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Forum Post: Time To Occupy K Street

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 7:52 a.m. EST by nickm11 (27)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Perhaps it's time to shine some light on the cockroaches of K Street. Eventually Occupy will have to go political and Congress is the only place where real political action takes place.

Unfortunately, Congress is bought and paid for by the lobbyists of K Street. We need to photograph and document where these democracy thieves go and who they do business with.

We need to have another section on this board to show who is talking and buying our elected reps.



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[-] 2 points by belltor (60) 13 years ago

Totally agree. The occupiers should declare themselves lobbyists for the 99%. All members of congress need to be confronted and forced to respond to their positions on fully funded public campaign financing. K street lobbyist should be shadowed on every meeting they have with congressional members or the staff of congressional members.

[-] 2 points by historynerd (2) 13 years ago

Right on! It's time to bring the full weight of #OWS to Washington.

[-] 1 points by nickm11 (27) 13 years ago

We need a new section called:

"Cockroaches of K Street"

[-] 1 points by aahpat (1407) 13 years ago

Egg their buildings.