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Forum Post: Time To Shit Or Get Off The Pot?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 6:28 a.m. EST by owstag (508)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

So, after - what - 5 weeks, what has come of all this? Are you going to camp out in Zucotti Park forever?

Seriously; is there a point to this?

Yeah, we all know there are some reasonable issues here (principal among them the fact that the influence of the wealthiest 1% on politicians makes a mockery of the democratic process). But at this point the whole camp out thing and the lofty calls to 'general assembly' to argue over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin seems increasingly much ado about nothing.

At this point I feel like I'm watching the looped clip of the same inane shit every day, grandiose announcements, people trying to reenact Woodstock, many weirdos and trustafarian types and radical chic celebrities and the occasional wise remark here and there.

So, what is going to happen this week that will be different than the last 4?



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[-] 1 points by alfi (469) 13 years ago

I follow you and a few other users on this forum (because you guys all posted comments on my posts) and all you guys ever do is post negative comments and start negative threads - may I ask, who hired you to do this, and how much of your precious money did they pay you?

[-] 1 points by owstag (508) 13 years ago

You're being paranoid. The question is perfectly reasonable.

As far as only posting negative posts, you're wrong. I initially posted only positive posts, but have become increasingly disillusioned with this thing as it lingers on with more silliness than substance. A couple of times a day I see something that makes damn good sense, and when that happens, I get a bit of the enthusiasm I had for this when it started. But let's face it, there's been more nonsense than reason here.

There's so much more cranky shit on these boards than good ideas (though there are some really great ideas here and there). Just a moment ago there were people praising Ahmadinejad for crisakes.

There was the potential for something awesome here but it's becoming merely... strange.

Sorry, I'm just being honest.

[-] 1 points by alfi (469) 13 years ago

I'm sorry too, I realize now that you are being honest, i guess your bitterness is due to overexposure to too many people all yapping away, However, it still doesn't change what you said.