Forum Post: Time to vent
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 4:16 p.m. EST by buffalojohn
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
When you open a funf. You are told of the risks. I took a $16,000 loss on a fund I had for 15 years. I didn't get my money back, so I could reinvest it. See that is accountability. Wall Street takes risks. They just get the money back. If they make money. The world is good. When they lose. The world sucks. Yet they continue on the same path.Congess can't get a pass in this. They work for the people who voted them in . Not who gave tho largest donation. Enough with these 2 wars. Time to bring everyone home. I am looking to retire soon, but I'm told it's best to wait. Wait for what. The way things are going I'll be dead the next day after I retire. Why does anyone care what Alan Greenspan says. This guy should have gone to jail for some of his decisions.
John from the Bronx has spoken, I'll have more later