Forum Post: Time to take this to the next level!!!!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 11:32 a.m. EST by TheAX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
OWS has created a media stir. I work nearby but have not participated.
as far as I understand you are angry at the banks for being bailed out.
Guess what? RonPaul was against the bailouts too. And further more he wants to end the Federal Reserve, the mother of all banks. He wants to seriously change the way banking is conducted in the US. And he is the ONLY candidate who understands the abuses the banks have inflicted upon the system.
Who is RonPaul? He is currently a registered Republican because the system is stacked against Independents. He will work to fix your greatest concerns. But he needs your help because he is despised by his own party. Yes, he is despised because he does not go along with the game being played and he speaks the truth.
You have an opportunity for a major coup! register as a republican so you can vote in the primaries for RonPaul and make him the republican candidate. He will put your issues on the national stage, and when he defeats Obama he would enact REAL banking reform.
After the primaries you can easily change your voter registration back to whatever you are currently registered. Most states now allow you to fill out a form online to change your party affiliation.
Now is the time to take action!
- Find out where you are registered and when the republican primary is scheduled.
- change your party affiliation to republican
- Vote for RonPaul in the republican primary.
- Your efforts against the banks will be realized. RonPaul is the banks worst enemy!!