Forum Post: Time to start community trials of Corruption
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 6:45 p.m. EST by leavethecities
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It is time to start community trials of corporations, individuals, and government officials/bodies for corruption. The charges can be bribery, influence peddling, cronism, supporting millionaire donars, favortism, stealing from the public, getting special tax breaks, unfair advantages because of lobbying, graft, kickbacks, taking corporate money for influence, interlocking directorates, stacking boards, bailouts, revolving doors, gov insider trading, corporate insider trading, congressional insider trader, cronism, unethical government and corporate activities. Nominies include geitner, paulson, goldman sachs, bush, obama, many congressman, exxon, and many so called leaders in power. 9 juriors picked at random, a lawyer for the defense if the charge does not provide a lawyer a prosecutor and judge to be given. All trials to be public and held in the community videotaped and streamed. Charges to be specific and substantiated. Lets show the 1 percentors for who they are.
:)))) stop corruption.. no peace until the corrupt are held to account
Dumb idea is dumb
You must have some corp or gov people you would like to protect
Yup you're 100% correct. You don't sound like a paranoid nutbag, no.
I just think we need to start judging people based on their actions
Any one down with OPP for PREZ.
You may start here:
Cool I can see this is the beginning we really need to get people to act against corruption
Thank you for your support.
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one more try im just a bill
It's a start...better than what we have now, which is nothing.
All quiet on the western front
Thanks I thinking bringing public focus and ire will further the movement
Agreed. Needs local action, but has to have coordinated scope and support. Ideas generate ideas...don't understand people who feel threatened by that concept