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Forum Post: Time to Form a New Political Party

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 3:07 p.m. EST by Sbmizzle (5)
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Republicans and Democrats alike are funded by, and act on the best interests of the top one percent. The wealthy have two parties representing them in Washington. It's time for the ninety-nine percent to choose our representative party. Currently the best thing that could happen for the one percent is that the movement become polarized. Their logic works this way:  "Keep the population divided, make them think they only have two options - the two that we give them. Then either evil they choose they will be working in our best interest."

Already the democrats are circling around like vultures offering their sympathy in hopes of mobilizing the movement for their campaign. All the while they continue to dine with millionaires and accept their money. See this article in today's New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/11/us/politics/wall-street-protests-gain-support-from-leading-democrats.html?pagewanted=2&_r=1&ref=todayspaper

The republicans are also sure to make their stance known to their constituents to imply that there must be a "side" taken. Afterall, there needs to be a healthy distance between the left and the right. There can only be one or the other. And by keeping Americans so obsessed with issues of left vs right we forget that there is also a top and a bottom. Most of us are at the bottom yelling at eachother over the fence and we forget to look up and see that we are all being manipulated by the same few at the top who are holding the strings.

Left vs right needs to stop. In a democracy there is strength in numbers and the purpose of a party is to unify the numbers who share the same ideology, interests, and needs. My friends, we have the numbers. And the values. And the needs. Let's form a party. Let's choose someone to represent US. Someone who isn't funded by millionaires, but supported by us. Left and right unite and take the strings out of the hands of the democrats and republicans who are representing the top. 

Let's seriously consider the words of Columbia University professor, Jeffrey Sachs.  Check out this video on YouTube:




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[-] 1 points by markv114 (3) 13 years ago

If more than the meager 30% of the population voted, more than 2 parties would exist. We need to throw all the bums out and start again.

[-] 1 points by SKH (3) 13 years ago

On the thread here http://occupywallst.org/forum/detailed-list-of-demands-overview-of-tactics-for-d/ Demand 9 is: "RE-ESTABLISH THE PUBLIC AIRWAVES IN THE U.S. SO THAT POLITICAL CANDIDATES ARE GIVEN EQUAL TIME FOR FREE AT REASONABLE INTERVALS IN DAILY PROGRAMMING DURING CAMPAIGN SEASON." I strongly support some clear demand like this, including language that expressly extends it to all political candidates, or at least those who can clear some (reasonably low) bar. The Two-Party system has a death-grip on American politics. Moreover, the 1% is able to continue to exercise power in part because the viable options in American politics are continually restricted to an pitifully narrow range of the political spectrum, all the while providing a dumbshow spectacle of "debate."

[-] 1 points by bluefish (24) from Spokane, WA 13 years ago

Have you checked out http://www.americanselect.org/? NO PAC monies, no lobbiests, just people.