Forum Post: Time to change the B.I.G.O
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 3:20 p.m. EST by BIGO
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A person earn $18k year can build family house with swimming pool, while the other earn $45k year is struggling to maintain family of four. Will the first live outside United States and the other is. This is not hypothetical it's real. This all due to the B.I.G.O. Banks and bankers Insurance companies and agents Government rules and taxes Oil and gas companies Any thing you buy use or own, one or more of the "BIGO" will be link to it. Banker processing fee over banking and loans. Penalties, high interests over loans and credit cards. High commission and bonuses on others crisis. Insurance companies linked to all aspects of our life's from birth to death, crisis to celebrations. They made records profits and they still increase their prices. Government continue to share our income, decrease services, tailor laws to profit BIGO and enforce pass the the need. Finally the oil and gas companies, the inflated price in the name increase demand around the world. Change the BIGO will save the people.