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Forum Post: Time to Think Big for a Visionary Future!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:57 a.m. EST by sbgreen (0) from Santa Barbara, CA
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Thinking Big for a Visionary Future

Once there was a US President at a time of great economic hardship. He was well-traveled, had witnessed much hardship and had compassion for those in need. He had a revolutionary new idea: That government could directly put people to work building useful projects.

Who was this president? No. It was Herbert Hoover. So, why do we laud FDR and curse Hoover?

Read the rest at http://www.swt.org/robert/writ/thinkingbig/



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[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

all depressions/recessions are deflationary. This economic downturn began when the banks stopped making loans. 97% of our money supply is actually a bank loan. Without money - business cannot operate.

[-] 1 points by JanC71 (36) 13 years ago

Hoover practically started the New Deal. FDR put it at full throttle. And it all prolonged the depression. That the New Deal got the US out of the Great Depression is one of the biggest lies in history. Learn about Austrian Business Cycle Theory and start to understand that you cannot spend and regulate yourself out of a depression. It didn't work then as it isn't working now.

