Forum Post: Time to stop and reevaluate
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 12:58 p.m. EST by happilyhopeful
from Nevada City, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Maybe we should stop the rhetoric and start looking for our common goals. Leaders are needed for this movement if it is to be effective. Ranting about the injustices gets us nowhere, Let's talk about goals to achieve. Anyone with any ideas?
The internet is a powerful tool. And with everyone having a cell phone these days, a real interesting idea would be to call off the visible OWS sit-in (or camp out) and organize a Flash Mob to show up, on a moments notice, on the steps of the capital or in the lobby of the wall street building, or in the lobby of the SEC chairman, etc..
Lets say a thousand people could be massed at the front door , or the entrances, of the stock exchange maybe 1/2 an hour before the workes show up. This would make news, cause mass confusion and demonstrate in a peaceful way that people with a cause can be organized and make a statement.
Also, after a few hours, the entire protest should end . Everyone separate and move to neutral ground. Then at lunch time, remass somewhere else. Stay on the move. New York is a target rich environment.
Protesting on Saturdays or Sundays will not make the impact or cause the confusion a weekday protest would.