Forum Post: Time to Call The Whambulance
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 4:58 p.m. EST by teddyr
from Bronx, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So instead of writing your posts, you should writing and calling your reps everyday to inform them to cut government spending, simplify the tax code, and get out of the way. If everyone does that then the complaining about your woes will have a chance. If you believe going to a protest or sitting somewhere is going to do anything think twice.
Learn your history of this nation my friend!
The problem is how our system has already been corrupted. Our voting machines can be manipulated without a trace
The SCOTUS has ruled that private property can be confiscated under Eminent Domain by the Government and handed over to private corporations.
Third party candidates have to SUE to get television airtime.
Our representatives have to sell their integrity in order to win office... otherwise they won't generate the money needed to win election.
Writing our reps is NOT going to fix the problem at this point.
Why don't read the Federalist papers? Read the arguments for the Founding fathers. You might learn something.
can you point to the exact part you're referring to? I dont know where in the Federalist Papers that they talked about electronic voting machines being built without the obvious need for a papertrail, or the use of television marketing, or hundreds of thousands of dollars needed to win seats in the House.
Oh, you forgot to mention the space program too.
teddyr, I have been writing to my reps and senators for some time. It doesn't cut it. There are some very honest and upright people in office. There are also a lot of others who go into politics for the money and respect it garners. Our election system rewards those who spend the most money. The candidates who typically get the most are the ones willing to sell out.
It's not just the candidates, the political parties have been corrupted too. Our politicians nominate/appoint the SCOTUS... and considering their rulings, they are totally subservient to big business.
We need to take more drastic action at this point.
I have to test you to see where you stand: Do you believe the Obamacare bill that requires people to buy insurance is Constitutional?
In my opinion? No.
However, it could easily be skirted by requiring people to decide on their 18th bday. If you opt-in, you're in. If you opt-out... then you're out forever.
Personally, I am against socialized healthcare because I think the moment I pay for your healthcare, I get a say in what you can or cannot do... and I value freedom too much for that. That said, our current system is so bad, at this point I would take socialized healthcare.
What I'd like to know, is why we don't simply just require any new health insurance company to be non-profit in perpetuity. Should we really be making money on people's misfortunes? I'd also like to see State Practice Acts changed. Why are only doctors allowed to order lab work? Right now, if you break a finger... you go to your doctor who sends you to xray. A different doctor reads the xray (radiologist) and gives the results to your personal doc. That's 3 doctor charges accrued... when you might have just ordered the xray yourself and consulted someone else. The competition would have doctors policing themselves, would encourage job growth via new specialities, and lower prices by being more efficient. Of course, you'd have to worry about snakeoil quacks, but malpractice lawsuits and internet reviews could be used to force bad practitioners out of business.
So do you work for free? Would you put in any more effort than the bare minimum if you knew that you would not get paid for doing more work? Why don't you look to other countries the UK, Australia, and others. There are 2 systems: public and private. Up to you use the public and get hacked up.
Teddy, I'm a nurse and have worked in inner-city ER/trauma centers all over the USA. Like I said, I'm against socialized healthcare in theory... but our current system is a frankenstein monster. It's a hodge-podge mess of different system that was lumped together. Our system is not working and is failing the majority of citizens.
I'd like to think we could come up with a better system than other countries, but right now I would take ANYTHING better than what we have now. If you had seen my last paragraph above, I was advocating private reform, not a public system.
First thing to start with is to remove the government from the system. I am pretty sure you have banged your head against the wall while the hospital was installing a useless IT system mandated by the government.
I'm a Libertarian not an Anarchist. Government still has a place. The goal is small government, not non-existent government.
We need military defense, the courts and jails (I'm against privatized jails). I think you can also make arguments for public libraries and voucher schools. Regulations are needed to protect the freedoms and liberties of citizens (like from corporate influence/abuses of power).
Actually, no. Prior to the Bush initiative, hospitals all used different charting methods. Getting information on a patient from one system to another was a major pain in the ass if not impossible. It took forever (hours/days/weeks).
Now, we have information easily and quickly available (as in minutes) and it saves lives. Of course, on the bad side, it has caused radiologists to have their jobs outsourced because now xrays, catscans, and MRIs can be quickly read in Australia or India at a cheaper rate during midnight shifts (in-house radiology is still used during day hours because they're needed for special procedures)... (on the bright side, that lowered medical costs).
So, the government has to step in and mandate this? No hospitals had this before?
Different hospital systems used different programs that were not compatible (if they used computers at all... many still used the paper/pen charts until recently).
ever heard of the arab spring? fucking protests! never getting anything accomplished! let's all sit behind our computer screens and email the elected officials that have failed us!!!
long live being a part of a broken system!!!!!
The written word is the most powerful thing. Protests solve nothing. OWS would be more viable if they spent their time calling, emailing, and supporting new candidates. The tools to fix the system are available.
I agree that written word is powerful, you're foolish if you think protests don't spread awareness on important issues that normally go unspoken.
Yup... I think OWS should have a hunger protest.
most definitely...i thought protests solve nothing? haaaa
Have you checked out their donation page. Pretty damn picky only wanting vegan food.
you're a fucking joke, if i didn't make that perfectly clear.
hahahaha. You mad? Calm down. It is common to get mad when others prove you wrong. Grab snickers and chill.
non-violent protest is fantastic! look at how fast the word is spreading around the country and the world.
the system only listens to you if you've got money. it's the same everywhere. when's the last time you wrote your rep and got an answer teddr? i've written many times and when i did get an answer it was a machine not a human.
if you don't like this movement just get out of the way because there's no way you can stop it, sorry
I have written many reps and even received phone calls. Therefore you might look into replacing your representative.
well teddyr you are a very special case to merit phone calls. you must admit these protests are getting people fired up and you can bet the govt is monitoring all this too, so they're aware as well. the ows has started a national debate of which we are a part and that's very good.
Hey, I am a cool guy. What can I say?
your modesty is inspiring
teddyr why are you against these protests? do you believe our system is not corrupted by corporate interests. do you think commonsensical would stand a chance against corporate supported candidates?
Good call. I've written countless letters to my Congresswoman Kay Bailey Hutchinson, and I have been ignored. Only ONCE have I received a reply, and it was obviously automated and did not address the grievances in the letter it was intended to respond to. So... you got a better idea than protesting and spreading the word to non-protesters?
Run for office. Looks like you have a few good points to start with now.