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Forum Post: Time to move into the Internet Age

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 9:29 a.m. EST by EdmondSeymore (101)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

OWS: It is time to move into the Internet Age. The tactics of the 1960's are not going to cut it in 2011.

You have the nations attention; it is now time to get support for an action plan.

First, find a single voice: I cannot decide which web site speaks for the movement. Select one and stick to it. Select the best application software with the most function. I like the forum at http://www.occupyr.com/ for the ability to see all posts from an individual.

Second, add enough topics to focus attention to various issues which need to be addressed: Objectives, Problems to be solved, Solution discussion for each problem, Actions to implement the Solutions, Priority of the actions and an overall Plan to be successful.

Third, debate the issues online for all to see and participate.

Fourth, publicize the Process and the Plans.

Implement a way for the general public to weigh in on the contents.

Then, get our elected officials involved in implementing the Plans.

Wall Street is neither the problem or the way to Solve the Problem. Government is both the problem and the key to getting a solution.

The voice of the people can make a difference; but first we need Consensus. That is your job. Get the message right and the people will follow.



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