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Forum Post: Time to March to all 50 State Capitols and the Capitol in Washington D.C.

Posted 12 years ago on March 23, 2012, 3:23 p.m. EST by freedomanddemocracy (72)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It's time that people from all fifty states march to their state capitols and demand an end to greed and corruption in local and state goverment. Hundreds of thousands of people to march to all fifty state capitols and end with caravans by the thousands in Washington D.C. on May Day, the 1st of May to protest and bring an end to greed and corruption in Washington, the halls of Congress, Wall Street, Big Banks and Corporations! The American People are tired of being pushed around by the elitist people now in control of our local, state and national goverments. We all need to turn out by the millions in November 2012 and take our goverment back from those who get elected and then turn their backs on the same people who elect in order to serve the elite and stuff their pockets with kickbacks, bribes from lobbyists, special-interests, corporations and millionaires and billionaires intend on turning this country into a giant corporation they control with no rights,regulations,rules or goverment!



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[-] 0 points by Secretariat (33) 12 years ago

""NATO is staging "Massacre of Christians in Syria by Muslims", by bringing Al Qaida and other radical Islamists to Syria, in order to initiate a war, where they can nuke Iran, give a lesson to rising China, control Middle East oil resources, and allow some people to print as much money as they wish by using petrodollars, so they can control the society and the world through their wealth and power. This will also allow capitalism to continue by breaking the Eastern and the Socialist spirituality which is growing around the world and which is the biggest threat to capitalist ruling elite. ""

[-] -1 points by hvncb (24) 12 years ago

Get a clue, you're electing corporate officers masquerading as "government officials." It's not "your government" and you're not a citizen. Marching is a waste of energy which they want you to do....occupy!