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Forum Post: Time is ripe to address social justice issues - Mahinda Rajapaksha

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 4:40 a.m. EST by DRSTNDESILVA (4) from Colombo, Western Province
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Our coloured, third world President H.E. Mahinda Rajapaksha has stressed the above title at the 17th South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation meeting last week in his own words. Sri Lanka as a third world country has understood unemployment, homelessness, social injustice better than Presidents' of European Union and USA. Therefore, lower and middle class people must unite immediately to chase these greedy politicians from power as early as possible using Arab Spring-type democratic uprisings. For that, please use all the available forums, online forums, SMS (text messaging), given by the security agencies to get information of the society. By highlighting Article 23 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, you can mobilize school children, university students, unemployed people and underemployed people in your own territory.

If Sri Lanka's President is more concerned about social injustice than developed nations, there is some paradox in the politics of USA and the European Union with double standards; one policy for the 1% American dollar tycoons and another policy for 99% ordinary public. Therefore, this discrimination must be eliminated within 5 to 10 years by giving 100% wrong business tips to dollar tycoons so that the stock exchange will crash day by day and make it possible to create a socialist open market economy (scientific communism).

Silvio Berlusconi just got kicked out on 13 November 2011, on the death anniversary of Sri Lankan comrade Rohana Wijeweera, which shows a good astrological prediction for scientific communism which is to be introduced by the Chinese communist party and the Bolivarian revolution through Arab Spring-type social mobilisations.

Don't be a spectator, but a partner to this struggle to topple American dream. Keep in touch. 21/28 Polhengoda Gardens, off Polhengoda Road, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka.

God bless you for the betterment of mankind under socialist, open market economy!


Dr. S.T.N. DeSilva



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[-] 0 points by stevo (314) 13 years ago
