. I'm sure you know that as well as I, and that's why you're here.
Also, I don't need benevolent politicians to have a movement. We have something better. We have a movement not willing to bend to bullshit electioneering.
I'm not afraid of destroying the Democratic Party. If you can show me a politician that's willing to put himself out of a job in order to follow the people (in a binding way, not just rhetoric) or especially to create real democracy (not just "getting the money out of politics"), they'll have my vote. Otherwise the most obvious way to destroy their duopoly on politics is to vote the duopoly out. I see little reason in YET ANOTHER YEAR of falling into the same god damn trap.
I'm not afraid of doing so after the next election, but doing so before the next election would be completely self-destructive and idiotic, in my opinion.
Sounds like Deja Vu all over again.
How so?
It's long been the routine that THIS coming election just so happens to be the most important election EVER compared to the most important one before it. We can't possibly let the Republicans win this time, can we? Can we!?
Yes, we can.
Fuck them both, I say.
If any of them, as individuals, are willing to put their ass on the line in a meaningful way (which Obama has flatly avoided, most obviously exemplified by his acceptance of SuperPAC cash) to stand for principles and more importantly towards working for a more democratic government in real ways (election reforms, campaign finance reforms and IRV would be some pretty conservative changes), then they'll have my cautious support. What the hell does Obama offer besides not being a Republican? Anything less than deep institutional reforms to give power back to the people is yet further reason to ignore the politician as not worth filling the bubble next to their name to keep them in power (and certainly not for their whole circus!).
If we are so uncommited that we let a Democratic sweep of the next election prevent us from forming a third party afterwards, when we have time to do so, than who would we have to blame but ourselves?
You say to letting the Republicans win - "Yes we can." The wording of that is more revealing then you are aware.
Your position shows such a lack of appreciation of current reality that I can only believe you are either an idiot, or far more likely just another Republican plant beating the same "on message" drum we have been hearing for weeks now - "Don't vote Democrat."
This would just hand the entire field over to our adversaries before this movement even had a chance to make real change, and I'm sure you are fully aware of that.
I'm fully aware that our adversaries already HAVE the entire political field regardless of the D vs R ratio. I don't give a fuck about that ratio. I don't give a fuck whether a Democrat or a Republican even has the presidency. The only person I will vote for is a person whose primary goal is to create democracy and reduce this bureaucratic bullshit we see constantly. They are BOTH my adversaries until then. If that's going to be a Democrat, so be it. If that's going to be a third party, so be it. If that's going to be a Republican, be it. NO party nor politician has my loyalty.
Again, pending any changes to their bullshit routine, fuck them both.
Once again you seem not to take into question tactics, based upon the reality of the situation where we now stand. Would you mind putting forth an actual plan based upon your rejection of everything that actually is?
If you need it spelled out for you, here you go:
If the bureaucrats are willing and have a real plan to hand off power from themselves to the people, they'll have my vote. If not, I'd just as soon vote third party in the remote chance we'll get some new bureaucrats who'll step up to this responsibility. I'd not waste it on a pathetic tool like Obama, even if that means splitting the vote so that a different pathetic tool gets in. If that's a problem for them, I don't know, maybe they should consider fixing it eh? Why should I change my vote to fit a situation they created? That'd be a damn foolish tactic and a mistake we've made for far too long.
At the same time, even if they manage to get my vote, I won't wait for them to make the world better. I will assist populist movements like Occupy in any way I can. I will assist rank-and-file union movements in any way I can. I will assist those working for radical reforms to government in any way I can. I will assist the FOSS movement in any way I can, and co-ops in any way I can, etc. etc.
Thank you for spelling out your beliefs plainly. I don't agree with your first proposition, but I respect it. Your last paragraph has my complete agreement. We have the same objectives, just a differing view of tactics, and that's fine. We can't all agree all the time, and there's no reason that we even should.
I'm glad to have you with us in this fight:)
you don't get to be a presidential candidate of either the dems or reps if you are a radical reformer. anyone who thinks o will suddenly change is simply deluduing themselves. he's a professional politician.
He'd be hated a lot less if he wasn't a lair.
He had three years to act like he gave a shit... I don't know if everyone was expecting miracles, but good god, he hasn't even tried to live up to his promises. (Why is he appointing some Hollywood bimbo to be an Ambassador? well because she managed to raise a cool 500K for his election... then you wonder what else is going on).
These four men REQUIRE that you vote for Obama
If you don’t believe them,
…….ask Newt Gingrich or John McCain about Citizens United
…….ask the family of any soldier killed in Iraq about bush v Gore
Are you afraid to
……tell me why supreme court appointments make no difference ?
If you cannot see the difference between the democrats and the Rs –
.……and believe that President Gore would invade Iraq, or NOT read his PDBs –
…………..……………………………………………… are blind
If you want to do what Davis & Lee failed to do
……………..……………………………………….…….you are crazy
It's not just the "Obama Hate Machine" .... they HATE everyone ... including themselves ...
That's a good one. I believe you hit the nail on the head. Self-loathing drives their bigotry and hatred, which they cloak in patriotism and religion.
Well, you can tout him and cry foul all you want. The truth? You, nor anyone else, sees or hears Obama taking a stand against the broken machine and making any attempt to enlighten the masses as to the real problems. You don't hear any from DC speaking of "giving the government BACK TO THE PEOPLE", as all of them know reality and are keeping the big secrets to themselves and laughing all the way to the bank.
I KNEW when he was running and never made any mention of fixing what is broken, at the foundational level, AND GIVING GOVERNMENT back to whom it belongs, that he was nothing more than just another one, just like the other ones.
All of you know it too, regardless of how trying to believe otherwise makes things easier and more convenient for you to reconcile your own realities.
Blatant criminal atrocities gone unaddressed, blatant trampling on the Constitution is the norm, MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY... and the Bamsters' net worth puts them all in the middle of the corruption machine.
Truth is their emery and our ally, problem for them is that truth is easy to see once someone shows it to you.
Wwwwwwhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Sniff, don't you pick on our god anymore! The democrats will save us! They are good, wonderful, uncorruptable people!
GodDamn you people make me sick! You are just as fucking retarded as the rectal warts that still believe in the republicans. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!
In other related news!!!!!!! Harvard professor Dershowitz says Media Matters has crossed line 'into anti-semitism'
Read more:
We can take Unemployment from 6 % to 9%...Yes we can
We can take gasoline from $1.80 to $3.50/gal…..Yes we can
We can increase the national debt by $ 5 Trillion in 3 years…...Yes we can
We can get more people on welfare & food stamps…Yes we can
We can double the number of homes in foreclosure…Yes we can
We can eliminate 2 Million jobs from this country…Yes we can
We can give away $ 500 Million to Solyndra…..Yes we can
We can fly all over the country Campaigning on Air Force One…Yes we can
We can visit all 57states….Yes we can
We can down grade the US credit rating for the first time in history…Yes we can
We can increase the cost of heating oil to over $ 3.00 a gallon…Yes we can
We can decrease the sales of homes to its lowest level in 20 years.....yes we can
We can play the race card any time we want…Yes we can
We can run this economy without a budget...Yes we can
We can pass laws without Congress…Yes we can
We can create a health care bill that nobody wants…..Yes we can
We can cut our Military leaving the country weak…Yes we can
We can sit idly by while Iran builds nuclear weapons…Yes we can
We can discourage any drilling for oil in the US….Yes we can
We can go to Hawaii anytime we want For Free…..Yes we can
We can run semi-automatic weapons to Mexican Cartels in an attempt to circumvent the 2nd Amendment...Yes we can
We can quit smoking cigarettes…ooops….No we can’t
We can take the Dow Jones from 8,000 to 13,000 yes we can.
"It's money that I love....." R. Newnam
Let me know how the Dow is doing around June
gotta love that green's money that I love....
Don’t forget to collect your paycheck from your masters
Give it up. These people, every single one of them, would have Obamas baby if they could.
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