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Forum Post: Tips on Dismissing Trolls: 5 Points outline

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 3:41 a.m. EST by radelato (36)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This WILL, and I repeat: WILL get blasted by the trolls, but I say we take some action. Right lads?

1 Don't feed them.

Obviously this makes forum threads long and boring or amusing but annoying (eventually). So if you spot a troll. Please don't feed the animals.

2 Vote down the post.

This is a democratic movement after all, So lets truly exercise our voting system here. Don't expect political to fix this problem.

3 Stay on point.

See a topic you like? continue the discussion, and make sure to mention the username so that it makes it easiest to follow (or paraphrase).

4 Let Troll Post Die on their own. See a post that obviously is made to incite a headache? Don't agree? don't respond! I skip over the ones with poor comments anyways...

5 Start a chapter! Find local revolutionaries near you! The forums bring together all sorts of people, don't they!

  • Find a local who you can share a conversation
  • invite others to join.
  • share the values of non violent and civic disobedience
  • spread the word
  • build a community
  • take action!
  • celebrate
  • eat, sleep and repeat.

I hope this helps!

Best Regards,

A fellow protester, supporter.



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[-] 2 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I suppose this goes along with #1 - I just refuse to engage with them after they start hurling insults. They don't want to engage in meaningful discussion anyway.

[-] 2 points by MeallaAoi (6) 13 years ago

Well said. And very well thought-out, as well. Cheers!

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Good post. I will adopt this policy to the best of my ability, especially the suggestions about voting them down (I largely ignore the vote up vote down arrows) and especially using the username in the reply. The way this is set up, once the thread gets so long, it's very hard to follow the true flow of the conversation. One thing, though. You probably shouldn't use the word "comrade." I just got reamed on one of the posts accusing OWS of being a Communist movement based on an article in "Get Off Wall Street" saying that very thing.

[-] 1 points by radelato (36) 13 years ago

Good point. and changed.

[-] 2 points by occubiker (5) 13 years ago

Excellent summary! I am guilty of being pulled in by the trolls because I feel so passionately about OWS. But that is no excuse. I will remember this post, radelato, and use it to guide my actions here towards the most positive results for OWS. What we post here has an effect on the entire movement, and I want my contributions to be empowering. >Ignore troll mode now activated!<

[-] 0 points by slinkeey (244) 13 years ago

eat, sleep and repeat...

There is more to life than that.. What a bunch of losers!