Forum Post: tired
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 9:36 p.m. EST by mishelh
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
is anyone as tired and fed up about things as i
noticed over the past 10 years the classifieds in the newspaper dwindled year after year. papers put ads from surrounding states just to fill the spaces up.
sites that post classified help wanted ads are mainly phony ads
if you have a family or you are 50 and over no one really wants to hire you considering you a drain on their health insurance or baggage if you have children they tend to take priority over the employer.
people that have jobs take on the work from those who are laid off in addition to their workloads along with a 30 percent or more paycut and larger contributions to medical deductibles.
produce that is grown local is not sold in the grocery stores like blueberries they are shipped from hundreds of miles away.
prices have been skyrocketing on food, gas, utilities, clothing
appliances and electronics do not last like they did when our parents purchased theirs.
i thought outsourcing was supposed to benefit us by keeping prices down, if we start taking imports more then all the shoes, furniture, textiles (towels etc), appliances, electronics, cars are going to be even more expensive.
why did our politicians put their own country and keep on putting their own country last ?
i read, listen and discuss with other families how they are doing and what is happening in the real world and it is scary. if someone is hard at work just trying to keep their job they do not have the luxury of time to read listen and discuss they refuse to realize what is actually happening and dismiss it as a conspiracy theory. and if they do get a chance to watch or listen to anything like mainstream news they do not hear the real truth or only a percent of the whole picture. it is quite sad.
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