Forum Post: Time to hit the RESET button
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 5, 2011, 1:05 a.m. EST by Goldmansucks
from Clifton, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What if Wall Street's computers stopped working? What if Goldman Sach's mainframe and hard drives got erased? What if the credit card companies and DHS fusion centers had to start from scratch?
We need to hit the RESET button and erase the nightmares of this past decade. Be free my friends; go play!
"Fight Club" fantasies aside, this is a great way to have us all labeled terrorists and disappeared to military prisons. Need I say it's not a productive tactic?
Yo do you want people like me to stockpile more ammunition. Are you trying to divide us. I wont evan click on the links I can tell by the name I dont want to know what is on the other side. Listen if you need instructions on that kind of stuff you dont need to be doing it!